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Current Pop Culture

Spoilers! Just a heads up. This blog is 92% pop culture and for TV and movies there are spoilers. Just a heads up as I am getting so tired of spoilers....

Let me wrap up House of the Dragon and Rings of Power. I REALLY enjoyed both. Rings of Power starts slow but the middle is very good. Plots push forward and things tie together nicely. If this is a spoiler to some I am sorry but I am confused. I thought Isuldur was king a LONG time after the fall of Nuemenor. Clearly he isnt, I assume we will see the fall and see him become the king of Gondor. Just saying thought it was a big time jump. Like doesn't he fall and he house of stewards rules Gondor for a long time? Like if thats right there are barely any kings of Gondor? NO wonder Boromir say "Gondor has no king. Gondor need no king." Maybe that leads into..... I don't understand the hate for this series online. Its a well done high fantasy series. It might not be exactly as Tolkien wrote it but that does not make it bad. Are you made because you read it yearly and this isnt what you thought? You could LARP it out and make your own series. Admittedly while the Sauron reveal was cool it was anti climatic. The finale was kind of snoozy.... It is kind of sad who Sauron is, I really liked the character and I do want to see what the problem between him and the dark elf is. Also I like finding out why the elves grew weaker and why the dwarves dug to deep. IMO at least even if it isnt bang on what ole JRR wrote it is still good. Its better than the Wheel of Time fantasy series they tried earlier this year. House of the Dragon has been so good. The story and the actors have actually made me invested in it. I am going to say it, I think the Blacks are the "Good Guys" but really I don't think this series will have any good guys. I keep seeing people saying get ready for war crimes so I think both sides are going to do awful shit. Now because the Blacks seem to be fan favs I assume in the end they lose and die true GoT style..... (Call it the Ned and Robb effect) What I really enjoyed though was the Green council episode. It really points out everyone involved is kind of a piece of shit just working for their own ends. In reality I think Alicent and Rhye are the two most decent people but misunderstandings keep screwing that up. Also of all the TV in the last year, sick, dying old king Viscerys walking to the Iron Throne and kicking Otto the hell off it is the most epic scene in a long time. Of course the death of the young prince starts the war, another mistake. Daemon and Aemond are so bad ass, I assume one day they fight. I try my best to avoid spoilers on line, that's what sucks when you haven't read the books. I did not mind the time jumps and the actor playing Aemond now is perfect! However I hate the fact he looks 30 when I believe he is supposed to be late teens?? Been watching Interview with the Vampire, really like it more than I thought I would. Flat out I will admit I thought it was going to be some woke bullshit. Louis is described as white AF! However Black Louis is awesome. He plays the role so well. The setting change I thought would piss me off, no they do a great job on that as well. Claudia annoys the hell out of me, however she is supposed to. Meaning she is doing a great job. Lestat for the most part is also well done. I think there is only 1 episode left this season and chances are it will air before I publish this. If you have read the books you know what is coming. I want to see how they play it out. Really enjoyed the last episode. Lestat and Claudias final chess game was so well acted. Loved Lestat on the train, a real monster. I know they are doing the Mayfair witches, which should be a fun watch. I don't really know much about them, seeing a new story to me will be good. Also it is the "Immortal Universe" guessing AMC is going to explore a lot of the Witches and Vampire Chronicles. If they are all done as well as this show it should be a good ride. Yes the later books get goofy and maybe don't want to see them on TV but the early books will be great TV. Walking Dead has made me a fan again, at least for the main series and final season. There has not been a dull moment. I think there is 2 episodes left and I ASSUME they we be explosive. Last week was Eugenes trial and at the end Mercer saying lets fuck shit up. First off, is it because its the final season but man it seems like AMC no longer cares about censors. I personally think it was a mistake announcing all the spin offs. Like Negan and Maggie get a series. We all know it isn't a prequel so I am guessing they are safe for the final episodes. Although I worry for Negans wife... I won't get into it but after saying for a long time TWD had gone downhill this last season has been great. So Henry is leaving the Witcher Netflix series. I don't wanna be that guy but cancel it.... It is one thing to change a minor character but the actual namesake of the series is another thing. Not saying Liam will be bad, in fact he might be great but he will have to be or no one will accept it. Also started Animal Kingdom, only a few episodes in but really liking it so far. A few people had suggested it to me, should have listened earlier, its nice when you can marathon something but the flip side is it sucks to spend 40 nights trying to get caught up. We did watch the newest season of the Crown this weekend. I honestly good care about the monarchy, either way. Are they a symbol, yes. Are they dated, yes. What I do know is I would NEVER want to be part of that family. Yellowstone back on tonight, so excited

