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Let me be honest, phase 4 hasn't really been all that good. The D+ shows are entertaining but none have been mind blowing. Spiderman was good but in all reality it was a fan service show. We got to see old favs and the multiverse was slightly opened up. Dr Strange was good in fact it really sets the stage for "Multiverse Saga" a lot of other movies seem to be filler. Black Widow should have come out earlier. Shang Chi was cool but not amazing. Eternals was honestly kinda boring world building. Did other things come out, I can't remember. Thor I can't say I haven't seen it yet.... But overall nothing was amazing and ya phase 1 MCU wasn't crazy good but Ironman and Cpt America really set the tone and built a universe, none of these movies really do that. I stand by my thought the MCU shot it all in the Infinity Saga. I don't think they foresaw the popularity AND once it took off threw everything out there. Really they didn't need Cpt Marvel, could have kept that. Or honestly even Spidey. He was amazing to see but all in all they both could have been big draws for this saga. There is none left, Ms Marvel? Eternals? even Shang are not going to draw what Ironman did. HOWEVER the house of mouse did something right and bought the rest of the Marvel universe to make movies with and to me this whole Multiverse Saga is just setting that up. This Saga I feel will be smaller and simply be a launch pad for the first family of Marvel and the Mutants.....

Secret Invasion could have big implications for the MCU but being a Disney+ show I am thinking it won't have that much impact mostly just a place to tell fun backstories and such. If you want the truth I have 0 care about Echo or Ironheart. Echo was neat we get to see Daredevil until they announced Daredevil was returning, then I didn't care. Honestly is Echo not just DD missing a different sense, like will Cpt no taste be next? The only reason I wanted that was for DD and Ironheart well that sounds meh. Also what happened to Ironwars? That one might have been good.... Justin Hammer is such a cheesy yet good bad guy.

Lets talk Daredevil for a minute. I had zero interest in him UNTIL the MCU (Like Ironman & Cap) I thought he was corny. A poor, blind Batman, To be honest he is... BUT wow did Netflix make me love him. Was it the story? Was it the acting, I don't know but DD was amazing. I was stupid about it. I didn't even jump in until after season 2 was out and only because so many people said I would like it. I LOVED IT. A lot of fans and non comic book guys loved it as well. Disney better not fuck this up..... They are giving us 18 episodes, awesome! Much better than the 6 - 8 they have been doing for other shows, my worry is the Disney treatment. What I mean is maybe it should go on the Star Network part of Disney+ streaming. The entire plot in season 1 revolves around whether Matt should murder Kingpin. Also Kingpin in reality is one of the MCUs most terrifying villains (Not power wise) He murders his father, he savagely beats both DD and Bullseye. He chopped a man head off with a car door. Mostly while remaining calm and cool. (This has to be a nod to D'onofrios acting. Like RDJ or Heath Ledger he is PERFECT for this role) Yet the first time we see him on D+ he can't even handle a teenage girl with a bow. I could almost say him and Hawkeye would have been a good fight but now he can't fight a normal teen girl?? I guess what I am getting at is Disney is getting an amazing show with a lot of loyal fans and while I am excited for it I am worried it is going to be very toned down.

Blade I don't really care about. Also it fall into the DD category, it is a series that you really don't want to "kid" down. IMO it is almost like MCU needs a Max line. Is that what it was called back in the day? Marvel Max for the more adult titles. Put your defenders there including Punisher! Put Deadpool there, hell Moon Knight could have been on that and of course Blade. You could still do these big crossovers when you need to. There is no reason that the defenders couldn't show up next time for the big "Final Battle" like in Endgame but keep the writing where it should be not "kidded down"

Agatha Coven of Chaos might be good.  Honestly not sure why but I do have hope for this one. First Kathryn Hahn is a great actress. Second I dont know anything about that story so fun to see all new things. Third I am sure it is going to go towards Multiverse stuff & WandaVisions end hinted Aggie would be important later on. So big things coming?? If we are doing Disney shows I guess might as well say Loki. So Kang first appeared here so I assume since he is at least part of the "big bad" this saga that is important! I enjoyed Loki 1 hope 2 can keep it up. If anything I think it will simply be important to the overall story. Saying that though I am not a fan of the TVA. Having that literally means that nothing really matters.... Everything is already pre determined and if it varies they correct it. So no matter what Thanos is going to wipe out half the universe and Tony in the end will stop him. Maybe I am understanding it wrong but thats how I get it. So MCU will have to do a hell of a lot of explaining on that and time travel and multiverses.....  

Captain America NWO is going to be a big deal. Falcon and Winter soldier was decent not amazing. Cap was well, half of the main story of the Infinity Saga so the MCU really needs this to land. MCU has started throwing things at us hoping for the Iron Man & Cap magic and they haven't got it. Spidey is a fan fav yes. Cpt Marvel is the "most powerful Avenger" Eternals was lame. Nothing is hitting that magic and if Cpt doesn't I dunno what will. I thought it was by far the best trilogy BUT this is all new. I have no issues with the new Cap but he isn't Steve. With he have the morale issues? Not only that Steve was this ultimate good guy, no matter how morally compromised other heroes got Steve never did. Sam isn't that way OR I mean he might be but we don't want a carbon copy of Steve.... We need a fresh new Cap if Steve is gone but those are massive shoes to fill.

