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Roe V Wade

I identify with right wing politics. I am not going to go into that but yes I vote conservative, if I was in the states I would vote GOP. However this shit is losing its way. The Christian right is gaining way too much power and thats not good. The actual founding fathers wanted a separation of Church and State. That is slipping away, then you get clown shoes who don't even try and hide it or claim that is what America is all about. No literally its not. Men wanted to build a free nation where religion was something you could have but it didn't rule the masses. The USA has strayed from that path and honestly I don't think I have ever been more angry with religion. Keep your fucking imaginary friend out of our lives, I don't ask the Easter bunny for advice on how you should live your life so stop pressing your shit on others.

First the far right is starting to look just like the Taliban. Trumptards, you far right Christian retards, ya you look just like the Taliban, your a joke and you don't even see it. Sorry Christian zealots its true. While I support gun freedoms I worry when people hold a bible and say shit like, from my cold dead hands. HEY RETARDS that's literally the Taliban! This whole rant is about Roe V Wade. All you right wing douchebags said stupid of sleepy Joe to pull out and leave all those weapons for the Taliban & that women's lives were about to get worse. You literally are clutching your guns and doing the same fucking thing here!! On Peaky Blinders actually Tommy laid it out perfectly showing that politics is a circle and if the Taliban is going one way, the religious right is going the opposite BUT you have finally come full circle and now are the same. I will not stop being right wing but I will start to push back. Hitler said he would never have to fight America, that it would implode. He wasn't wrong he was just 80 years early. A warning to the people of the USA you are getting further and further apart and things like this are going to be the match the burns you down.

Anyways I want to quickly rant on Roe V Wade. First abortion should NOT be birth control, I think that goes with out saying. I can agree with people that say that. HOWEVER I don't think the issue is people wanting to use it as birth control. People want it if they need it. Some states (From what I read) are demanding even children of incest and rape have to be kept? Really?? WTF! I mean someone breaks into your house and you can start blasting but if your raped you have to keep the child? In what world does that make any sense? HOW can you call yourself a Christian and think that's okay. I mean I am not a bible scholar but pretty sure Jesus at no point said that's what should happen.... I guess what I am getting at is this literally makes no sense from a Christian stand point.

How about from a right wing stand point? NOPE. From a conservative I can tell you that's beyond our beliefs. In fact as I stated earlier we went to war and liberated people from a life like that.... The only ones in the conservative party that are happy with that, surprise surprise are the religious ones. The fact that the US supreme court is now loaded with people so far right that the bible is telling them what to do is scary. Trump is proud he loaded it with retards that would do this?? How many abortions do you think that limp dicked orange draft dodger has paid for? He paid to bang a porn star, I would bet my left nut he has paid for 1 or  2 abortions. You know another place that religion runs everything, Iran. Way to go down that road.... 

The politics of it are interesting, it isn't federal anymore but States control it. Well you know the bible belt with be dumb as shit but on the bright side states like Cali say it will remain free and a safe haven for people to come. The fact is that in my mind was a good thing. It was pointed out to me though there is more to it. SO a rich or at least comfortable person in say Tennessee can head to Cali and do what needs done. What about those who can't afford it? They bring another mouth into this world that they can't afford and likely fall further into poverty. Poverty which leads to a spike in crime. If you move simply away from the womens rights and morals this is a bad idea for society simply from crime and poverty stand point & I THOUGHT that was what Republicans didn't want?? I do believe people can do anything they want if they work at it BUT this is putting another hurdle up for many people....

Also if we are going down the "life beings at conception" road lets talk about that. That sounds very Buddhist. They are more into the all life is sacred. However lets follow that logic. If that is true then actually life begins in the nut sack. All those little swimmers are "alive" By that logic millions of teen boys (and men) are committing genocide every day! I would say are you going to outlaw jerking off BUT I am scared that is a possibility. 

The other thing I want to end with really is "my body, my choice" That's the bottom line, that's the truth. Old rich males really shouldn't have control over what women do. Now what a I have seen a ton of online is right wing Christian nuts saying okay My body, my choice why doesn't this apply to vaccine mandates....? Well if you want the truth it should. I cannot argue that. I have never supported the vaccine mandates. I don't think anyone has the right to tell people what to do with their bodies. I on the other hand got the shot because I actually care about people. I didn't get the shot to save myself (I got it so I wouldn't or hopefully less likely pass it on to someone who isn't in great health) Oh and I got it to go out. A woman getting an abortion cannot affect your health. You passing on Covid can kill someone. Possibly, I mean I am not sure that true BUT I thought it was Christian to care about people and not risk their lives?? That went of course but for those in the back... What a woman does with her body should not be dictated by men. Not even her husband... Sure I would think they should converse over major choices but at the very end of the day it is a womans right to decide.....

Here is the bottom line. Its not your business what a woman does. You may not agree with it, but it isnt yours to control....Forcing your beliefs on people is almost the EXACT opposite of what the actual founding father of America wanted. Also they wanted separation of Church and state which seems to be the exact opposite way you are headed. Oh and just to let the world know Clarence Thomas is human filth. I don't have much more to say, other than this is wrong. We are going back in time, soon witch trial will be back on for women who do math...... I am sorry if this is just rambling, it wasn't edited well I just wanted to get shit off my brain. 


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