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June rants!

Finished Poli Sci with an over A, making it my highest current mark which makes me happy! That and getting an A- in Econ tells me at least I have a basic knowledge of some of the shit I rant and rave about here. I understand that doesn't mean I am right just that I at least understand the concept enough to talk about it. Starting human resources next. This one could be interesting, I have faith I will do it well but maybe not agree with everything in it. In my life I have always had the shut the fuck up and get it done attitude. In general that has made me a good employee. I am assuming now a lot of things have to be sugar coated, which is hard for me but we will see. Have to be honest I started this blog over a month ago and finished the ultra condensed spring session. Currently sitting at 90% but waiting on my final mark. It was kind of how I figured, the world does sugar coat things BUT I did learn a few things or at least was given another view that does make sense. So it was a good course for me to take.  

Another season of ball hockey has begun. Team wise I really hope we can at least make the playoffs this year not just the booby prize. Personally I would like a bit better points per game average. More than that though I want better eye hand coordination and some upper body muscle. In general I play right in front of the net and sometimes get over powered so a little more strength would be good. Also I swing and miss more than a guy in front should so I gotta work on that! SO I got my first actual jersey with my name and number on it. I promised my best season ever and am having my worst. Not that I am having bad games per say just no points! Like my worst season ever when my goal was to be the best!

No TV news in this entry, my next blog is going to be all TV. Its that time of the year when there is way too much to watch....

Saw a post on social media that made me sad (Well lots do but....) Some trumptard maga hat stated "This is a republic not a democracy" If you don't understand a republic is a democratically elected government please do quote on politics. In fact maybe don't procreate.

Watched the Secrets of Dumbldore. It was good. Let me start with Johnny is my boy and I hated the fact he was gone do to Amber Heard (That trial is insane BTW. Listening to stuff from it it sounds like 2 toxic people who maybe should never have been together. Even though Johnny is my fav actor all time I gotta say this is showing some fucked up things about him) Mads actually does a really good job of Grindewald. Two different takes on the character and actually Mads maybe better at a European mad man than Johnny was. Creedence gets a back story that ACTUALLY makes sense. I love Ezra and I am not happy he is dying off??? (Also WTF is wrong with him can't stay out of trouble! I wanted him to be a young Johnny Depp but I think his career might end before he has that chance) Also where was Nagini?? I will say I dug the overall story BUT I will say everything was rather predictable. I won't put more than that in case some haven't watched it yet but the few "twists" other than Creedence aren't really twisty... Either way it is overall a decent movie and moves the series forward. I can't remember if I wrote about the "deleted" Joker scene in The Batman or not. I have watched it a few times now and my feelings have changed a bit. First watch, loved it. Now not such a huge fan. First every Joker seems to lean toward Heaths portrayal. Even this one seems to swing towards it. For a movie that really upgraded Riddler I thought they may change Joker up. I am not a fan of the scarring or the hair BUT maybe that is a change up? Also he is already in Arkham, did Batman already catch him and if he did stop him wouldn't the police like Bats? Also while he was mostly bang on about Riddler, why would Bats ask him? All in all the more I think about the scene the more I kind of hate it and the scene left in the movie. I really feel they should have just left Joker for the next one......

This is just a bit of a rant that was a tweet. With ole Musky buying twitter I am seeing so many people rant and rave billionaires and millionaires shouldn't exist, my question is why? In what way is someone having money hurting you. Actually we know it isn't hurting you so how is it even affecting you in any way? The truth is it isnt. If anything your jealous, you may not want to admit it but other than wanting their money it has no affect on you so just move on, fuck. Anyone who I know who has money (No I dont know any billionaires that I am aware of but I know wealthy people) did something to get that money. Usually they had an idea and were willing to risk on it. Usually at some point they had to fucking hussle as well. Sure once they had money they calm down and enjoy the perks but to start with these people work and risk shit that in general people are willing to. If your not willing to risk it then just STFU. Now these insanely rich people Bezos, Musky, Gates hell even Chump they aren't self made. Thats what annoys me. Each one of them had a lot of help, so please stop with the worship that they are so amazing. They had a leg up, yes they still worked but they had help. Also the thing is its their money! Could ole Elon had done much more useful things with $43 billion? Ya for sure he could have. However its his money, if he wants to stack it like the Joker in Dark Knight and burn it well that would be his right. I keep seeing things saying 6 Billion would solve world hunger. I guess he could have done that but I don't really understand it. People eat more than once, so how many times are we going to have to spend 6B to keep solving world hunger? Anyways just wanted to rant for a minute, someone elses wealth doesnt affect you in any way. I figure the whole world would be better off if people just minded their own business and didnt worry about what anyone else had or was doing. WOW did I piss people off since then. I posted a meme about muskie being a child of generational wealth (Which he is) whose families money was helped by apartheid (Which it was, that isn't saying he supported it. Read for context) billionaire larping as Tony Stark. (Seriously if you can't see that wtf buddy wants his company to build rockets) Couple hundred negative notes. In fact I was called a leftist and a commie. If you have read anything I wrote or talked to me you know that isn't true and your dumber than a post for saying it. No offense to any useful fence posts..... Let me be 1000% clear Muskie isn't wanting twitter to be some amazing freedom bastion online. sure he will say that but what he is doing is buying tech & the future which is what he has always done to make millions. He isn't going to friend or follow you....