One more time for you in the back that can't hear or something. THE WORLD OWES YOU NOTHING. I keep seeing tweets saying shit like "Not having Netflix, Starbucks and avocados won't get people out of poverty" NO shit! Then following up with people deserve or need these creature comforts. Everyone knows cutting those three things or whatever little treat you give yourself probably won't pull you out of poverty if you are in it. It will fucking help though. I got thousands in debt. Struggled, lived cheque to cheque. When I got serious about getting out of debt though I had to choose. I could afford a bottle of vodka, Smirnov. Even though I really wanted that Grey Goose, I had to settle. Thats what people are getting at. Don't buy $5 coffees a day then complain you have no money. Avocados ya they are awesome. Guess what, you can have toast without them. Ya it is awesome to be caught up on the newest TV but if you don't have $16 or whatever it is for Netflix, don't get it! Also none of these things will be breaking you. Chances are there are other big things to look at. Yet if you have a million little things adding up, it is going to bring you down. Sure a buck here and there doesn't seem like much but it is. I don't even want to know how much I spend at Tims and in our group lotto each year. I know this though, if I needed to save money cutting those 2 little things out sure would add up. I know this isn't an answer, for each person it will be different. No poverty doesn't come from creature comforts (If it does, your doing life wrong) HOWEVER no one is just entitled to anything either. Honestly both sets of people annoy me. The "millennial" saying how bad it is, living in a day dream that the world should just be given to them and they shouldn't have to own responsibility that most people don't start out making 6 figures and having brunch every Sunday. Also the people who dont realize A) how hard it is to get ahead now a days without help and a lot of hard work & B) people who legit think people are poor from dumb shit. MOST people would not choose to live in poverty. 

Went to Halloween Ends and here is my beef... WTF like really overall wtf?! The movie itself was decent. Not a ton of jump scares more gore than anything but kind of how slasher flicks have gone. However it is kind of like they just threw a bunch of shit out and hoped people liked it. I THOUGHT this series was 1,2 then the Halloween, Halloween Kills and Halloween Ends. I guess 2 isn't supposed to be in there. So in the ending of Kills Mike gets the beating of a life time but fights them all off and lives, yet Laurie can beat him? Dudes been shot, stabbed, beaten whatever and been fine but Laurie beats him. This is cause he is old now? I don't get it. She bleeds him like a stuck pig and it works. Why didnt that work before?? Also the Cory subplot. I liked it. I really thought some how he was going to get Mikes "powers" or whatever and like Creed came from Rocky we might have a new franchise but I guess not. So then what was the point of making him "evil"? Plus the whole romance thing, it seems to make sense then at the end its just meh whatever. So I am not shitting on the movie, it was a decent horror but a lot of it left me scratching my head on the fate of the Halloween series. 3.5 / 5. Also watched the Conjuring. I dug it. Makes me laugh before Halloween all the good horrors vanish off streaming services and you have to pay for them. I still 100% support capitalism but lol thats a rip off! Would like to see more of this series though, I enjoy it is actually spooky. Not too many jump scares, not gore but actual horror. 

AXE - Judgement day - Avenger, Xmen, Eternals wrapped up. Thank god! I stick behind Marvel please stop with these "crossovers" every couple months. A Crossover should be a massive event, with huge effects every couple years. Not just a mini event every couple months. Like AXE starts strong but then really lags in the middle. Of course by the end you know something will happen, Marvel isnt going to kill off the whole planet. Plus for me personally most of any lasting effects are in the Eternals title. I don't care about them. Pushing them into the MCU and trying to hype them on print won't change that. Went from a Mr Sinister kick to an Apocalypse kick. Been buying more old Xfactor. Bats have been great. Failsafe is a neat concept. Showing that yes if Batman was enhanced he probably would kick the shit out of all of DC, so how will Bruce beat him? The Orghams are another cool group, it seems like DC is introducing a lot of new rogues for Bats. Knight was amazing. Batman has had his origin told many times by many people. Knight IMO is the best. I know its not canon but man I wish it was. Saying that Batman in refers to Knight, so it that canon now? I am confused Punchline is losing me. They introduced her (honestly as a newer Harley, who wouldn't turn out cartoony) had a good run but then let her drop. I dunno maybe the hype is gone but I picked up her issue 1 and don't think I will get more than that. Joker series was great, did not know there would be volume 2 which is also starting strong...... A lot of questions right now, maybe they will be answered by the time I publish this but starting strong.

