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A bit O everything!

 Its a mixed bag again, so if you aren't here for both politics and pop culture you may want to skip parts....

This was going to be its own separate blog but I think I can get my thoughts down to a small paragraph. People in the media in their day to day life should not live in fear. I get that yes some jobs might be scary but day to day reporters shouldn't be in fear. The fact is a couple mornings ago Global had a segment on how it has gotten scary and that isn't right. People shouldn't be threatening reporters. The true fact is you can point the finger back at Trump and his "Fake News" as a spark for this and it isn't right. HOWEVER Trump wasn't wrong on the fact a lot of news now is fake OR at least very spun.... Depending on whether you are following CBC or Rebel news you will get very different ideas on the trucker protest. Neither is "wrong" per say. They are simply pointing at facts that support what they want to say. Yup there is people waving Nazi flags. Yup there is people shoveling side walks. The problem is, it isn't "news" anymore it an agenda pushed. That's not right, that's not what news was originally meant to be. The fact is it should simply be facts about an event, both good and bad. Advertising killed that. You buying a paper (if that still happens) doesn't make the paper money, it is the adverts and media outlets know that. They are going to push whatever the $$$ wants pushed. Ergo any honest accurate news slowly died. Also If it bleeds it leads is true. For some reason people want gloom and doom, gore and tragedy. For example look at Globals daily Covid numbers. Active cases, deaths that all look terrible! They don't show the daily recovered counts. There is no deeper reporting say how many deaths also had other issues. It is all negative and all fear because for some reason fear sells, that's a rant for another time on why we as a species are so fucked up. Now you might think I am just rambling here but I will tell a true story from when I was in Journalism. First day, first freaking day of class we were to bring in our paper that we read. I would say 50/50 between the Sun and the Journal here in Edmonton. Our professor said toss the Sun as it would not be considered a credible source. Seriously? So from day 1 students are pushed into a bias. I get not letting the National Enquirer be a source but to discredit a major news publication because of an instructors bias, how is that allowable? What I am saying is no journalist should feel in danger simply doing their job. The climate of fear they currently live in however is brought about by media actions for the last 50 years. You can only shovel shit and push your agenda for so long before people aren't going to take it. Personally if I win the lotto I am going to start a media corporation that simply delivers facts and I am going to hire both "left" and "right" to give a fair and balanced news. Seriously I was about to move away from the media until the AM news. First off Global claimed they didn't know what the truckers were looking for, the goals of the protest. There are literally signs at the protest stating WTF they want, how as a journalist can you say you don't know what they want???!!? Also we have CTV saying they have to take decals off their car in fear. THAT SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING. Let me reiterate that again, journalists shouldn't be in fear. WHY then are you advertising this on the news and social media? Seriously. That's like an informant ratting on the 5 family bosses in New York BUT then setting up a social media account and saying "Hey world! Tonight I will be eating on Mulberry street in Manhattan. I will be sitting at the window with this fancy suit that has targets above all my important organs! But please, please don't tell anyone!" Okay that is a bit dramatic but putting on the news your hiding really doesn't make fucking sense.

First off stuck in my head in ball hockey. We had a shitty start but are now 2-2-2 which is decent. However this season I am -4 with no points. Like last season I just need to get a point and I will be better, funny how the mind can affect how well you do at sports as much as skill...... Also fun side note, back when I first met my wife and she was still my girlfriend she would come watch games with other girlfriends. Now most of us have gotten married and wives don't come watch, however I noticed in the stands last game there was a bunch of 20 something girls again. Turns out it is all the new guys girlfriends. I had to laugh and wondered if that was what we were like and in 10 years if it would be a new group of girls with these ones staying home as wives.

As for television, nothing really has my attention. Book of Boba Fett was good BUT (IMO at least) the last 3 episodes were the best when they added Mando, Grogu, Luke, Cad Bane! and Ahsoka! I guess I am not nerdy enough to know all of Bobas story but I just don't get the draw. Watching this though did remind me I really need to finish the Clone Wars Series and Rebels at least. Cad better still be alive, he was way too bad ass to be taken out by a fucking stick! I don't think anyone was surprised Grogu went with the armor and Mando!! We also started Pam and Tommy. I still hate Seth Rogen BUT the opening 3 episodes were good. The newest (4Th episode at this writing) was meh. It didn't draw me in really. If it is even half true these are all just bad people in general. Except surprisingly I feel bad for Pam. I finished the first season of Titans, so far the second hasn't hooked me and I have been bouncing between second season of Blacklist and first season of Criminal minds. It blows my mind how many big names were on these shows before they were big names. Or at least B names, maybe A-. We started The Great on Amazon. That shit is funny. 2 things with it though, you are going to want some knowledge of Russia and dry sense of humor. Ya they are going with some raunchy jokes but a ton of subtle, smart humor that I really dig. Walking Dead second half of the final season starts in a couple weeks. Again the previews look AWESOME but AMC is great at making awesome looking previews for boring shows..... So we shall see how it is. I am not holding my breath but I do think it has potential. Also now I heard it is only part 2 of 3? Okay guys just stop. If you want to make another season just make one. You own the fucking network! I am back on season 1 of True Detective as well. If you haven't watched it go do it now! It truly is great TV. The writing, the cast, the sets, like everything is amazing. It is too bad season 2 was SO bad and 3 just wasn't as good as 1. Woody and Matt were amazing. Honestly it is one of the better series HBO has done in a long time.

