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Pop and Politics. A mini Autobiography

 Lets start with honesty, this entry will be quick and dirty. (Right there thats not honest. I meant to do that but it exploded and this is now a 2 parter) It is about me and what I believe and it is brought on by my new favorite podcast. Behind the Bastards. I ranted a tiny bit about them last blog and this is a carry on from that. When they do a real bastard it is one of the funniest and most well written pods I have heard in a long time. Honestly my only issue is the left leaning smugness that comes up if it has anything to do with politics in the current world. I need to be SUPER clear here, just because someone doesn't agree with a left leaning view hardly makes them a Nazi. That drove me mental, I cannot remember which episode it was but the Nazi Vs Commie debate was touched on, which is better?? NEITHER!! These are the two most bloody regimes in history. Just walk away and don't try and say either one was better... Also don't bring Antifa on as legit commenters. They aren't anymore than the Proud Boys would be...... However that is their show. It isn't my pod so I really have no control over what they do or who they bring on. Overall I would say it is fair and balanced except for that. My last beef is the shots at capitalism. Capitalism is what drives podcasts, people can give money to whatever podcasts as an example and that keeps them rolling. You can hate that people are more successful than you and have more money. You can say that's not the issue, its not jealousy just no one should have that much. WHY? There is a good chance they don't deserve it but they got it, so good on them. Also Capitalism is usually the basis for democracy and freedom. Yes MANY nations have some socialist policies that help people BUT most nations that are free (Where you have the freedom to put on podcasts and say whatever you want) are capitalist. You don't see a hell of a lot of people saying damn I wish USSR was still around so I could go live there. People run from North Korea, China, Cuba. They run from Communism to Capitalism. Why do you think that is...? I really just don't like when people knock what we have. Not because I think the system is perfect. Fuck me, do I know its not. But we have the best system there is, or at least currently is.....

So ya just comments on that pod got me thinking about myself. What I believe and whether that makes me a bastard or not. So for anyone who hasn't read my old blogs (You could. I have like 4 years worth. Including a pretty deep break down of roughly the first 30 years of my life) I guess this entry is just an all about me. If what you see, you don't like then it might not be worth it to read future blogs. The fact is I keep debating about splitting my blog. Doing 1 simply on politics and shit and  just on pop culture. I mean pop culture was what it was supposed to be all about and I keep having ones like this that clearly aren't....

Here is the plan, moving forward I am going to start each blog saying Pop or Politics. I am hoping maybe if someone doesn't agree with my politics they just don't read it and don't block me. It blows my mind some people who follow me on social media have blocked me or whatever because we don't agree on politics. There was one account on Twitter loved talking to about movies and such but then blocked me when they found out I don't like the NDP. Like WTF I don't get that. I mean I can guarantee my comic shop would not agree with my politics. That doesn't mean we can't talk about the MCU. Anyways this I guess is an intro so people maybe now what they get if they read me. 

I grew up from 1981 until 2000 in Grande Prairie, Northern Alberta. There is a little town Sexsmith just north of there. There is a shirt that once existed that said "Sexsmith the land of rape and money" Bet you can't find it on a google search, the shirt I mean. Now that feminists are all triggered Rape was referring to rapeseed which is what farmers called canola for years. Way before #metoo. I remember seeing a shirt that said AIDS kills fags dead. Now I had to be old enough to read so 7 or 8 1988 or 89? That was offensive. The point I am driving at here is while SO many people think everyone is a hillbilly outside the major centres, we are not. Something like that "rape" shirt has a meaning way different than what most people understand. I am sure feminazis would see that and condemn someone wearing it. Yes nowadays, it would be wrong to wear it I get that what I am saying is there is a lot from rural areas that citiods don't understand and it makes me mental that people are so quick to judge. Often it is the "openminded, enlightened, woke" that are the worst for judging what they don't understand. Thats all back story and explaining where I come from I guess. I spent 19 years in GP. I had a happy childhood and hit the teenage angst. I wanted to be Kurt Cobain. I wanted to be as smart as Rage Against the Machine and speak out against all that was bad in this world. I wanted to leave the small town. I am saying I get it. This want for social justice, to correct the wrongs in the world. I just think it is losing steam. We have made massive strides and continue to make strides to make the world a better place, but where is the line? When does making the world a better place for someone else stop, should I not have rights? What I am getting at is there is a limit. I am a white, middle aged (Or close to it) middle class male. I am proud of that, or as proud as anyone can be of who they were born....  I refuse to feel guilt for that. Ya I am dude, ya I am white, ya I am middle class. I actually have a very decent job. I can admit some of that helped me in life. Guess what also helped, fucking working. I don't whine, I get my job and get it done. Point is who you are may help some but doing what needs do also helps. I don't have time for "the whole world is against me" attitudes. I have seen the world keep people down, I have also seen people hold themselves down and blame the world. 

