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July Junk!

I am now in Managerial Skill Development. I finished HR with an 89.5% and it made me realize I have become a "keener" I was actually mad I got .5 less and was thinking why could I not have gotten one more test answer right to bump it to 90%. It is still an A but the roundness of that number sounds much better. If I am honest this newest course is not what I expected, it is very psychology driven. Or so far it has been. Looking internally at our strengths and weakness. Which I do understand is important for a manager just not what I expected. Also it is online BUT we are expected to do a group project. I am nervous about that for 2 reasons. 1) 20 years ago I legit was the guy you didn't want in your group and even though I am doing much better in school now I hope I am still not that guy. On top of that I hope that guy isn't in my group! 2) I don't like my work depending on others. It is the same in the real world at my job. Some things I am okay with BUT big things I deem important, I micro manage and group work doesn't let me do that... Next semester I am taking off. It is my busiest work season and even though a full term is much easier I need a break in the fall. Winter might be brutal, if I really wanna do this I need to upgrade math 30. I am good at math, real math that I use every day for work. This crap that is way beyond it makes me nervous...

T.V doesn't have much for me recently. I did watch the first 2 seasons of Stranger Things. They are good, not amazing. I remember when the first season was out all my friends loved it & I think it was the nostalgia. They nail the 80s. I want to get to season 4 now, I am hearing how good it is again after 2&3 not being as hyped but will have to make it through 3 first. Took a break from it though to watch Sandman. I never read the comics but DAMN I loved season 1 of Sandman. First it is so Gaiman, if you don't read his work you'll not understand that but if you do it is bang on. Probably better than American Gods. I have 1 beef and it is Lucifer. Not that she doesn't play it well, I would have no beef if Tom Ellis had not already done such a good job as Lucy. Seriously I want that cocky devil back! Not sure if I said it but wrapped up the Boys. I liked it and it was meh at the same time. Good season that nothing really happened in. Honestly I think they should have kept Soldier Boy free. Also that can't be it for Black Nior can it??? Please no! Finished Fear TWD, again maybe I mentioned that somewhere else already but they need to wrap this series up....

Well if you wanna be a cunt the NDP is the way to go about it! So Minister Homenuik recently ran an essay contest for women 17-25 for what they would do if they were a minister. Basically it was kind of how to make the world better for women or what they would do in politics. Now you would think the Pro-noun party would be good with this. (Here is the thing, fuck your pro-nouns, it is seriously a pet peeve of mine. You a human? Good I will address you politely as what you appear to be. Often what fucking science has decided you are.) Well the 3rd place was a woman who was all about traditional values. About having kids and raising a family. Apparently this somehow hurt Janis Irwins feelings so much she had to attack the whole contest and winners on social media. If you don't know Irwin feel feel to google her / she. She has to be very clear those are her pro-nouns on social media because I guess that matters a lot. Here is the thing that makes my blood boil, what is the fucking problem with that???? I 100% support a woman who wants to be a career gal. My wife and I don't have children, she has 2 degrees. I am proud of her for that, that isn't for everyone though. Some women want a big family, ain't nothing wrong with that. I legit though the NDP party supported women's choices and women's rights and blah blah blah whatever the fuck virtue signal they are throwing out these days. Clearly they fucking don't. If you do not have the NDP group think you are bad and wrong comrade! I would like to point out there are roughly 2,170,000 women in Alberta, are you so fucking stupid you don't think some might just want a family. I will admit some of what the essay says isn't nice to hear but it also is true. Women aren't exactly equal to men. TYPICALLY (Not me) men are bigger and stronger. Typically males are better suited to hard labor jobs. She states that, but Joe Ceci (Another clown from the NDP) chimes in that is misogynistic. Wonder if he ever worked a real labor job?  Sorry you feel that way, doesn't change the facts. Same as saying your something your not, doesn't actually make you that. Now I don't agree with her saying women trying to get into "male dominated" fields is a bad thing. Anything you want to try and if you can do it all the power to you. If you can't, it really isn't anyone's fault, it just isn't for you. Same as some jobs women are better at. I dunno if it is biological or what but often caring and detail oriented jobs women are better at. That's just the way she goes.... Was that a sexist statement, the way she goes..?? Anyways I am digging a deeper hole and losing focus but my point is the party that is all about "Womens rights" you would think would support all women and be happy that people are interested in an essay contest about the future. Not attack them because they don't have the group think.... Twats. You were a 1 term government for a reason, not because Alberta wanted you, but because Alberta needed to get rid of some Conservative entitlement. Small update now the UCP ministers are backing down saying it shouldn't have come in 3rd. FFS gals, grow a pair and say you value everyone's ideas. Social media is all up in arms as well.... What a joke people can't have traditional views anymore.