I want to touch on the truckers in Ottawa again and stick to what I said earlier. I support you guys. Within reason. First thank you for protesting for our rights, please do it properly. I have seen Nazi flags and shit there thanks to CBC MSN and mainstream media. That has no place there, that's not what this is about. These people are a small fraction of the protests & just like burning, looting and rioting weren't what BLM was trying to say a year ago these truckers aren't pushing Naazi or racist ideals. In fact it shouldn't really have politics to it. What they aren't showing is the things like line dancing, shovelling sidewalls and such. People just peacefully protesting within their rights. So that's gross of media to be so one-sided. Also you guys shouldn't be affecting business. That's why your there to get things back to normal not to be hurting businesses but to be getting them going again. Long and short, sure protest but do it in a way you get your message across and keep support. I honestly don't know what to say but there is NO MEDIA that is giving this proper coverage, everyone has an angle on it. Oh and gofundme can gofuckthemselves. Millions were donated to this and political pressure from say oh Justin and Co and they are refunding it refusing to give it to the people who raised it OR are donating it to a charity they see fit? That's 100% not right. I am not sure how many sites or apps there are for that but I support anyone that isn't gofundme. Oh and I guess Justin is looking at the War Measures Act today or whatever they renamed it... At this point I think an election needs called. Justin has utterly fucking failed and should be replaced. If your go to is the War Measures Act it might be time to move on. But I guess he just wants to be like his Cuban father, a dictator. I hope if he does people don't enforce it.

I still don't have a lot of new music to listen to. Or I should say nothing has caught my ear, so I am just gonna talk about a few things in the music world. First Super Bowl half time show looks amazing. I mean for 40 year olds lol but it is good rap music not like what we have today. (So I did watch it last night and it was good. Happy to hear Dre give a nod to Tupac on even if it was very subtle. To bad NWA didn't get a nod as well)  How did the NHL all star game get stuck with MGK? Way to not know your audience again.... Everyone I know or call a friend pretty much is into hockey and likes watching games. NO ONE is interested in MGK. If you were trying to pull in the 13 year old girl crowd, bravo I guess? I was just reading that Nikki Sixx has an issue with Eddie Vedder, I didn't know "beef" extended into rock, I thought that was a rap thing. Anyways Eddie said he had no interest in 80s hair glam rock. Which is fine. Nikki didn't like that and said Pearl Jam was boring and sucked. To me this is just a bitter Nikki. I am not a fan of Pearl Jam, other than 10 I don't like any album really. I would go as far to say I like Motley a lot better. In this though I gotta say its bitterness. Crue went from one of the biggest bands on the planet to not even being noticed in a couple years as Nirvana and Pearl Jam completely took over the airwaves. Shit in the "dirt" movie they even show a massive 10 cover painted on a wall. I guess what I am getting at is Crue is great pre 90s. After that meh at best, being bitter that someone took over the radio is a bad look...... Last is Kid Rock. We the People is one of the corniest and worst songs I have ever heard. It almost makes me regret liking some of his older songs. Sorry Kid you look like a washed up meth head. You took that trailer park image too serious. Just stop please, or maybe you and Tom McDonald can do a shitty duet. Went to a dinner theatre last night. Nashville outlaws. It was really good, Waylon, Willie and Johnny. For the most part they sounded close to who they were supposed to be. All I wanna say is country was SO much better back then. Also Cash is in both rock and roll and country hall of fame? I wonder how many others are?

Erin O'toole is gone as Conservative leader. I am not sad, I don't think a liberal in a powder blue suit is a good leader for the cons. HOWEVER we are at a dangerous tipping point right now. IF the cons take another liberal leaning leader it will further fracture the party. More going toward PPC and almost handing Justin a majority. He probably should have waited to do his power grab election now. (This is dated. I don't think JT calling an election now would be a good idea for him) On the other hand pushing too far right will do the exact same thing and lose the moderate votes. What they need is a good leader that will appeal to a lot of people and I don't think they have one. 

