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The Woke disease and more

Wokeness is a disease. I have 0 problem stating the truth. The fact is the meaning if you google is alert to injustice, especially racism. Now that in itself is GOOD! I would HOPE most of us can agree on that. It has just went way past that. It has become self righteous virtue signaling. That basically the world should now be a free for all and if we don't accept everything everyone says or feels we are bad! The irony is the woke people won't wokely accept the people who don't agree with them. I thought that was the whole thing or the basis of it, acceptance. Plainly not everything is racist or homophobic. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi. First off wokeness can only exist because we live in the free world. The very fact that freedom lets it exist to assault other peoples freedoms is ironic. Also this might not be a popular thing to say but people don't have to accept others. People should be allowed to believe what they want. NOW saying that doesn't mean they should be allowed to discriminate. It just means you don't have to accept everything about everyone. Honestly that is the basis of democracy. Allowing viewpoints. It all comes down to no you cant yell fire in a crowded theatre but you also don't have to just accept everything that society tells you is right. Doing that does lead down the road to a dictatorship. I get some people are going to think that is hateful thinking. Again your allowed to that's the greatness of freedom. I think all people are created equal. It doesn't mean we all get a fair chance. I get we should work toward giving everyone that chance no matter who they are. The basis for wokeness is that and that is something I can support but I cant get behind it when it becomes cramming your virtue signaling down my throat. Oh and on that note keep it off social media if you truly believe your doing good. It shouldn't be dependent on getting likes. So many people now love posting shit online how they are making the world a better place. If you truly believe something just go do it. Make the world a better place. Dont spend as much time telling us all how you are doing it or trying to guilt people into thinking they should be just like you. 

I am going to start this off with something that might be slightly offensive. I don't want it to be but here goes. I don't care about your pronouns. You could identify as a god damn potato plant if you want. I am going to judge you on the person you are. My point is this on social media 2 types of people have to put pronouns. 1) Genuinely nice people. People hoping to not offend anyone and just show they care. 2) Douchebags. (This little rant is for them) People that think putting it there makes them better or more woke than the rest of us. These pronouns are usually followed by antifa or blm. Then you notice things like all cops are bad or other unintelligent things. My point is "wokeness" is creeping into way too many things. The honest truth is the world doesn't care what you identify as, only you do. You're the one wanting to make a statement and scream notice me! Or I am so woke! Just get on social media and have fun. If you are doing it genuine and it isn't a big deal just showing support for a community thats great, yet I find more and more people aren't doing it for that reason. Just to show what an amazing enlightened person they are. 

This really has nothing to do with the overall rants here BUT it is all over the news so I want to comment on it. Elon fucking Musk. As of this writing he has bought 9% of twitter and is trying to buy it all. Let me give some thoughts on this... Elon is a strange, smart dude that is good at business. He has tons of money but let me be clear he is not Tony Stark. He seems like he thinks he is. I wouldn't be surprised if honestly he is try to build the Iron Man suit. He is a genius. He is smart yes, very good at business but that's the end. All the things they come up with he doesn't design in his basement its a company effort. This hero worship needs to stop. Also him buying all of twitter isn't going to make the world a better place. First stop tagging him in tweets. He isn't reading every single one and he only owns 9% he isn't going to grant your wishes. Second he isn't your friend. I get it, I tag people I will never meet BUT this is getting out of hand. Also he is a businessman first and foremost. This isn't some big free speech crusade. I mean he can frame it like it is BUT it is a business or a vanity project. Social media is the wave of the future. Hell its now actually. So if you are smart and techy like he is what do you think would be a great thing to get into??? Social Media. Even better if it is already set up as a giant in the industry. So he can buy it up, tweak a couple things and bam another money making machine. Lets be honest even if he does gain control of twitter, it wont be able to be this free speech mecca you all think. First the government will use any power the can to fight him. Second he is a business man. He isn't going to let it lose value..... So just stop please. I did finish business law this year BUT I can be honest I really don't know everything I do know this though for the people saying if he isn't sold Twitter it is an attack on free speech, no its not. I mean I guess if the majority votes to sell and they don't yes that's an issue however if that isn't what happens and the company doesn't want to sell they shouldn't be forced to. Hell if they choose to tank themselves that's their capitalist right. So please stop acting like it is an attack on society if a social media company isn't sold to someone. 