Just a big shout out to the Edmonton Elks who have been doing fantastic since caving and changing their name!!

Did you know music was better 10, 20, 40, 60 years ago?? I have stated it before and I stick to it. The more I listen to old blues mixes from the 50s and 60s I am amazed how good it actually was. People played instruments and shit wasn't polished up to be sold in high tech studios. Mafia 3 has one of the best soundtrack I have ever heard (As does Forrest Gump) and it has nothing after 70s. Not that 70s and 80s didn't have some hits. Also I am a 90s kid so ya I dig the "oldies" 20 years ago..... Honestly very few guys these days impress me. Yes there is some but just actual music IDK...... Saying that I have been hooked on KO's Lets Blaze. It came out in 2009 and I feel like I may have enjoyed it then, it all sounds familiar but I don't remember him. My wife says it sounds very Bare Naked Ladies and he is Canadian BUT it is a lot darker and less fun. Say a mix of Sublime and BNL?? Check it out, I have a hard time describing it and that is all I got for music..... Digging our Fake History podcast check it out sometime if you are into history and some of the crazy shit that has gone down that may or may not be true. Just finished Billy the Kid and onto Robin Hood now. I realized music used to be way more important to me. Like I lived for it, if something new came out I had to hear it. I started the Woodstock 99 documentary as was thinking about that. I would have given anything to be there first day. That Korn set looked amazing but I assume the rest is going downhill fast....

So just a rant about the New York Times. I was listening to a podcast and an ad came on for another. Nice White Parents. It is a pod on how white parents were / are ruining a school. The 100% true sad fact is it might be 100% true! My issue is with the name. Really it has to say white?? Imagine if it was any other skin tone or race?? It probably wouldn't even be picked up by major podcast apps BUT its okay they are white. That pisses me off. Also some good podcasters say some dumb shit. Like one guy claiming at 4 he was socially aware of the injustice of homelessness. Bullshit. Unless you were indoctranated from day 1 and not let have a normal fun childhood your full of shit. Like all those social media stories were kids say something profound like the Dalia Lama at 4..... Also clueless podcasters who says opposite things and not realize how dumb they sound. For instance saying a native lady is getting discriminated against being held while intoxicated, but at the same time saying when they (the RCMP) don't take her in and someone murders her they aren't doing enough. Pick a lane and stay in it. As with most defund clowns, either you want the police to do their jobs (Properly and legally) or you want them to stop. You dont get to say doing too much and doing wrong at the same time say doing not enough....

Another ball hockey season done.... I had been wearing a pinny with a random number for the last few seasons and we finally got enough people to do another jersey order! I said if I got my 81 I would have my best season ever. That my friends was a lie, it was legit my worst season ever. Shitty thing is I felt great about my play just no pay off!! Which sucks. So I am going to play a couple more seasons. Honestly I would really like 1 more div champ even if it is one of the lowest divisions. I do have to say some people need to chill out. Our last few games were nasty, people getting thrown out for head contact. Which is short for fighting usually. Guys we all have to work the next day, there are no scouts in the stands..... I get it is hockey there will be battles and body contact but try and keep in mind this is supposed to be for fun. I had my glasses broken last week due to a greasy elbow in the face. Like serious??? I guess I just need to stick to being a play maker. I am not a goal scorer, even if I want to be. Even on the team I played for that is up in the top divs now I was always told I had a good pass and a smart head for good plays. SO I guess set up guys who maybe are a bit better and hope that leads to a win.  Anyways going to toss all the gear in the washer today, wash out the stink of losing and hope for a better fall season... Playon is back! I can't do it this year but I am pretty sure next year I will be back in. It is downtown this year which is kind of crazy.......

My wife spoils me, I got an Xbox X for my birthday. So far what I can tell is the loading is way faster. I haven't noticed a huge upgrade in graphics or anything BUT I think that has to be only on games made for X series? I keep thinking the upgraded Batman or Cyber Punk. However I still have my goal to finish Bioshock series. I finished GTAV again but it is lame how there really isn't much to do once you actually make money. Was doing the assassin missions to try and buy all the properties but honestly with no other missions to go it kind of feels pointless and boring. ALSO EA please take a year off hockey and actually build a really good one next season. First off tried to make a fake team and load it with created friends can't do that. So put all my friends on Wings that was fun. At second highest skill it is too easy winning games 7 - 2 over and over so bumped it to top skill and lose EVERY GAME 5 - 0 or so. Maybe we need a level in between! Also in franchise mode why do we not have the ability to pass diagonally? Every pass is like a rook in chess. Be a pro passing is fine but franchise is fucky. Also in be a pro can be the absolute top player and NEVER get enough fans to unlock some upgrades or play on the PK. SO take a year, develop a good game and release it. I am willing to bet MORE people will buy and some disenfranchised may buy again!! So I did buy the Quarry, really liking it. Very tell tale games eques BUT much bigger and more fun. With 186 possible ending I do think it has some replayability. I mean yes you will know what you need to do so somethings wont be exciting but I figure I will give it a few tries to make it fun!  