Gaming I have only been up to NHL as per normal. I think my new contract is $16 mill. Wish I could play and get paid like that in real life... Also I just finished BioShock. I did wonder when I started if it would be good as it is a few years old. It is and I will start 2 next week. It has a couple good plot twists. The game play is good. Story is an interesting concept, I love the creepy horror vibe and the 50s look. I heard rumors they are working on a new one, that would be awesome. I also heard that GTA 6 is well on the way to being ready. I am not super pumped as I thought I would be. Unless the writing is as good as say San Andres or characters are as good as 4 I am not hooked. 5 was a hella game overall but short and honestly not worth the replay unless you wait a few years. They have aimed for online money, which takes away from the actual game. Produce something amazing stop looking for money. Rockstar has made more than enough! Red Dead 2 was one of the best written games of all time, try and shot for that

Russia is sitting on the Ukraine border. This is worrying a lot of people and rightly so. History has taught the world you don't poke the bear. It isn't always fast but they don't lose. What I have heard from people who have family in the area is this isn't alarming. IN fact it is fairly common. That may be but usually the whole world doesn't stop and take notice. So I would say it is more than just a normal day. My thoughts are fairly straight forward, DONT GET INVOLVED. I don't want Russia to invade, if they do though armed conflict is not going to go well. Vlad has no fear of old Joe. He flat out stated if there ever was a terror attack Russias response would be swift and brutal. Be it right or not people believe him and attacks never came. Joe would be wise not to test that. The flip side IF they do invade and then move to another nation, then it would be time to act. History has taught us appeasement also doesn't work. 

Did anyone else notice the Olympics are going on?

We can go to movies again!! I have only been to 1 recently and it was the new Scream. Honestly that was a good movie. Scream is so good at being more than a slasher flick. Not to say it wasn't a great slasher flick but it also parodies the whole genre. On top of that I enjoy the fact it takes the stand not every movie has to be Woke. It hits both ways saying some are really good that way but they don't have to be. My favorite is Billy Loomis making a few appearances. SPOILER skip the next 2 lines if you don't wanna hear about it! I love the Billy Loomis scenes and man did I love when Sam see her dad as she is about to get killed and he motions to the knife. You know shits about to get wild! OKay spoiler over! Did watch Snake Eyes. It is good as an action movie, as a JOE movie I dunno. They were like my fav toy when I was a kid and I swear I wrote better back stories lol. Encanto was good. Bright & colorful. Decent story, if predictable but it is a kids movie so what can you expect. The newest Res Evil movie AWFUL just skip it. I still haven't seen Spiderman and I feel like I am failing not having seen it yet....So we also just watched the new Ghostbusters. Gotta say it lives up to the hype. It is so full of Easter eggs, call backs to the original fans will love it. It ties to the originals, story and cast are great. It is well worth a watch. 

I gotta address Kenney relaxing restrictions. First about fucking time! Second quit your fucking whining. The vaccine passport in my opinion was wrong from day 1. In Canada we don't have a two tiered system for citizens and honestly that is what that was. Masking is still around for at least another half a month. Okay whatever, I hope the 1st it is gone though. Let me say this. YOU DONT HAVE TO UNMASK IF YOU DONT WANT TO. I get some people are still worried and you have every right to be. You can keep wearing that mask, you can keep distancing, keep using sani. None of these things is banned, hell I kinda like the distancing you don't need to step on me in line! However at some point people have to move forward and that's what we are doing. I do want to state I won't go to any place keeping restrictions up after they are gone. I know some people feel the opposite way and will only go to places like that. To each their own. Edmonton looking into their own passport system and keeping restrictions is a joke though. Quit wasting fucking time and money. You can't even get the fucking streets clean or fund the police properly but you can waste shit on this??? This new council is a shit show. I didn't think it could get worse than the last mayor Ole bike lane Donnie yet here we are....

Batman is the shit theses days! Detective is killing it with both Shadows of the Bat and House of Gotham. Joker is wicked, love the story and Punchline is awesome as well. The Batman title is good, hasn't got its hooks in me like Detective but still good. AWA is back to being awesome. Every current title they have is great. STILL wish they could have on going series rather than these minis 4 - 6 issues.... I am really digging Heathens, the concept of historical villains alive today trying to do good is entertaining enough without putting in guys who I legit have interest in like Jack the Ripper, Billy the Kid and secretly one of my idols Lucky. Though last issue didn't end well for him.  So here is where I am mixing in the politics. I think I am dropping Scumbag. This comic started SO good. Ernie was funny, he could have been written by Garth Ennis (From me that's pretty much the best compliment I can give) They looked at society and gave a fairly brutal and honest take. Now it has wandered into way too preachy. Everyone is a Nazi! Let me put it to you this way, I get 100% comics have and probably will always be a social engine. You can make statements and metaphors perfectly. Chris Claremonts X-men run is IMO the best example of that ever! That is also my favorite run of any comic in any title. Scumbag has crossed from that to preaching at you. I don't need that, dude I can turn on the TV and get that, turn on movies and get that. Turn on social media and get that. IF scumbag legitimately showed how fucked both "sides" were I would stick to it. Because yes both sides are utterly fucked and Scumbag would be the perfect way to show that rather than preach at us..... Anywho back to comics been on a Claremont kick. trying to get from the late 100s - 300ish? of Uncanny Xmen. So many good story lines then but hard to find at a decent price. On the topic of Xmen, still hate they can't die! One of the big things in the Claremont run was there felt like real stakes, real danger. If they can just die and be back next issue, kinda lose interest!


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