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Canada Votes!

Its that lovely season. No I don't mean fall., though it is that too and it is way too cold in Edmonton these days. Its election season. The worse season of all. I took time to watch part of one debate. Of course I have paid attention on social media and we as a people have hit a new low. It isn't about party or even policy anymore. It has become personal attacks, many of which make high school kids look mature. That's sad, there is no other word for it. The fact is it is down to a two party system really. Cons and Libs. While the NDP has some voters, I am fairly certain they will never form a government, same as the greens. The bloc is only in one province and even though they have way too many seats there, they still won't ever be able form government. So really we are looking at one of two choices. Like when Hillary ran against Donald I have to say really, these two clowns? JT and Andy are the two best we could come up with??

So let’s start with the one I figure don’t have a hope in hell. Like the Bloc. It still fucking boggles my mind they are a federal party. Why in the world is a party that only runs in a single province given a seat at the big table??  Especially one dedicated to dismantling our country….? No threat there, except maybe to the Liberal vote that they will maybe take some from. The only other note is Quebec has way to much say in our federal government. I get it is set up by population but in a country this large they need a balance. The East should NOT decide for Canada who the government is. I am nt sure how to right that, well I have ideas but that is another blog.

Then we have the Greens. In a fairy-tale world they would be great. In reality they are a joke. Sure climate change is a big deal. We could all be greener BUT the fact is if the bigger nations don’t change it really won’t matter what Canada does. Plus fossil fuels, kinda Alberta’s jam. I am not saying they don’t have the heart in the right place but their has to be a mesh of both industry and economics with the green policy. Maybe whoever wins could take a few greens, make them some sort of advisory panel and try to find a common ground that makes real world sense. Like almost all the parties have points they do well. With Greens it is the current hot button climate change, so maybe just maybe let them at least have a small say? Pitch a few ideas? Also Liz May is a kook. Don’t get me wrong her shaking hands with JTs empty podium when he didn’t have the balls to show up for a debate had me howling but in general she sometimes is almost as crazy as off her meds as Sheila Copps.

PPC gets a big ole wow. Maxie loses the leadership vote in CPC and cries, starts his own party. Justin did drop an awesome dis at the debate saying Max says out loud what Andy Scheer is actually thinking. (Likely written by someone else) but it isn't far from truth. Max represents the farthest right people can vote in Canada. Max like Trump is saying things people are thinking but it has become wrong to say. What I like about Maxie, he is done with the Political Correct SJW BS that is killing common sense in Canada. What I don't like about Maxie, he is cry baby that started his own far right party. They are going to take some votes from the Cons, no doubt. BUT only in areas that are already solid blue. So I don't see them actually hurting anything BUT if you do see a surprise Lib win in the west it will be because a split vote between Maxie and Andy. 

The we get the NDP. They could be a threat someday. Singh is a great speaker. They surprisingly won a provincial election in Alberta, so crazy things can happen. They have policies that many people can get behind. Honestly I think I would take them over a Liberal government. The great thing is as Libs piss people off, they seem to lean toward NDP. SO the more popular they are the better I guess for CPC as the left gets a split vote. Again there is nothing wrong with the ideals they have just in reality they might not work. Of the three smaller parties I would say NDP has the most universal appeal. If they can keep growing with Singh as the leader the fact is they may gain some seats this election and may grow even more for the next one if the big two keep carrying on like assholes. Now over the last couple days before I posted this, they are willing to join with the Libs? I take back any semi kind words I had. I am always wary of someone who is willing to ally and sell their ideas for power. I guess this isn't the same as floor crossing but very similar. I give them a bit of respect, they announced it before they plan to do it but again if your willing to sell your ass for power, you maybe shouldn't have it.

Then we get to the Liberal party. MY family would kill me for saying this BUT this SHOULD be the party. They should have centrist views that are good for the entire country. HOWEVER this version of the party is not. The Libs were sucking, deal with it. They went looking for a figurehead and found one that was beloved in some areas and hated in many. Great hair, no brains, tons of entitlement. But his name would sell him.... Then to combat the Cons. that have government control for awhile they put together the SJW dream team. More concerned with diversity, than anything. I don't support that, sure it is good and should be there, diversity I mean. BUT it should be best person for the job, not based on anything but qualifications. It didn't really matter who it was just it had to be diverse, so they could play that card and against Harper. So they had a team now built for one thing, to topple Harper. Not to run a country, just to win. They appealed to all those that didn't like Harper. They appealed to the East that was growing tired of Alberta having a PM from there. Which was great because oil was hurting, many people headed back East and well blamed Alberta. They were young and hip and they won. Like the NDP in Alberta they won based not on merit but on a vote that was tired of Conservative status quo. They have been rocked by scandals. Their biggest go to is, if you don't agree with them is your a Nazi, sexist, a homophobe, zenophobe, and on and on.  The fact is though they weren't as shiny as promised. JT over and over has shown he is simply a rich white boy who might as well be a Conservative. BUT they still have a very large support base. The fact is a lot of it isn't based on anything more than wanting to be a SJW and going against the Cons.

And of course the CPC. Andy Scheer and Co. Or Harper lite. Don't get me wrong, I will likely vote for them BUT it is sad these are the best we can do? I don't dislike Andy as much as I did Jason Kenney as a Con. leader but I don't really trust him either. The Libs have dug up various lies he has said trying to paint himself as an every man. He hasn't really lived in the real world just played the game of politics. I am not sure if it is the fact Harper lost or what but the CPC push back seems to draw in further right than before. IMO this is the party that makes the most sense. Honestly not because they are the best party but because they have the least wrong with them. That really isn't a good way to vote. Don't think I am saying they don't have issues. They do but I at least trust them, Andy might be a stooge but IMO he has been the most forward. The funny thing with the Cons. they don't actually seem to care about Alberta. Or at least showing up here. They consider it a super safe area so you don't see them pushing for us. I don't know how to feel about that. You would think you might want to show your base you value them. Having said that I am sure Alberta still goes blue.

So to summarize, this election sucks. It has been more about mudslinging than actual politics. I can't handle JT. He is false, a fake, he should be a Con. everything about him screams it but he will deny it. I trust Andy about as far as I can throw him. The other parties really don't matter. All they can do is be spoilers. I wanted a minority, until I realized that it wouldn't make people work together. It would be a joke until a no confidence vote happened and we had to face this all over again. I dunno how to fix it. Seriously this is going to keep happening. Partisan politics with Canada not actually being the focus until the government can get its shit together and be adults. So from this ranting all I can say is get out and vote. Maybe if enough people show up we can actually see what Canadians want.


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