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My politics (Being White)


My timeline on twitter seemed a bit less crazy the last few days and I wondered why. It didn't take to long though to put my finger on I hadn't seen anything from Canada's White Pride darling Faith Goldy. So I looked her up and finally I was blocked. I give her an A+. It took her a lot longer than thin skin Ezzie and the rest of rebel media to join the I blocked Tavis club. James Woods is a member, if you wanna be in that crowd. I took a bit of pride in the fact I can apparently offend asshats with common sense. Yes I have said a few nasty things but I never, start that way. So I scrolled through my timeline and started to think what the hell? They aren't the only insane ones, the fact is half the damn world has gone mad. The more I read, the more I thought, hey those nutters occasionally make a point. I mean don't misquote that, even a broken clock is right twice a day but some of the points they are trying to make (Before they go overboard) are correct. Now I dunno maybe it was Christchurch. Maybe it is the upcoming elections. Provincially and Federally Maybe it is SNC Lavalin but Canada is becoming so hyper partisan it is scary. So I am going to put forward my "Beliefs" I guess is the right word. Take them as you will. Racist, xenophobic, nationalist, hillbilly whatever you wanna say but it has gotten to the point I think so called "Social Justice" has gone too far, as well as the right wing nutters (PS I love the term nutters, wish I was British) It has almost gotten to honesty isn't valid anymore. Everyone needs to accept everything or be labelled a Nazi.  Here is the thing, I am proud to be a white middle class Canadian male. I am tired of being told if I vote conservative  I am supporting hate. Cause you know what, I don't hate much. Except stupidity, arrogance and rudeness. I can deal with all races, sexes, religions and so on. Ya I might prefer dealing with certain people over other but I can do,  until it crosses the line into those 3 things. Those are what I take offense to and attack. Not based on anything else..... Anyways I have more in my head to write here but see below I guess.

SNC Lavallin. I just gotta say a couple quick things. CPC wants to drag it out and try to bring down ole JT and the libs. I get it, politically at least. JT came in as this shining hope, he was some good guy going to defeat that mean old Harper man & he did. Now let's be adults about this. NO ONE in power got there clean. That's not negativity that's truth. (Well excluding Jesus) JT was propped up by a name and a puppet master Gerald Butts. He was a pretty face and a famous name, created for a mission. To beat Harper. You think he didn't need supporters? You think he doesn't report back to them, you're crazy. This blind faith people have in him is scary. I often wonder if it is real faith, or if it is literally not liking the other options so supporting him is the least of all evils? But all that rant is side noise. SNC should be looked into. Did it need to become a media circus, no. That's all political, however using the highest office to pressure the AG into doing something they don't think is right, is wrong! The whole thing has become a mess because people tried to use it to their own ends. Everyone wanted something and it doesn't really seem like anyone is getting anything, except the public is getting a show. Can you imagine if Harper was accused of this? The same people saying no biggie right now & JT did nothing wrong, would be foaming at the mouth that Harper was a crook. My point is hyper partisanship. Nothing deeper than that, just for everyone to take a step back and look at what is happening... Personally I think he was wrong and it needs looked into. Had it been the CPC same thing. Our government should answer only to the people, not to outside influences.

While we are on that, what about "Thanks for your donation". What a dumbass. Who says that? You run on promises to first nations, then you insult them? Willing to bet Butts was mortified his puppet was putting his foot in his mouth so deep. The only thing I can say is the mask is slipping. JT is getting stressed, now Butts isn't there pulling the strings and the mask slips. (again this is so old I need to get it up. Butts seems to be back just in time to help with the election. I guess rats don't abandon sinking ships) Kenney, Scheer, they are not every man type guys like they try so hard to project. Career politicos, I know that and I won't say other wise. JT is the same, or worse. A person born into wealth, only knows wealth. Wealth often breeds arrogance and entitlement. Now before people start bitching at me, let me explain. Be honest with yourself, those of you young enough to remember school. You all knew who the "rich" kids were. Some of them were really nice. But again be honest, some were rather spoilt brats. Now take that to the millionth percent. Include the power of being the leader of a nation. JT has only known privilege. So he can say oh I understand, I will help you and people eat it up. Then in a room were he feels comfortable. Among his "peers" he cracks a joke, super tasteless. Showing that little school boy mentality. I won't lie, I might have cracked the same joke. I am sometimes an asshole. The difference is I didn't run to be a leader making promises to people, then mocking their struggles. On top of that, I think my common sense would have kept my mouth closed. My new job is to make and keep people happy, which is sometimes knowing when to shut up! But enough shitting on JT. All I can do is hope he is gone in the fall. Like the province though, (I was very wrong about Alberta getting a minority government) I think the government will be a minority and we will have wasted years coming up.

