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More Canadian issues....

 I love people who are against credit scores and overdraft fees. Thats sarcasm and I say this as someone who has had a shit credit score for many years. Yes credit scores are annoying, they have kept me from phones and credit cards. They made me angry but I do understand them. The banks are not going to give money to someone who isn't going to pay it back. Companies aren't going to issue credit if you can't pay it. A lesson I learned. Right here I have to say thanks to Capital One and Bell for taking a chance. Oh and BMO as well. The system does need an overhaul though. If a person shows legit payments that should count for something. If you have been working hard and it shows, companies IMO should try and work with the person. I know micro loans worked very well in Bangladesh and could work here as well. A small loan paid back would show the person is trying and might be worth taking a risk on. Also to the people mad about credit scores, keep in mind loans before were based on "How good a person was" Joe worked hard so he got a loan, his son Tim could get one cause Joe was a good guy. If you can't get a loan now probably wouldn't then either. Also ya overdraft fees are fair. You are spending money that you don't have! There will be a cost for that. Saying all that, the system is screwed. Getting out of debt is hard and getting harder. Plus if you have some cash, you get a leg up. For example 6 years ago I COULDN'T get a decent credit card. Capital One risked on me, making me put $500 down and a tiny limit but it did slowly help. I got a job where I needed a good credit card and still no one but BMO would risk it now. I went with them and started spending thousands a month but I got a cheque from my work to pay it off. Within a couple years everything changed. Now all the major banks throw cards or lines of credit at me. It really feels nice telling them to suck it. I don't need or want them now. Credit score has went way up.... Truth is this isn't really fair. I am not doing it, but it looks great for me. The truth is I am lucky and I realize this, many aren't. So I see it both ways, I understand why credit is so hard to get. (Yes it made me so angry until someone helped me out) Also I see how the system is broke and we really need a better way to deal with debt and credit.

Let them fight. I read Freedom by Sonny Barger. He actually had a lot of good points but some were pretty out there to me. Like let politicians fight? Yes watching Justin Trudeau get punched in the face would make me happy but we aren't animals. Then I spend a lot of time online seeing "Dark Brandon" pics and Trump trading cards. AT this time I am gonna say fuck it. All these people legit think that Brando and Chump are legit bad asses. SO let them fight. When we all see how pathetic it would be MAYBE some peoples insanity will die off. Maybe. I mean I think they both end up falling down and not getting up with 0 actual punches thrown. I am sure some die hard chumptards and dark brando fans declare it a win but I predict some hot belly on belly action ending in snoodling and hopefully less stupidity from the world..... So I cant believe I support this but let them fight.....

I have mixed feelings on the Bilodeau murder trial. The Metis hunters murdered in the news recently.... Not on the outcome, they got off light! Should have been first degree all around. I am saying it becomes premeditated murder when you follow a truck up the highway and call someone to bring you a gun. These dumb cocksuckers even make it hard for legit legal gun owners. I defend gun rights as much as I can then you have idiots do this. Anyways ya its first degree murder. You chase someone, you call someone for a gun and gun them down. Then you shoot another person because they witness it?? That's not manslaughter or second degree that is cold premeditated murder. Had things been different maybe not. Had they gotten out of the truck on the Bilodeau land MAYBE and it would be a stretch self defense. I 100% people have the right to defend themselves. I know the feeling of "danger" is hard to define. What scares one person another might laugh off but when you chase someone down that's murder. Anyways what I am rambling at is yes I support peoples rights to defend themselves & I can live with the fact this may have dire consequences. It should just be common sense though, you shouldn't be trespassing. If you go somewhere your not supposed to be things may go bad..... This case though, murder. When you destroy the gun afterwards, that's murder. That's the scene from the godfather when Vito smashes his gun after killing the don. You don't destroy evidence unless you know you did wrong. It goes both ways though. IF you gun someone down EVEN in self defense there should be some consequences. A trial or something, if it is ruled you were in actual danger, you should be free to go. If you way over reacted maybe manslaughter (If it was defense!) Also just listening to pods on Colten Boushie. This one is tricky... As I said I believe that people have the right to defend themselves & it is a fact they were on Stanleys land trying to steal vehicles. Ergo they should be able to defend themselves. A bullet to the back of the head close range range though? Thats a mob style hit. Stanley firing warning shots, chasing the 2 other men off his land. I have 0 problems with. Fuck those guys. That bullet to the back of the head though, that ones hard to swallow. Maybe have to read more into this and get back to ya'll.  

Cidiots is one of my favorite phrases these days. Thinking if you don't understand what it is, you might be one.