So a couple weeks ago Edmonton was in a panic (Rightly so btw) Lila Smith went to school, never went inside and then went missing! This was all the news and I just wanna look at it for a minute. So this girl was groomed? Is that the correct term for over a year?? I don't know what to say. The web is a dangerous place.... I will say years ago when I first moved to Edmonton I did some on line chatting. I did talk to a girl that was 17 when I was 19 she was form the southern states and she seemed cool. Looking back as an adult male now, I can see how it happens. As much as teens hell even early 20s think they know everything they fucking don't! A shoulder to cry on or an ear that listens is what everyone wants even more so young and naïve people!! What I am getting at is over the web it is easy to appear to be a great person and manipulate someone. With that in mind today the web is way bigger and scarier than 2000. There are SO many apps and they all can go on smart phones. Let me just list a few... Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Kik. Those are just names I know I am sure there is a lot more. On top of that there is basic security to stop middle age creeps from pretending to be what they are not, not much though. Please enter your name and check a box.... Anyone could pretend to be anyone on any of those and set up a false account. I am willing to bet our predator did. Like I don't know what do or say here. I don't want to sound like some tech hating backwards person but maybe there needs to be more control on apps? Maybe teens or at least young teens do not need smart phones. I was thinking if I had a child MAYBE they would just get a flip phone. Sure it isn't cool but at least I get the safety of being able to contact them and creepers can't. This kinda stems from a half written story I have and I assume many writers do about a serial killer using social media and smart tech to hunt. This is ramble so I will just stop BUT flat out I guess it goes back to parenting..... Which PS I am not an expert in. 

SO I recently saw a social media post saying Dark Phoenix Saga is the worst X-Men movie in both series and shouldn't be done again. That is part right, it was the worst movie in BOTH series, because it is a SAGA not a single movie, with the Multiverse "saga" the next saga for MCU. I present the one after, not the "mutant" saga but the Dark Phoenix Saga which would cover the muties.... Start with the first 5! Of course with Magneto as well. Do 2 movies like that and in the third Jean "dies". Also maybe drop a couple stand alones. A Magneto or a Wolvie. Guess what, Logan isnt the only Xman he doesnt have to be in first movie. In these first 3 - 5 hint at the Hellfire club and Mr Sinister. Then they break up and 6 is the "Classic" team. Introduce Madelyne Pryor, do classic stories like the Mutant Massacre, throw in the Marauders I would rather them be a reoccurring bad guy than Magneto. He is too complex to just be a bad guy. Do God Loves Man Kills, Days of Future Past, put Rachel in it and Ahab. Put Inferno in it. EXPERIMENT!! I dunno half way through, say movie 10 Fantastic Four Vs Xmen. Set it in the Savage Land. Reed has Jeans body Xmen are mad. At the end she is alive.... Time jump a couple years Nathan is born. Have Apocalypse show up, send Nathan to the future. Then some modern stories, Asteroid M, Muir Isle saga show the shadow king. Genosha, hell do murder world but the whole time Jean is getting stronger and dark. End it with a 2 movie Dark Phoenix. Have the Shi'ar and the Hellfire, maybe put them on Krako after. The fact is Xmen have been wasted. (The reboot started SO strong, honestly the could have rivalled the MCU had it been planned out more and written better.) They have as big a catalogue as the rest of the MCU but we never see it. We see the same stories over and over and butchering the DSP. SO do it right, as it isn't a bad story it is icon but is always rushed..... On that sadly I have to cut down my comic file. It was getting out of hand! I am saving for a big trip so I can't just toss money away every week. Gotta keep the 2 main Bat titles and a couple X titles but maybe less of the other random shit I buy! Also AXE Avengers, Xmen, Eternals has started off HOT! But this is my beef why does it have to go through so many titles! Like flat out I am not buying it all, I don't see how most people can!! Sure I will get the mini series and the issues I regularly get but not buying all the other off shoots. Which sucks Marvel, like you finally write a good crossover and want to go straight to peoples wallets!!

I am going to wrap this up. I know I had more but honestly this one has taken over a month to even make it this far. I have a 2 parter already started plus I think I have put 3 others out since I started this so anything new can go into next months rando thoughts


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