Another thing that annoys me, if I am making wokeness the main rant in this blog is wokeness for wokeness sake. I was listening to a podcast the other day, that I actually rather like and one of the hosts said something that bothered me. "If a comedy special says something like there won't be any wokeness on here I tend to shut it off." (Roughly the quote) A comedian is saying he or she isn't buying into all the Politically Correct, Cancel Culture, Woke B.S of the day so you shut it off? It won't be funny, it will be offensive?? I hate to say it but a lot of comedy is offensive. You want my truth?? I have not seen a comedy in a few years that has had me really laughing hard. Yes there have been some good ones that I laughed at but nothing that had tears in my eyes. Ted? Ted might have been the last one that did that. Deadpool. A note, those movies also lose some of their humor if you watch more than once or twice. It is shock value. not saying there isn't wicked smart humor that makes me laugh but I mean full on roaring is usually offensive. Now you even have people mad at Friends for being insensitive. Fuck off. There is a line, you can have a lot of fun that might hurt someones feelings a bit. Then there is out to hurt peoples feelings. There is 100% difference. Take some of Adam Sandlers first movies, they rub some people the wrong way BUT he didn't write them to hurt peoples feelings. They were jokes based on society at the time. They were funny then and you laughed. If you look back now and are butt hurt about it, the issue really is with you and your changing tastes. The joke is still funny. Truth is I had never seen blazing saddles until a few Christmases back. First I am surprised it was on TV. Second it is fucking funny. I am sure it causes some people to have meltdowns but it is so smartly written it moves past offensive to witty. I guess I am getting off course here but my whole point is if your going to avoid something because it isn't "woke" enough thats pretty much the same as not watching a movie because it has gays or something. Your not giving things a chance........

So I went through the whole podcast series Villains by Parcast in the last couple weeks. First the concept is cool. Taking a fictional villain and comparing them to a real world villain. They took some of my favorite villains. Lestat, Lecter, Vader, Killmonger, Don Vito. So I was in. My issue again is with wokeness. Somehow every villain comes back to not being woke enough. Not being feminists enough, not accepting homosexuality enough, being racist. I get it, these are all big issues I just dont think that all fictional villains could have been solved with wokeness. The funny thing is I didn't set out writing this blog to put that in but I literally listened to this pod on the road and was kind of blown away that I couldn't even escape wokeness when I wanted to chill and drive the highway. 

Also it seems the Woke have an issue with police. Let me be 100% honest here. Not all my dealings with the police have been great. Not that I have a ton BUT I do have some. I have had to blow in a breathalyzer. I have had my car stolen. I have run into them outside bars..... I have a "friend" who is one and has told me stories, so let me give you my opinion on police. They ain't bad. First I will be 100% honest I have had more pleasant experiences with the RCMP than local police. IS that to do with the training, IDK. I would like to see more training for local police. Where I grew up we only had RCMP and the dumb shit teenage boys do sure the RCMP put the fear of god in us but for the most part they were fair. I moved to Edmonton and one of my first experiences was my car was stolen. I can be honest I was in Queen Mary Park, which isn't the best neighborhood and I was a student so it had no insurance or registration I was walking everywhere. I called it in and "someone" would be by or call. NO one ever did. Sure it was a junker but still would have been nice to hear from police. 3 weeks later walking home I myself found it. Had my keys so drove it back to apartment.... Not to impressed. Also we spent a LOT of time in Essies over the years. End of night there was always police hanging around. Truth is they did not do there jobs there. Most of them smiled at drunk girls in their uniforms and I assume got numbers. Honestly one night there was a brawl going on and they simply looked the other way. I went over to give the cops a piece of my mind but my friends were smart enough to toss me in the truck before I could rant. On top of that it doesn't take much to go online and see there are scandals with police in Edmonton probably more than there should be. Now I want to talk about the truth. I know The Walking Dead isn't real BUT I truly believe it portrays what would happen without police. Predators would take over. You would have your Negans and your governors. People want to say "Oh I wouldn't let that happen! I would be Rick" NO, no you wouldn't. This pandemic has shown people fall in line. A bully would come along and take what they wanted. The fact is it would probably happen even if society didn't fall but if we didn't have people to enforce the laws. That sadly is the nature of humans. It is the people calling for less police and more masks (These things seem to go hand in hand) that would get screwed first. Much shit as they talk these are the same people that fall happily inline. So honestly you should be happy the police are around to protect you. This paragraph got way longer than I meant so I am gonna summarize. I get there are massive problems in policing. I personally believe it boils down to training. Maybe also to better screening. Every city in the states that has "defund the police" has seen crime spike. Keep that in mind when you rant about defunding police.