Are the Guardians good? The first movie was a breath of fresh air into the MCU as it was getting more serious. It had great humor and actually was tied into the overall Infinity Saga. Everyone loved it, friends who don't even like comics told me it was good. I liked it, maybe not as much as some but it as good. Volume 2 was very average. It was the same kind of cheesy "funny" story. Other than the sad yet awesome story between Yandu and Peter it wasn't anything special. If they try and do the same thing AGAIN I cant see it being good. Yes people want the jokes but they want more than jokes. It is almost like it was Ted 2. Sure the first was good but remaking the same thing meh and I guess that's how I feel about Guardians & I hope they don't do that with 3.

I don't know or really care about Thunderbolts.... Maybe they will be good, we can hope but in my nerd knowledge this is a big hole so fingers crossed its good. So really we get to IMO at least the biggest part of the Saga, F4. In Marvel there is the Avengers, the Mutants and the rest that maybe don't 100% fall into those 2. Fantastic 4 is one of those and it has the honor of being one of Marvels biggest titles.... I called Cap make it or break it well this one REALLY is. It is coming at the end of the Saga so I am guessing it will be what they try to move forward with. Personally I did not mind the first attempt at these guys, although Silver Surfer was kind of lame. The thing is this is the biggest announcement of Comic Con. Marvels first family has to be big. Dr. Doom should be in it, he is an icon in Marvel and really could be a big bad himself. As I have said some things they have thrown out have not stuck, so they really needs to be the next RDJ. The fact is the House of Mouse is going to milk the MCU for as long as they possibly can. I would prefer that they still have big exciting story lines. F4 or mutants are going to have to helm that.... I think they know this and that is why it is so late in the game, time to plan and deliver a good product

The Kang Dynasty..... Please be good. I will say this, I really don't know the story of Kang so I like that. Ultron, Thanos I knew what to expect Kang is all new to me so I love it. Saying that it seems again like reaching deep for a B lister to fight.... I do think MCU has used its big hits and might struggle with this. HOWEVER his appearance in Loki was good. He might be a very entertaining villain. Secret Wars now this SHOULD be good. It is a legit reason to bring the whole MCU together like Endgame. I don't have much to say about it though. It should be as epic as the sparkly circles and Steve saying Assemble, I just think they have a lot of building to do to get there for it to be as epic as Endgame.

Couple closing notes, Thor isn't in here. It is out already and I will go see it. Soon actually before it is out of theatres. So far I haven't seen a ton of good reviews on it but I hope it is good. Ant Man I also didn't put on here and probably should have. Over all I don't see how a lot of these projects show the multiverse, this one I could see showing it. Well actually with Kang in it I assume yes it does. Modok though? Really?? I won't judge until I see but I don't have high hopes. Ant-man series really has been a B list to the MCU. Yes Paul Rudd is awesome and yes Ant-man and a rat are the real heroes in the Infinity Saga but overall still a B list. Not to sure this will elevate them above that, but I am sticking to MCU needs a franchise saving hero can Antman step up? The other thing is I hear rumors D23 or whatever it is they do every year will have more big announcements. I assume that will have a few more titles and maybe make things look a little more like the multiverse

Final, Final thought is just a quick paragraph that will be in my next blog but I think it fits in well with this one

SO I recently saw a social media post saying Dark Phoenix Saga is the worst X-Men movie in both series and shouldn't be done again. That is part right, it was the worst movie in BOTH series, because it is a SAGA not a single movie, with the Multiverse "saga" the next saga for MCU. I present the one after, not the "mutant" saga but the Dark Phoenix Saga which would cover the muties.... Start with the first 5, the original team! Of course with Magneto as well. Do 2 movies like that and in the third Jean "dies". Also maybe drop a couple stand alones. A Magneto or a Wolvie. Guess what, Logan isn't the only Xman he doesn't have to be in first movie. In these first 3 - 5 hint at the Hellfire club and Mr Sinister. Then they break up and 6 is the "Classic" team. Introduce Madelyne Pryor, do classic stories like the Mutant Massacre, throw in the Marauders I would rather them be a reoccurring bad guy than Magneto. He is too complex to just be a bad guy. Do God Loves Man Kills, Days of Future Past, put Rachel in it and Ahab. Put Inferno in it. EXPERIMENT!! I dunno half way through, say movie 10 Fantastic Four Vs X-Men. Set it in the Savage Land. Reed has Jeans body X-Men are mad. At the end she is alive.... Time jump a couple years Nathan is born. Have Apocalypse show up, send Nathan to the future. Then some modern stories, Asteroid M, Muir Isle saga show the shadow king. Genosha, hell do murder world but the whole time Jean is getting stronger and dark. End it with a 2 movie Dark Phoenix. Have the Shi'ar and the Hellfire, maybe put them on Krako after. The fact is X-Men have been wasted. They have as big a catalogue as the rest of the MCU but we never see it. We see the same stories over and over and butchering the DSP. SO do it right as it isn't a bad story it is icon but is always rushed.....


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