Loved Resident Evil Biohazard & Village. My wife suggested them or honestly I probably wouldn't have bought them. They IMO had gone away from the spooky mystery solving games to the shoot em ups, which I find boring. I was glad she said buy them because I really enjoyed everything about them. From game play to story. I bought the follow up Shadows of Rose, I haven't started it yet and I will admit I am a bit sad. I READ it is short and not very good DLC. I thought it was going to be a whole new game. There is a long weekend coming this week, so there is a good chance by the time this blog is up I will have finished it & be back on Witcher. JUST FYI when I finish Witcher this time I will be with Triss, have all the gwent wins and Ciri will be a Witcher. SO Shadows of Rose is pretty decent. I have played 3 hours or more and I honestly thought I was done but then a whole new part opened? I have enjoyed it for the most part and impressed the length after reading the review.... Is it amazing no but its fun and I can't wait to see the end.

I have nothing for music again, sadly.... Come on someone make an amazing album! I did start a couple new pods. Horrifying history is one. Really dig it, a lot of interesting stories on a wide range of topics. I tried human monsters and a couple were really good BUT overall kinda weak sauce. Mostly it is graphic details of sick shit. I know Paul Bernardo is a freak I dont need to know intimate details, so I had to stop that one. Honestly I dont know why some of those pods exist, its almost like gore porn for weirdos to get off to. I am back on Behind the Bastards. Even when I dont agree with them they are good. The worst Nazi Oskar Dirlwanger honestly was horrifying. The crack epidemic was an eye opener, even if I dont agree with the overall thoughts. See they want to say money not crack was the problem. Thats not wrong. MOST of the problems came from the huge influx of money. The gangs the voilence and such. HOWEVER the money only exists because the crack is there. If people weren't fighting for millions of $$ you would not have seen the gang land violence. If it wasn't so addictive people wouldn't be committing crimes to get it. 100% society failed. The jail terms cocaine a "white rich" drug to crack a "ghetto poor" drug are unfair. A lot goes wrong there but trying to blame everything again on society or capitalism doesnt fly. In the end all the issues stem from the drug. Also I have to say it again, please Tom MacDonald stop. It was bad enough when twitter kept telling me I might like, now Facebook is too? While you aren't wrong with a lot of what you say, kinda sound like a less talented Kid Rock.

I said very little politics so I am sticking to that but right now there is a big to-do about Justin Trudeau being on Drag Race. Good for him, honestly I don't give half a fuck. First he is interacting with Canadians which is actually his job & had he interacted with Truckers we would not have seen the war measures act used. What I will say is even though I keep seeing people say how good and progressive he is by doing this, that's not it at all. He didn't deal with the truckers because he knew he would never get their support. The liberal party keeps losing ground so ole JT hops on Drag Race hoping to lock up a minority vote. You know the Cons are going to do that. Don't tell me he is doing this for some other reason, at his core he is a spoiled, old white money asshat. In the end it shouldn't be a big deal BUT lets not pretend it is for anything other than his own gain.

Thats all folks. Trying to keep it mostly pop culture. Honestly maybe no more blogs for a few weeks. Between, Christmas coming and out on the road for work for that. Hockey wrapping up, wanting to actually read a couple books I bought & do some writing that isn't blogs I think I may try and not blog for a bit. I do think I need to figure out blogging a bit better. I can do some posts that get hundreds of reads and then others that get nothing. Need to figure out how I want to blog. The point was to get my shit read and in 3 years or more that I have been doing it I don't honestly  feel it has worked, so maybe I need to figure that out....


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