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Pop and Politics part 2

 I was trying to work a bit of my life into where my politics came from BUT this is already WAY longer than I planned, plus if you scroll back I have like an 8 part or something autobiography. So I will just make this part quick. I grew up in Grande Prairie in the 80s and 90s. My mom had me fairly young so I spent a LOT of time with my grandparents who I am really close with. We were / are just an average middle class family. Early on I was big into reading and writing. My grandmother was part owner in a book store. I was an only child until 14 so I spent a lot of time alone and need to get an imagination.... Throw out all your redneck stereotypes, other than fishing I wasn't anywhere near that. My step dad did take me hunting and buy me my first gun. So yes I did learn things like that eventually BUT I am far from that. In fact when I moved to Edmonton at 19 in 2000 I was more likely a NDP city boy... I did grow up, it just took some time. Did average in school but did come in 3rd in the entrance exam for journalism at Grant MacEwan when I applied for college. Had a lot of teachers say would do better if he applied himself. I feel like that is just a generic saying though. Worked as a bus boy and cook for most of my teen years and had a steady girlfriend for most of those years. Never really got into trouble more than a normal kid. Tried weed, whiskey, mushrooms and stuff but nothing crazy. What I am getting at is I had at least IMO a very normal Northern Alberta childhood. The fact is I was much more left leaning when I moved to Edmonton in 2000. I was heavily influenced by pop culture like Nirvana or Rage Against the Machine. They pointed me at books and films and I did move here very different. Also I had a delusion in my head that Edmonton 2000 would be much like Paris in the renaissance. Honestly I got into journalism and really thought I would be sitting in salons having great deep debates and solving the worlds problems. I DIDNT! clearly... I wasn't ready to be on my own if I am honest. I got a part time job in a kitchen and started journalism. My two roommates didn't go to school and I was jealous. They would find cool things to do in the day so often I skipped and hung out with them. I wasted my student loans. I mean I paid tuition but then spent living money on booze and having fun. SO basically I was broke, my boss saw that weakness and exploited it. I say that legitly. I was desperate, so "helping" me he put me as a closing cook. I quit school the first time in the second semester of my first year. I couldn't work 5 - 1 and still do decent in school. As roommates we all went our separate ways, they were a couple but for some reason wanted to try living apart. She overspent and needed a roommate, so next fall when classes started again I moved in with her again. I hadn't learned anything & repeated the same dumb shit. Working too much, spending too much and quitting school again. I tried to do a couple courses in general studies but had a panic attack and simply walked out. Not doing any more schooling for another 20 years.... SO early 2000s I was working two minimum wage jobs, getting credit cards and wracking them up. The people at the restaurant I was working at were my friend circle. I think a lot of people gets a circle like this. We liked to work together, we partied together but in the long run I don't really talk to any of them anymore. I think most of them are good people but I will say that's the first circle. When a person is just stepping out in the world and meeting people. Through a series of unfortunate events, I lost roommates and was evicted for not paying rent. I couldn't afford it by myself. Some really good friends took me in, we ended up living with their parents for a year. I got a "real" job in a warehouse and actually started to get my life on track. Actually got a girl friend and things seemed to go right for awhile. I mean there was hiccups. I did have debt collectors finding me. Some I paid, some I avoided. Eventually moved in with girlfriend and started meeting most of the people who are still my friends. I can say I had a lot of "adventures" at this time. We travelled to BC often, went to Mexico, went to Jasper often, rented a house boat, went to the lake lots, spent way to much time going out and drinking. Made it to Cuba, started playing Co-ed hockey and then men's league. Ended up moving 6 times in 7 years. My 20s were a pretty good time, had a lot of fun but didn't live smart. I got myself in CRAZY debt and a couple times when I had amazing chances to buy a home and such I couldn't do it. The fact was I got myself in so deep they didn't even want to give me a cell phone.... My girlfriend and I broke up and for a short while I was single. I moved in with a friend. Went on a few more trips like Vegas and a week in LA then drove home through the states. Got a new girlfriend who would become my fiancé and then my wife. In my 30s I smartened up, some. I did all my back taxes, I paid all my debts and that took a hella long time. At first Capital One was the only place that would give me a credit card. I want to say thank you very much to them. My job improved and now some of the credit card companies that laughed in my face weekly ask for my business. My friends started to get married off and have kids. Maybe that was part of what kicked me in the ass. If you want some insight into my politics it was a kick in the ass becoming responsible. Realizing no one else is responsible for my shit, not blaming society, not wanting things handed to me for free. If you want the truth while I have always been centre - right it was growing up that actually made me more right wing. I do like the NDP for social issues. (For the most part, sometimes they go overboard) But I believe there has to be a balance. Sometimes peoples feels aren't as important as making society run. At certain points your "rights" end where mine begin. That I guess kinda shows you my push a bit more rightwing. I did fuck myself, blame others for a long time but then realized a few things that tend to be more "rightwing". Anyways my 30s were quieter. I still did trips to Victoria, Disneyland a friends wedding in Mexico and my own wedding down there as well. I can't drink like I used to. One of the first times I met my wife's family two big guys told me they were gonna teach me how to drink. I was quite fine after the lesson. Pretty sure I would be dead if it was today.... I did get 2 dogs, they are my boys. I am still somewhat immature or would been seen that way by some. I still love my video games and start weekends playing them, I read comics. I love comic movies and cartoon series. I still play men's league ball hockey (Even though I lack talent) I play co-ed league when I can. I like skiing when I get the chance. I have no children, so anytime I comment on parenting take it with a grain of salt. I love music and my job gives me a lot of time to listen to podcasts. True crime being some of my favorite topics. It took nearly 17 years at a single company but I did end up where i wanted to be. I rather enjoy my job. I still want to be a writer. I am a pretty average dude.  My family has been in Alberta for a long time. I have my Metis status. Henry Bird Steinhauer is my 4X great grandfather. Past him it is hard to track but that is the 1820s being a full blood Chippewa I would say it goes back a long way. You can google him if you want. There is a neighborhood in Edmonton named for him. My European family (Kirkness) has been here since the 1850s on one side, the other side even longer but they were in Ontarios so they don't count .... sorry. That great 4X grandpa also has a neighborhood and a school and stuff in Edmonton named for him. My great grandfather has his name on the Pillar of Strength at the Alberta legislature for dying while on duty as a law enforcement officer. What I am saying is I am Albertan and very proud of it. Maybe that plays some what into my politics. That's me in a nut shell. If you didn't read my politics in part 1 of this I guess this is an introduction to me. If you read part 1 maybe it explains why am the way I am. 