I had more but I am going to cut it down and ad on this last paragraph. Again it isn't bang on with the Wokeness rants but you can see if falls close....

So many years ago we were at a friends house having a fire and drinks when her roommate came out with a childrens book sat down and started reading. Who the hell reads kids books when there is whiskey to drink?! I think I asked who the fuck Harry Potter was. Or something along those lines. She told me to shut up and read the book, I would like it. I think it was roughly goblet of fire. She was right I was hooked. Bought all the books and devoured them. Nerded it up and waited in line at midnight to get the Deathly Hallows. We even had to buy 2 copies so girlfriend and I could read at the same time and not make the other one wait. Sure I was a bit old to get anything from the "school" part of it but I know MILLIONS of kids grew up with Harry, Ron and Hermione as friends and guides for growing up. JK Rowling created one of the best fantasy worlds ever. Period. She is up there with CS Lewis & JRR Tolkien. Unlike Game of Thrones it can be universally read, not all the raping and incest and such. Then one day out of the blue JK stated a science fact & people lost their minds. Including people who had been fans for years simply because she A) had an opinion they didn't like and B) Science! It is like the fucking middle ages a woman states a science fact and they want to burn her at the stake. At this point though I doubt she cares. Also on top of that she has never promoted hate or anything against the LGBTQ or Trans community and yet they love to attack her. Hell one of her main characters is gay, he is probably the most powerful and likely second most important person in the books.... So fast forward to now some fucked up it creature that doesn't know if it is man, woman or beast writes a book and kills off JK because of her beliefs. So ya fuck Gretchen Felker-Martin. Google this Buffalo Bill creature, it looks like it is coming to eat your kids. I am gonna stop there with the personal attacks and just be honest. I don't give half of a half of a fuck about your pronouns. You can be a man or a woman, you can love whoever you want and I am happy for you. Long as it is safe, legal and consensual have fucking fun. I am going to judge you on the person you are and if you have to "kill off" someone because they believe in science then fuck you. You want to throw out hate, be ready for some back. So parents lock your kids up Gretchen has escaped the zoo. ALSO before you get all mad that's not for an entire community. I will try and get your titles right long as you are respectful to the world back. This thing is punching up. It like in rap when some no name tries to start a beef with a known artist hoping to get clicks and fame (I realize right now I am giving it exactly what IT wants) So honestly I hope JK just ignores it and we see it slither away. While I am ranting I guess lets talk abut the word TERF. Its stupid. Really thats all I can say, when I hear people use it I jus shake my head. Also I keep seeing things on children and gender ID and sexuality. Lets fucking stop that! A child doesn't know fuck all about that. Its like racism. A child doesn't know it until it is taught somewhere. A boy might put on a dress or play with a Barbie, a girl might wanna twist wrenches with her dad in the garage. (Yes I did say Dad and I am gender stereotyping!) That doesn't mean fuck all until someone is cramming it down their throat not to do that. Not saying kids don't have confusing emotions. I remember being in like grade 2 or 3 or whatever and you had a "girlfriend" Yes kids will grow into things and I have heard people say it was fairly early they knew that they were gay or whatever. I believe that, I am just saying we as a society don't need to be pushing all this shit on kids telling them they need to get themselves figured out at 8. If you are a decent parent when they start to ask questions and need support you will be there. You just dont need woke teachers forcing this shit on kids.... 


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