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All So Stupid!

Protest, counter protest. We are right, you are wrong. You're all stupid! Taking a break from my regular series of blogs to say that! Now let me be clear that was for the world in general. As the world burns, everyone is getting more and more divided. Charlottesville is the perfect example of that. It is starting to seem like the world lost common sense and a middle ground to just break into little hate groups.

Let's start with the "altright" These clowns in the KKK or who follow shitstains like Dr. David Duke. You gotta move out of the 50's or whatever generation you are locked in. There is no conspiracy  to wipe of the "white" race. PS White isn't even a fucking race. Unlike the million years before now people travel and  mingle. Blood gets mixed, it doesn't matter. A persons skin tone, religion, sexual preference really shouldn't matter. It should be that people judge others on their character and actions none of this other bullshit. But here is what is even stupider, hate groups that hate, hate groups. You have some "altright"  like David Duke (Gonna drop the word doctor cause far as I can tell he isn't) they hate everyone including the Jews. Then you have Rebel "media" (Using that word loosely) run by a man of Jewish decent who is saying mostly the same shit less the attacks on Jews. Like both you clowns have so much in common but you can't even get along?!?! WTF. But maybe it is good that, that much hatred can't unite.

My next opinion wont be popular but the truth rarely is. Charlottesville was a reactionary march. Don't get me wrong it was a hate fueled shit storm. A self inflicted one. Since the 90's when Gen X really got rolling, Social Justice and Political Correctness has really got going. And it is a good thing, mostly. I mean I remember a shirt in the 80's that plain as day said Aids Kills Fags Dead. I am glad we have moved beyond such stupidity. The problem is we went to far. Some, actually a big group of people are starting to feel persecuted about NOT being in a minority group. You don't wanna part take in pride day. Homophobe! You have faith in  God. Religious zealot! You don't support an open border letting people just flow into Canada unchecked. Racist! It is becoming not right to just want to live a normal middle class life. This played right into a few hateful peoples hands. All of a sudden, the average 9-5 dude is saying ya, I agree why is it that just being White and middle class is now a problem? Then starts the mob mentality we saw..... Don't get it twisted, I don't in any way agree with what happened but on a day to day basis I deal with middle class tradesmen all over Alberta and lots of them have the same beefs.

Then you have these reactionary groups? Bullshit. Antifa is hate. These people are "training" to fight. Fight what? Don't kid yourselves. You are not the brave men that stormed Normandy. You're nothing like them. You are some twisted version of the hippies from the 60's. But not the good parts, more the angry Manson parts that wanted a race war. Trust me before I grew up I might have wanted joined Antifa, I had ideals that could have been twisted into the hate these people have. You're not fighting for a better world, you're simply fighting those you disagree with. Maybe at one point you had the right idea but that is so long gone....

BLM. Yes Black Lives do Matter. So do all lives. I totally understand the anger about the police shootings last year. Even worse when they get away with it. So you're answer is to burn down your own cities? To loot and riot? To steal from your own neighborhoods? Hurting your fellow men? How in anyone's right mind does that work?? You are actually setting back the whole movement great people like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King started. But no, no carry on with what the fuck ever you think you are accomplishing.

SJW, not that this is an actual group but you people taking down the confederate flag, knocking down statues of Americans you're stupid too. First off you can't change the past. It is still being taught in schools. The fact is until this recent rash of stupidity 90% of you didn't give a shit about these men or these symbols. I am willing to bet half of you didn't even know who they are or what they did. But now from the ivory soapbox you are gonna teach the world a lesson. The South is its own culture. Good and bad. Taking it apart isn't right. What if statues of Black Leaders or Gay leaders were attacked and defaced? It would be the worlds worst crime! So why is it being allowed to happen to the South? No not all of it is good, but to me not all of the gay pride marchs are good. Some are now just fetish balls, I have heard the gay community even say it.

Last thing I am going to bitch about is fucking Hollywood! I have a man crush on Johnny Depp. Even if his last few movies sucked. I won't however listen to him for political advice. I give the Daily show is clever satire, still won't influence my votes. You have these celebs, oh Trump this and oilsands that FUCK YOU! You live an easy life because you're great at your craft, (thats entertaining me) not because you are a leader. You wanna help do charity work (Hell take a hint from Lady Di), shut your cry hole. This goes for both sides. Seriously Kid Rock for congress???? Buddy writes songs titled Fuck you blind bitch. I sadly admit I have like 3 of his CDs. Hey he is the American Nickelback, same rock songs over and over. But hellz no I know he isn't a congressman. James Woods, you suck. Just straight up go back to making awful movies. Jane Fonda, please stay out of Alberta. Leo DiCaprio, I know warm winds are scary to some. But this isn't a problem. Our family can trace back to 150 years or more and the scary winds existed then to. But I mean a pseudo Celeb is what was voted president so.....

Anyways, I am done. Just so annoyed with how stupid and selfish the world has become. Everyone simply is looking out for their agenda. Failing to see the big picture that we need a common ground to live on. They said the 80's yuppies was the ME generation. Right now seems much worse. Maybe we all need to re-watch Remember The Titans


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