A brief history of Canada includes European settlers landing here and taking the lands. I am not about to gloss it over. It wasn't nice, our history isn't squeaky clean, some bad shit right up to genocide went down. We can't change that, and we seem to have to still pay monetarily for that. Right there is an issue. (Say this sentence word by word, clearly in your head) Giving certain people, certain things is going to divide people. There is no 2 ways about it. That maybe wrong to say, but it is honest. As a nation we are claiming equality for all but giving certain people more than others, that is not going to unite people. I however can swallow it because the fact is this shit was still going on with people who are still alive. But at some point it WILL have to stop. I am saying that as a fact. My grand kids or their kids, why should they still be paying out? As a Metis, I shouldn't want that. I mean hell it's better for me and my children if these benefits keep flowing BUT for a strong Canada it isn't fair. Other nations don't do this but Canada does. Anyways the Europeans took the land and set up a little brother country to England. Hell the queen is still on our money, I love the meme about Prince Harry looking at dollar bills, giving them to strippers and seeing his Grandmas face..... While USA might be our big loud neighbor that we hang out with (Mostly, I mean between Chump and JT things ain't the best) England is still our older brother who is still a loyal friend. Scratch brother, more like parent or grandparent. They are our history and heritage. My point is this we set up a country based on white European society. We grew to be one of the great nations of the world, with this set of values and the fact is we let people in cause we needed to! We are freakin huge! It became people wanted to come here, to have our life because it was a good one. Thing is people coming should accept our life. It is our life people want, yet they want to come here and change things??? That make 0 sense. You are leaving a place out of fear or desire for a better life BUT the new place you are headed to you want to make the same as the one you are running from? Straight up can people not see how that makes no sense or wouldn't work?? I get it, we are a free democratic nation, that's why people wanna be here. The fact is I say come, if you can accept Canada as it is. You want to bring your religion, that's great. EVERY single thing then must fall within OUR laws. Feel free to practice whatever you want, as long as though practices fall in our laws. Our laws made our nation and they should not bend for someones beliefs, sorry. I will say it, it comes off bad but it is the truth. If you don't like that option you are free to leave. (That's for anyone, even "Canadians" who have been here for generations.) Crying that's discrimination against my religion and Canada bending is wrong. Truth is Canada has an image problem. People ask what is it to be Canadian and you get generic response like Tims and Hockey (Both are great but....) so what is Canadian? I don't have an answer to that but as long as we keep bending, there won't be answer. We need to grow a spine, before we bend and break. Okay I get this part is getting long winded so I will move on my point, summed up would be..... Canada should be open, people should be able to immigrate here IF they understand Canada is Canada. We should be holding on to what built us into a great nation, not changing for people coming in. If your coming in you are agreeing to live as we do, not to have us change for you.

I do have some issues that I need to speak on and say hey, it's okay to be white. In fact you can enjoy it! Welcome to Canada. Our nation was founded by mostly white European settlers. Our laws and government was based around that. We grew into one of the great nations of the world, because of that. Anyone coming here needs to accept that and not try to change it! We found a system that works! People immigrating here, or coming as refugees are coming because they want what we have. Its plain and simple really. So then why are people trying so damn hard to change it? I actually don't get it, you come here because you want this life but when you arrive, you want this land to be more like the one you were leaving? Huh? Why did you leave then? There I said it, the truth. Don't take that as I am anti immigrant. I'm not, we have more than enough room and resources. Thanos didn't need to snap his fingers for Canada, we are if anything under the amount of people we could have.