So that's my politics & history and me...I am very much contemplating creating 2 blogs. One solely for what I wanted to blog about which is pop culture and the another simply for politics and stuff. But that seems like a lot of work so I am thinking I will simply divide entries 100% pop culture or 100% politics and junk OR if it combines them well then have a warning label. I am doing this because I am thinking maybe my politics don't agree with my pop. I know a LOT of people in comics and such are more left leaning. Many people dream up gay romances for character in fan fic and I am sure some of what I said pissed people off if they made it this far.... I hope you did. So to wrap this up here is a bit of my pop culture blogs I will be working on

Comics. 80s Xmen Claremont IMO is the best comics out there. Currently loving Batman and Detective. Also a big fan of Hellions and Marauders. I am a huge Garth Ennis fan, his bleak outlooks and dark comedy are amazing. AWA studios blows my mind. Over the summer they were a bit slow but they have some awesome titles going on right now. Just wish they did ongoing ones. Donny Cates & James Tynion IV are by far my two current fav writers.

Music. I like MOST of it. That's not the generality that a lot of people give, I am serious. On an average day I will listen to Johnny Cash, Yelawolf, NWA, Guns and Roses, Mickey Avalon, Daniel Lee, CCR and on and on. I currently have about 500 "favorites" on Spotify and they are all over. I am NOT a big fan of pop music. Although I will admit some of the massive hits that come out a fucking catchy....

Television. We stream Netflix, Disney and Amazon. We have cable and pay for Crave and HBO. Currently I am eagerly waiting Yellowstone, Mando, Peaky Blinders and Ozarks return. I have watched all the MCU shows on Disney and yes am into cheesy cable programs like Blacklist as well. Was a big Hawaii 5.0 fan and Lethal weapon series. If I named off a few of my all time favs it would be Lost, The Shield, Daredevil, Sons of Anarchy, Games of Thrones, Dexter, Heroes, True Blood, Friends, Big Bang. I am not a fan of reality TV but I do watch it as my wife likes some. I just get too mad at stupid people!

Movies. I used to love movies. Remember the good old days when you could go to theatres? For really big ones sometimes we took the day off. Hit up lunch at Brown and then go to the theatre beside it for a matinee on a Friday. Wouldn't want spoilers on an opening weekend. When it comes to movies I am still on the "nerdy" side my fav series is the Lord of the Rings EXTENDED version and have seen all the MCU numerous times. I didn't mind the new Star Wars. I didn't love it but I won't shit on it. The Dark Knight is still my all time fav. Joker was amazing not even because its Batman but just the darkness of the movie. Forrest Gump was amazing and I will always love 80s slashers. That's kind of my taste in movies. I do use the Letterboxd app. Just Tavis as a name there 741 movies rated there.

Hockey. Like 90% of Canadians I think I am an expert. I like playing it even though I suck and I like watching it. The Wings are my team but Ovi is my guy. I am a band wagon Kings fan because I got to be in a Skybox in LA the first time they won the cup. 

Books. Yes I own a fuck of a lot of books. I am guessing a couple hundred maybe. If I was rich and had a fancy house I would build a library room. I have not in the last few years read nearly as much as I should have. The Agent Pendergast series by Preston and Child is my current fav. I have read classic and like new ones two. I have tried to read 1 fiction and then 1 non fiction. So if I get back on reading you will see more of that. 

Food. I eat out a decent amount some because I am on the road working and some my wife and I just enjoy doing it. I don't see a lot of writing about it but I am on yelp. Elite for 5 years! Jealous? No I know your not, I just get bored and like rating things. Anyways Tavis P there if you want to get my thoughts. Also on the Vivino app to review wine if your into that sort of thing.

Video games. I could go on and on about things I may write about but gaming is the last one. I thought I was a gamer until I met real gamers. I am the NHL game guy, in general for some reason I pay for the same game every 2 years. It is my staple. Witcher 3 maybe my all time fav game and currently loving Mafia 3 and Red Dead 2. I also really dig the new Resident Evil games where they have gone back to more riddles than shooting. I was in to tell tale games until they died out. 

So there it is. My politics, my life and my pop culture. I will try and split them all up in future blog entries. I hope you made it all the way through. I hope breaking it down will help me get some readers and maybe piss less people off. 


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