I have said it before and I am sure I will again. The freedom convoy was not an illegal occupation and not everyone you disagree with is a Nazi. There is an account on twitter that claims he is non partisan yet every tweet is either how great Castreau is or how bad Cons. are. So your not partisan, why claim it?? Anyways reading about the illegal occupation of Ottawa makes me mental. Weekly if not daily we see the destruction in Ukraine but people here are still crying about a legal protest. I really just want to tell these cry babies hopefully you never in your life see anything like Ukraine and real trauma. Not bbqs and bouncy castles.... I freely admit YES it did have some bad elements show up as any protest will. Not every BLM person looted and rioted some did but we are asked to not paint them all with the same brush by the same people who want to says everyone in the convoy was a terrorist. The thing is had it been an illegal act the police or military would have been called in but they couldn't. It wasn't until a wannabe dicktator realized they weren't leaving he used an unpopular war measures act to move them. ALSO not everyone who you disagree with is a Nazi. The simple fact is most these little antifa "bad asses" would legitimately PISS THEMSELVES if they were dealing with the black outfitted deathhead wearing Nazis. They weren't the cosplaying tough guys on the right wing you see now. A little over weight, maybe not super educated, mostly filled with hate for reasons they don't even understand just they have been told to hate for generations. Real Nazis were a deadly and efficient murder machine. There would be no sucker punching one and running to hide behind friends, they would simply kill you and your friends, without blinking. So just stop saying your fighting Nazis. Your not. Possibly your grandfather did and he risked everything to do so, he was a real hero. Also he didn't hide his face. Generally if you are doing something good, something that makes the world a better place you don't hide your face. 

Who knew something like a video game could start so much shit, not even related to gaming..... So Hogwarts Legacy came out last week and of course social media goes nuts against it. Even with good reviews the "trans" community wants to boycott it or post a bunch of spoilers. Way to make people dislike you. First off, don't like Rowling don't buy it. The fact is she has more than enough money if it didn't sell a single copy it wouldn't hurt her. So the only thing your doing is probably holding yourself away from a decent game. Or post spoilers, fuck you, you fucking losers. I am still gonna play it just have less respect for you that's all. The most amazing thing is your all mad about science. I posted this on social media and wow does it get a response. I was corrected, your right there are more than 2 genders. There is now a million made up genders, HOWEVER no matter how many stupid memes you want to post or say I am wrong there are 2 sexes. Male or female. (Actually that's wrong to. There is intersex but that is a VERY small amount) That is biology, sorry. I am sorry if Rowling hurt your made up gender, I am sure if you go around ruining this for others that will get you a lot of "allies". Let me be 2000% honest. I will be your "ally" in fact you can identify as what ever the fuck you want. A god damn table lamp for all I care, just quit pushing it on everyone. What you think you are has no affect on me and I don't care, enjoy your life. I don't spend days screaming, I am a real boy! You don't need to constantly tell me your pronouns. If you can show respect for everyone, I can show respect for you. Gays, Bisexuals, Trans this has been around for thousands of years. To the people mad at drag story time, the ones who might be white supremacists' and site things like roman as how great we were... Ya they were doing way kinkier shit than drag story time back then..... Anyways what I am getting at is this has been going on for a long time. The issue is trying to push it all over now. New born babies don't need books like bye bye binary. If you truly are gay, trans, bi. You will know it, it won't be some thing society has pushed on you. It may not be a popular statement but I truly don't believe a lot of these gender and sexuality issues are real. We have people forcing there beliefs on everyone and ya people trying to figure out who they are in life give it a try. Then they get molded into being militant about it. I tried different things, trying to discover who I am. I am guessing generations growing up now are the same just feeling a lot more pressure! Anyways way off topic but if you want "allies" don't be a cunt. Also there are 2 sexes, deal with it!

Texts books are great! Theories are great but don't always translate into the real world. I think a lot of people should try and understand this... Highly educated people may be smart and centered in urban areas. However if something isn't feasible in real world application, it is actually useless. I am learning this doing university courses. We are spending more time teaching people what to think rather than how to think and that is dangerous. Communism is a perfect example of this, on paper YES everyone should want it a perfect world, the reality is very different.