I was a child, or at best a young adult who thought I knew everything and I see that rampantly running through society today. People desperately want to see themselves as "good". They are desperate to be on the right side of history. Here is the thing with that, we are rebranding history.... We tear down statues, changes names of buildings, streets, schools and whatever to what, change the past? You realize it doesn't change a thing? The biggest irony of it all is the people we are now trying to erase, in many times were on the "right" side of history then. All these people trying so hard to get things changed, to be "right" you realize the people you want gone were "right" in their time? Your nutty ass beliefs may not be valid in 150 years.....

That's two points, one being born a certain way will likely give you advantages however working and not blaming the world will as well. Also you can't change the past, times change. So all this virtue signaling is a giant waste of time. But back on topic I moved to Edmonton in 2000 to go to school for journalism. I failed, bigtime. I was more interested in the big city than school, however I did learn a few things. Almost from day one we were told anything could be manipulated into anything. "Facts" & "Stats" were used to prove a point HOWEVER another study could show the exact opposite. All you had to do was find a study that proved your point and cite it. Even if a thousand other ones said otherwise you could ignore them. Then we were told Sun media wasn't allowed in class. That right there was telling.... Even our profs had bias. Point here, well there's 2. First, media in general is false. Depending on who the finances comes from will show you spin. Fox is a right wing outlet. CBC is a liberal fluff machine. Going online is just a dangerous. In the social media age everyone is an expert, your reading a blog aren't you? In fact did you know 9 out of 10 guys who read comics have a bigger than average penis? I have 0 proof of that but I can post it as fact...... So media in general cannot be 100% trusted 

Greta Thunberg is a puppet. That isn't meant to trigger anyone, its just a fact. She is a teenage girl that saw and issue and moved on it. That part is great. What she represents, people trying to make the world better is great. The rest isn't. Firstly if I want actual facts not just someone parroting something I would go to someone who actually worked in that field. Second how much have her parents gained from this celebrity? The people falling in line behind her, while they have a good idea are also just puppets. There I said it, we have to live in the real world. (I think the problem is most people now don't want to. They want to be "better" which isn't wrong but we do have to live for real not just ideals) I would love to not have to burn fuels that kill the environment BUT I need to travel for work and I need to heat my home. Let me be honest taxing me more isn't going to change that. It will hurt people who are already struggling though. You can't tax the environment better. Also Canadas pollution is a drop in the ocean. Not even a bucket or a lake..... As long as places like China and USA are doing what they do we could stop pollution altogether and it would hardly matter. That doesn't mean I don't care. I recycle anything I can. I myself don't litter. Except for gas usage which we need to live I try and do the best I can. I am not denying climate change! You can see it with your own eyes. I was smaller but I remember the snow being much deeper and summers being not so hot. I also do not believe the gloom and doom they scream at us. Humans have not been on this planet that long. To say things like this have never happened before is a theory that can never be tested..... So on climate here is where I sit, change is real. We as a people are not actually handling it well and it MAY not be as bad as they claim. I don't think we will kill humanity...