The double standards are insane, for white Canadians. See, I saw a sign for Muslim women only workouts. Imagine for a minute that sign read white women only? First Faith Goldy would probably be the instructor and second Social Justice Warriors would be raging! Let's put this in perspective. I understand women only work outs. Spa Lady and all those places men can't go. I get it, in the gym some women don't wanna have men A) Hit on them or B) Stare. I go to the gym, I will admit I have been impressed by a woman or two that walks by or whatever. And I can see them being uncomfortable with dudes doing that.  So fine, have your own gym but now we are breaking it down even further than that?? And again picture if it said whites only, the cries of racism would never end. People do realize it is actually a thing to be racist against whites right??.... Second example, helmets.

I won't say a word about the RCMP hats. I guess turbans are okay as the official uniform, and fine I may not 100% agree with it but it is what it is. However not having to wear helmets when motor biking is a crock O shit! I literally cannot hop on my pedal bike and go 5 blocks to shell to get a bag of chips and a pop without a helmet. No I am not the crazy child I might have been who liked doing tricks on a bike, but I can still ride! It is possible I will fall of the bike and hurt myself. I can admit that, highly unlikely but it could happen. There is a reason we have that phrase, like riding a bike..... However people can get on a motorbike and zip down the road with a piece of cloth on the old noodle and that's good enough? I really don't see how, that fall I imagine could be much worse. Can I hop on a Harley, toss a bandanna on my head and go? Of course not! I personally wonder then, is their insurance higher? It really should be!

But coming here means being Canadian. We have 2 languages. I get it, when you move here you might not understand or speak either. You should be learning! That's the truth. It threw me off when I left Mexico and could understand the Mexican guys English better than the English over the intercom at Edmonton International! On top of that, it's rude. One of the first things parents teach their children is not to whispers secrets around other kids. It's mean and rude. But you walk through a mall and hear / see people speaking all sorts of other languages. I have literally seen people point at someone (also rude) and say something to a friend in their language then laugh and laugh. You know what they said likely wasn't a compliment...

Also face coverings, lets talk about that. I get it, it might be part of your way of life. Religion whatever. I may not like it, but I said feel free to be yourself and practice your beliefs so have at it. Now let's also remember what I said about our laws. They come first. Any time a person needs ID those coverings need to come off. This really isn't something that should be up for debate, negotiation or anything. I don't think that is too much to ask at all, you get the freedom to do what you believe as long as it isn't going against our laws. Fair?

I am also so done with the term hate speech & with everyone being racist. Not wanting more immigrants, that's not hate. The fact is Canadians don't have to want immigration. It's a damn opinion! You may or may not agree with it and that's fine! That's what makes the nation great, or part of it at least. The rights to not agree, civilly. Now saying all Jews are cheap, that would be hate speech and a stereotype. Same as all Asians are bad drivers, all Natives are drunks. You know all those stereotypes you hear. Maybe not daily but you know you have heard them. Pointing out solid provable FACTS is not hate. Expressing how you feel isn't hate. (IT can be don't get that wrong but not everyone doing it is spreading hate) Making up complete lies and spreading them is hate. The fact is the world isn't all combuya let's sit around a campfire and hold hands. People are free to have opinions you might not like, or might think are wrong. Straight up truth, I have rarely ever found an Asian or Black lady attractive. Okay maybe that isn't the right word, desirable?? Yes I can admit some are pretty but just not my thing. I like white girls, some Latina's Doesn't make me racist, just a statement of fact. That a little one, but for example people don't have to believe in mixed race marriages. That doesn't make them racist or bad. What it means is they have views, they might be backwards. Ones you don't like, ones that might be old and dated. Ones that actually might hold those people back from learning new things and finding things they might actually like. It might be taking away from what they could have in life but if they aren't hurting anyone, why is it anyone's business? Shame has become a powerful weapon. You hear of slut shaming, body shaming and SJWs jump all over it. You can't do that! But hey if someone is "racist" they love to jump all over it and shame them. You're the devil! You promote hate! Take a look at the shit show of Caylan Ford and the hacks at press progress.