I guess twitter is were washed up radio hosts go to die. I am talking about Dean Blundell and Charles Adler. Chuck was a respected host for many years and now he just seems to be constantly tweeting against Pierre Poiliverre. Which honestly is fine, I am sure daily I remind the world how stupid Justin Trudeau is. However a day ago I lost any respect for the old fella. A German government member Christine Anderson is shown in pics with Conservative MPs. 100% she is far right, further right than our main stream parties so Chuck asks why Pierre is letting his MPs be seen with a German Fascist. I say a lot of dumb things but that kinda crosses a few lines. Chuck I dare ya to go to Germany and call someone who is not a Nazi, a Nazi. See if you don't get punched in the face. You legitimately want to insult Germans and imply the CPC has Nazi ties. The bloodiest period in human history, a war that over 40,000 Canadians died in and thats what you say? Dude take your dementia pills, have a jello puddin pop then take your old man nap and shut the fuck up. Also the algorithm is working, I had never heard of Dean Blundell, which is fine because the whole shock jock schtick ended in the late 90s early 2000s. Now every dumb tweet he posts pops up on my timeline. The problem is I think he wants to be like Uncle Hack and the Danger Cats but from a liberal point of view...? Over the years I have grown to like Hack BUT I would not go to him for actual facts or news. Blundell well he wants to be Hack but he also wants people to take him seriously. Pick a lane moron, if you wanna be a mouth piece, then have at it. If you want people to take you serious maybe stop being a mouth piece. The fact is you just come of as a clown. I wasn't going to include this last one but he got my blood boiling. He implied people that do the RAPP. (Registered Apprenticeship Program) basically are all dumb and will end up on EI with fuck Trudeau stickers on their trucks. Well first off Fuck Castreau. I know a lot of people who make a lot of money and are very smart that say fuck Trudeau. Second years ago I had the chance to go into the RAPP program and I reacted like this clown, mocking it. A couple years later I was still making minimum wage and the guys that did it were in first and second year. Living a much better than me. Looking back, I was the dumbass. Now I have spent 20 plus years in a trades adjacent job. The fact is I do pretty good. For years was decent, last few years have been very good to me. I am guessing mouthpieces on twitter, probably not making what a journeyman makes. Lets put money aside though. First off the trades keep shit rolling, even if the NDP don't think so. Second not everyone is dumb in them by any means. I am so tired of that stereotype. Sure like anything there are some pretty dumb guys, there are also ones way smarter than I am. Some that end up starting and running massively successful businesses. Things little social media mouth pieces never could do. It is a sad look at the world right now though that thousands of people with not a fucking clue about anything can post shit like that and have thousands agree, people who probably can't maintain their own homes or do fuck all with their hands.....

Also this thought I will probably post a few places but the future scares me. The results of the EA inquiry.  Not just because we normalized using the war measures act on protesters but how text books will play this out. In 20 years will this be written in Canadian history as the heroic? (that hurt to write) Justin did what was needed against the evil truckers? YES 100% there were bad people there and the media loved showing the Nazi flags. My cousins that were there sent us a totally different side, the bouncy castle and bbq side. Will that be written away? Instead of Jagmeet selling out his party and voters will he be seen as a hero as well? Peoples memories are short, hell they forget things in the 4 years between elections let alone decades. They won't remember what 2020 was like, what the following years were like or why any of this happened. Will it be very slanted? History is written by the winners and sadly here the winner is JT. I am taking university courses currently and in almost everyone of the even at this level I can see the slant. Sound like an old man here but I remember school when it was supposed to be unbiased more about learning how to think rather than being told what to think & I feel like this is going to be painted very differently in a few year & it will be lapped up by the future as a good thing. Putting my own beliefs aside this is a moment in time where critical thinking should be taught, it is an almost perfect time for it but I don't feel it will be....

I am trying to figure out when EXACTLY we went wrong. The 90s when I was young we were starting to be socially aware. Much of the music was putting eyes on social issues. Things like South Park came along and showed how messed up society was, how we could likely do better. The message was lets all be more accepting. Let build a better world and being "woke" was probably a good thing. When did we lose our minds and go from lets accept people to YOU MUST ACCEPT EVERYTHING! or your a NAZI! I am looking at the late 2000s early 2010s and it has just gotten worse to the point we are at now....

I love the word gentrification and I may have ranted this before. If you are familiar with Edmonton 124St used to be "icky" for lack of a better word. I used to walk it at 2 AM see hookers and hope to not get stabbed. SLOWLY it has been turning itself around. I would love to see that for more places! 118AVE, 107AVE, Stony Plain Road. In common they all are in older neighborhoods, some with beautiful old home around them. I love old homes, the big old lots when things were built with heart and didn't all look the same. Sadly it seems as they revitalize these neighborhoods they are buying up these old homes and knocking them down for triplexes. Full disclosure I have a relative living in one and ya its nice but it sure aint one of those old homes. What boggled my mind was I posted this sad fact and got blow back. I assume yuppie (Do we still use that word?) hipster douche bags. Oh it prevents urban sprawl.... I guess, so do the hundreds of condos that have gone up all over Edmonton. The ones that aren't even full, ya those ones. In new areas where they aren't erasing the history of our city. IMO at least we don't need to tear down well built homes for cheaply slapped up shit. Thats the flat out truth. Homes built then were made to last and as long as they were looked after they are in better shape than many new homes. Today the building industry isn't "lets put up quality", its whats the bottom dollar? To get that, you use cheap shit. On top of that guess I am just an old man now. I would rather have a full house, where I dont have to hear or smell the neighbours. A yard for my dog to run in, with my bbq, smoker and firepit. A garden to work in, almost that white picket fence dream. 

Anyways thats it, thats all I want to rant. I think I have to get back to more pop culture shit. Been a lot going on in my life and I find I have been feeling more negative these days. Maybe try sticking to things that make me happy. Its almost like I need to unplug from social media as I think thats where I find the shit that pisses me off most!


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