BLM is a terror group, just like Antifa.... OR maybe they are not. The exact same way the Proud Boys aren't a terror group. BLM exploded on to the scene with the killing of George Floyd. Yes they existed before but did not have the power and influence they did until that murder. Couple things to look at, look at the money the "founder" has. 4 homes? Some how the organization made $90 million? Now she didn't get $90 mill but still has 4 homes and when this came to light she stepped down?? Something just doesn't feel right there.... But I will be fair that is one person. Overall the movement has some validity. I will flat out say it there are some BAD cops. There are also some good cops. So yes maybe some attention is needed brought on this issue. You know what wasn't needed. Riots, looting, fires..... Again that wasn't all of BLM so I won't paint them with that brush. So I am going to say it ALL LIVES MATTER. I stand behind that statement. Everyone has good and bad in them and it really depends where you are sitting how you view it. Some people right or wrong do believe the "white" race is in danger. They are free to have that belief. If they do not commit crimes or hurt anyone or anything honestly it is no ones business. You don't have to like or support it. So here is what I am saying organizations can have a decent ideal and chances are it will at some point go to far or be used for ends much worse than what was set out to be done. Long winded rant, there is a lot to people and organizations seeing a small sample doesn't rep them all be it cops, BLM, Proud boys... If they aren't actually hurting anyone it isn't for you or me to judge them.

You can be anything you want to be! You can love anyone you want to love! I whole heartedly believe that. I am going to start with the love first. I don't think you can control who you love or what gender they are. I believe gay people have the right to be married, to have a family and to not be discrimated against. I don't think it needs shoved in my face any more that I need to show my sexuality in others faces. Nothing annoys me more than highschool kids in public that cant keep their hands off each other. What I am saying gay or straight you don't need to make a scene. You can love each and be proud of your partner with a quick kiss or whatever if someone has to say get a room you have gone to far. Your sexuality is yours, you don't need to force it on others. I will say I DO NOT believe people are born gay OR straight. People are attracted to certain things and fall in love with certain things. A gay man may fall deeply in love with a women but be attracted to men or vice versa. When it comes to LGBTQ and all the other letters in that do what you want. Long as it is safe, legal and no one is hurt. Some times I think the pride parade takes it a bit far but whatever if that isn't your thing don't go. Also children do not have sexuality. STOP pushing it on them. A boy can play with a doll. A girl can help fix a car. Let kids be kids without all this bull shit. Also you don't need drag queens coming to libraries to read children stories. I know you see it more on rightwing rage machine pages, not that this happens all the time, it just doesn't need done. Reading a story has nothing to do with acceptance or whatever you want to play it off as. Its honestly a bit disturbing the shit being pressed on kids and then they are told they are bad if they don't go along with it. That is a much broader statement than sexuality by the way. Just fucking let kids be kids...  HOWEVER I am going to talk gender for a minute. There are two, like it or not that is science. Now I will try and call you by whatever pronoun you want.... Don't bitch if I get it wrong once and awhile. You are a dude who wants to be a woman and I accidentality say a male pronoun sorry, its kind of how the world works. If you turn into a dick after that, it will get worse. I can turn into a dick as well. I am saying people should try both ways. Address people as they would like to be & try to understand if someone screws up. The thing is you don't have to agree, just don't be a dick and we can probably move past some issues. The line however is ID for me. It doesn't really matter what you want to be I believe your ID should be what you are. On top of that I don't think men should be playing in women's sports or really women in men. Also not cool with gender neutral washrooms. Seriously if you want to do that just make little individual washrooms. Its pretty easy and no one can complain at that. Personally I would prefer that for poopin in public. I don't use the pronoun they. Unless you have multiple personalities you are singular. Sorry that's another line. Anyways this could go into an entire blog itself so I am walking away from this topic.

If you want a summary of my politics it is this, I am centre. I believe both left and right have good points but both need to work on making things work in the real world not just on paper. Overall I probably am right leaning. The thing is if people just worried about themselves the world would be a much better place. You can have your ideas and are free to express them just don't think I have to agree and go along with them. Common sense has died or is slowly dying and society as a whole is being tricked into thinking if they don't accept everything and everyone they are bad. That's not at all true. There is a large difference between being a racist and having an opinion on immigration. Political correctness and wokeness are honestly a disease. When it comes to certain things like politics and business you need to put your "feels" away. They don't have a place. They should be used to temper your choices. To make the world better for EVERYONE that is true, but sometimes hard choices need to be made and as a society we are forgetting that. We are going way overboard to accommodate everyone and everything. That will never work...

SO that's the end of Part 1, my politics and beliefs are there. I am hoping you don't just say fuck this guy if it is pop culture you are looking for. Part 2 will have a small autobiography on me and then my ideas for my coming pop culture blogs. You can ignore the politics and hopefully still read the pop culture ones


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