Press Progress isn't journalism any more than chicken lil "rebel" media is. Just stop, anyone saying it is, just stop. They are privately funded, with an agenda. They came forward with "damning" texts proving Caylan a UCP candidate at the time was a white supremacist. 0 thought or effort was put into finding the truth. Snippets of private messages proved her evil! I hate to say it, being a UCP I could believe it. A very deep distrust of all media though, made me question it. First these messages were years old. If the source actually thought she was bad news, why then didn't they come forward earlier? Oh they held them until the right moment to do the most damage, that's right. Also ANYTIME we are given only a small fraction of what was said, there is usually a reason. Usually because the rest gives it context the presenter doesn't want. Which this kind of does. So we have a young political candidate who was utterly ruined and run out by a lefty version of "rebel" media running half a story and society led by SJWs screaming racist! It has literally become a weapon..... The other disturbing part is the thought police on this. Her statements on what happens with terror attacks aren't far off the mark. An Islamic terror attack and we are told that does not represent all Muslims. If it is a young white male, then young white men are all racists.... Well it's kinda true. It depends on the news source. After Christchurch everyone was screaming racism, that Andy Scheer liked these kinds of things because he has white power supporters. That is painting with an incredibly large brush and painting all conservatives one color. That if you vote conservative, basically you are voting for white power. These same people saying this are the same people saying Islamic terror attacks shouldn't represent all Muslims. I am so confused, how is it one person can represent one group fully, completely but another has nothing to do with his group?? I got off topic here, too be fair I knew I would. Summary... media totally controls group think and throwing the word racist out there is a sure way to damage people. It is weaponized against any white person not a practicing SJW.

Take Andy Scheer OR Jason Kenney. I cannot say they are racist, I also can't say they aren't. What I can say, they are the leaders of right wing political parties. Another common fact is right wing extremists are usually also racists. Another common sense fact is these extreme right wing people will likely vote for the right wing parties. So the fact is you will see them together. Saying that all conservative votes are now racist is stupid. No other word for it. Before she was premier Notley was at anti oil rallies. Does that mean she is anti oil? If so why would any Albertan vote for her? Other than far left tree huggers. So by the logic every conservative is a racist, I guess all NDP voters hate oil and Alberta industry??? That sounds stupid right? So let's just stop everyone saying that voting for one thing or agreeing with something or part of a party means that everyone is the party is the same. Just a conservative I need to get this off my chest..... Not everyone white male voting for Conservatives is a racist. Ya the conservative parties have some out there right wing racists. The parties are going to have them around. Guess what, they are Canadian citizens. Maybe not good ones, but they are. We are taking people who fought for ISIS back? Let me be very clear, that's a shit show. These people should never be allowed back in Canada. They committed high treason, punishable in Canada by life imprisonment. I guess under our laws they need to be allowed back. For some reason a Canadian is a Canadian. I would say though they should be dealt with like they committed the high treason they did. Waging war on Canada.

So there is that, I mean it is how I feel. Guess if I am a bad person for being honest I can live with that. I am sure if someone wanted to the could use quotes from this to paint me as a far right hate supporter. I get it, I know some of it seems whiny, I hate whining. I also know it is true. I haven't lied or made anything up. I know Canada is one of the greatest nations on the planet. I know there is always growing that can be done. However I don't think Canada should be bending and changing to every demand made of it.

HEY so I started that months ago... I should have finished months ago BUT I didn't. I was trying to be, well I don't even know the word. I didn't want to stir the shit pot. The fact is I can't be quiet anymore. Daily my twitter feed is now a running joke. It isn't just the right wing nutters anymore. The left is getting just as bad. Antifa maybe worse. We are literally coming apart at the seams. I am tired of name calling. I am tired of feeling bad for being a conservative. For not accepting everything and being called a bad guy for it. The fact is there is nothing wrong with being white male and middle class.


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