No new music for me either... But I have been bouncing all over podcast!! I cant remember if I mentioned it before but been listening to Dark Poutine. You like true crime this is a good one, even better if you like the Canadian flair. True crime all the Time and TCALT unsolved are also pretty damn good. I prefer unsolved because they throw out possible suspects and man sometimes it seems like every suspect did it! On the regular series though I like the fact along with guys like Gacy that we all know they dig up a LOT of other cases I have never heard of. Which is very refreshing in true crime. Also Occult Confessions is pretty good if that is something you would be interested in. Started searching episode son Mary Leavue and went from there. History lessons for Misanthropes seems good. Just started it but I have high hopes. Conspiracy theories and unpopular culture I thought I would be into but it goes to far. I am worried this guy is living in a bunker with a tinfoil hat....

So we renamed Don Knott school in Edmonton. Thank god! Now racism will disappear just like it did when we renamed syrup!! I can't / won't get into it too much. It is beating a dead horse so I won't waste my breath. Just stating AGAIN you can't change history. Whether you liked him or not ole Don Knott helped build this overly woke city into what it is. Also my bet 90% of students didn't know or care who Knotty was until some woke retard googled it just to see if there was a reason to complain. Look up 80% of the neighborhoods and I am sure they are named after someone who built this city. Chances are you won't like something they did..... Fuck people maybe worry about real problems not fucking names. Whats worse is this was "done" by students. The future. We are literally brainwashing overly woke idiocy into our future.....

Got nothing for gaming either!! Still waiting on a new GTA or honestly I would rather Read Dead 3. John and Arthur are among my fav characters ever. With Geralt and Lincoln Clay....

Jordan Peterson is leaving twitter, holy fucking cry baby. Let me be honest, a lot of what big J says I don't disagree with. Yet there is a line. Big J claimed having a plus size model on the cover of sports illustrated was authoritarian. Not sure where his thoughts were going but clearly the man is slipping... It didn't stop with Big J either all of a sudden a ton of guys were commenting. So let me shoot back. First I think most of these guys that are upset about it 10 years ago were jerking to the cover model in their bedrooms. Its okay boys there is a thing called the internet and you can find whatever you wanna choke your chicken to on there.... Let me be honest with you, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That whole internet I was talking about you can find anything that you like. Let your freak flag fly! There are some amazingly hot "plus sized" women out there. Maybe that isn't your cup of tea but there are a lot of men who like that. Small side bar - What is plus size? It keeps getting smaller and smaller. On top of that what is beauty? The fashion and cosmetic industries make BILLIONS a year on the sadness of women. Telling them if they don't buy this product they won't be pretty. Then magazines like SI push the same ideals that women all have to fit into that model. 90s was blonde hair and fake tits, recently it seems to be the big ole booty. Women suffer trying to fit these models. Eating disorders, mental health issues. To what? Impress dad bod having mother fuckers? It isn't right but that could be a blog in itself. Anyways back to the topic. So what, she is good looking and that was supposed to be the point of the SI cover model, beauty. Saying that I don't care about the size of a cover model doesn't mean I support "obesity" as some people call it. I honestly hate some of those shows like 600LBS life. When these people don't even try to improve themselves. Like why are we glamorizing that? Its one thing if you are trying and struggling, its another to not change anything but expect different results. I am losing focus here so let me wrap it up. Be what you want, whatever you are comfortable as. Legitimately we shouldn't be body shaming people, that's not nice or right. The flipside is people don't have to tell you, you are beautiful either. This like so much else in the world is just shut the fuck up! Let people like what they want, let people be without attacking them. Just know you may not be everyones cup O tea.

My last blog was just on comics so I will keep it short. Shadow War was an amazing Batman arc. I truly feel in 15 years we will be referring to it like we do say year 1 or the killing joke. Thor has been crazy it would probably get old fast but I would read the shit out of a couple more issues of Hulk Thor. That guy can fucking smash! Marauders is still good but I clearly missed a lot of  what has happened to the Sh'iar empire in the last 15 years since I stopped collecting as I have 0 idea wtf is going on! Also I would love to see that story in movies some day.....

Another school shooting. I am not getting into it. It is sad and tragic as always. I want to just make mention of the media coverage. A couple weeks back in Buffalo the media was all over the whiteness of the shooter. Very little to do with gun control. This shooter, well look at him he clearly had mental issues but this time it is all about gun control. Why wasn't the last one gun control. Why is this one not about the shooter? The media, that's why. Whatever story they want to tell is the one you are going to see. The simple fact is in both cases a bad person got a hold of a weapon. Why isn't that always the story, why is it always used to push whatever agenda? Also a social media banner said say his name.... It was a George Floyd thing. No thanks, what happened to him wasn't right but I am not about to celebrate a criminal either. Looking for donors, I would like to start T.I.M -  Truth in Media. My company will simply deliver FACTS. Spin free OR have writers both left and right on each story to make it balanced.....

Last thing Father day! I keep seeing people saying it needs renamed. NO it doesn't. I heard some decent thoughts on it but I am leaving this with my thoughts. You can be 2 mothers, you can be 2 fathers doesn't matter to me. If one of you identifies as the "father" in the relationship then its your day! Maybe you both do, terrific! Maybe neither, awesome! Not everything in this world needs changed to make people happy. If you have children, your a mother or a father fucking pick its not hard. Sorry it just annoys me. I dont even really put much stock in fathers day but for people to find something else to complain about just annoys me.....


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