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Mays rando ideas

So Game of Thrones ended. How did ya'll feel about the last season? Rushed, much? Ya me too. It was good, I am not saying it wasn't. What I am saying, why not 10 / 12 episodes?? And why did so many story lines end up meaning nothing! Who Jon really was did nothing. The entire Iron Fleet was pretty well useless and Euron was just a boring character. When they said he was going to make Ramsay look like a pansy I was excited. In the end he was a douche that got killed by a one armed man. The whole Knight King story was boring. Ya Arya killing him was awesome, but for 8 years of build up I just need to say WTF. The golden company, same thing. Complete waste of time. Could have slaughtered Kingslanding without ever mentioning them. BUT even saying that I liked the last season. Sansa had an amazing story and is the Queen in the North. She went from sooooo annoying to maybe the best character in the series. Dany dying was great, I truly liked that. Very well done. Jon goes back to the wall?! Really, the story that was boring for 4 seasons and that is where he ends up again?! Bran being king is pretty cool and I love the small council. Hated what a lame story Bronn had this season. Arya sailing away is cool if it ever becomes a spin off BUT I am hearing it won't be. Clegane bowl was cool, maybe they made the Mountain a little too strong. I could go on and on but the fact was it was decent. All the wiener wankers upset that it didn't end the way they wanted or petitioning for a new ending, come on now. Get outside and go do something. A lot of television shows do not end the way people want them to! Dexter is a god damn lumber jack!!

I started a new job, outside sales for north west Alberta. It is honestly something I have wanted for year and years. I have discovered somethings quickly though. First Alberta is beautiful, I already knew that but it is reinforced traveling it. For some reason I was under the impression places like Fairview and Peace River were shitholes. They are in fact rather nice. Also It has made me want to get out to the lake more. This one may not be directly from the new job, it might be spring seems to have sprung BUT I am getting that itch. I wanna fish, wake up with birds. Smell that good clean, dewy morning air. Sit around a fire and stink. It is nice to meet new people, to put some faces to voice I have dealt with for 5 - 10 years easily. Some are bang on what I thought, others are so far from what I pictured it is laughable. I bought a new truck, something nice and reliable to travel in, I will say a bit more about that in a bit but that is also a nice thing about a new job. It isn't all roses though. The fact is I have been married all of 6 months and now I am gone. I know some people will say so, lots of guys have to be gone. Or you were together for a long time before getting married. Thats not the point. First a couple of really good friends told us (Before this job or anything) Keep the first year for you, they wished they had, but popped out a kid..... I know its not the same but they had advise, keep this year for you. Second you get used to things, like waking up with someone. Or having someone around. Currently my "trainer" and I are travelling together but soon enough that will be gone and I will be alone. Alone when you go to bed, alone when you wake. My wife is going through it right now. It was even in my wedding vows that is my favorite part of the day, waking up with her and my pooch and now I am not doing that. So ya to me that is shitty. On top of that personal toll, our habits pay a toll. My writing has dropped very bad in the last three / four weeks. I literally finished my first book and edited it, in three weeks I should have done something with it but I did not get a chance yet. I should have had this blog and my other up and running but no. I haven't bought groceries, which should really be a priority. So I guess I am saying for all the good I am getting from it, there is a whole lot of learning for me and my family to do which is hard and takes sometime. First time I came home dog ignored me, except to bark at me for the first day..... He never does that! Oh and my hockey, think I said I was getting back in. That is failing. I am literally missing a month. Which also doesn't help me get in shape. Also my fitbit screams at me, I wasn't doing amazing but lots of days I could hit my step / calorie goals. Sitting for hours in a truck, you don't do that. I mean I am drinking more water. Which leads to more road side pull overs for a pee but thats the only thing my fitbit says this is helping.

Big Bang also ended. I think it was due. It was still funny but I think Jim Parsons was right, end on a high note. You don't want a classic show to get stale. So personally I think they did the right thing. The fact was the finale was decent, it isn't like GoT with revenge plots, murders and on and on. Just a nice wrap up. I have kind of fallen off the young Sheldon show. I mean thats kinda milking it. IMO at least. Also Netflix released Lucifer, I am just starting that season. I like it so far, I can see they are building to something. Maybe in a couple weeks, when I have holidays I will find out what the build up is too. Still waiting on Netflix to release Witcher, still very worried it will suck. So far behind on Riverdale its crazy..... But thats enough about TV!

Haven't watched a single game since the first round of the playoffs. Funny I called the West almost bang on but kind of failed in the East... Well I figured the B's would do good if Tampa lost but Tampa losing that bad I didn't see coming.

Back to the truck! So I get this job and go shopping. First off in the lower end price range Chev and Ford fail. What you can get in a Honda for 40 and down is much more impressive than ford and chev. So I find a hot little ridgeline I like, go in do the paper work and think its all good. NOPE, I get a call my credit is fucked. I am baffled. I have paid my debts, been making payments on time. Even equifax is telling me my score has been climbing. Then this, I am crushed. I ask why and the credit lady says she will dig more. SO she does and a huge shout out to St. Albert Honda for that. It says I had paid a truck loan in full on a certain day.... It also says I defaulted on a loan that exact same day for the exact same amount! So phone call after phone call to get this straightened out and Honda gets back. YES they can do it BUT they require $2500 up front plus my $2500 from truck trade in. Again crushed, I don't have that in saving currently.  MY wife came through for me big time, even though she was saying that possibly for a new car since hers is ancient, she gave it to me. So two morals to this story, get a good wife, one who will help you and support you chasing your dreams and check your credit. All the shit I have tried to do to make up for past mistakes and still stuff like this kicks me in the ass.

The garden is in, the flowers are planted. I HOPE it does much better than last year. The wife always does the flowers and they usually do pretty good. Last year my garden however was shit. I dunno it is was the heat, my poor weeding or what but other than tomatos I got nothing. This year actually rototilled not just me and the "claw" plus more peat most to break up what was hard ground so I hope it helps. Also my wife had wanted a planter so her father built her a herb garden planter. It looks like a ladder leaned up against the fence. It is pretty cool as well so I hope it grows.

I guess I was a bad boy, got banned on twitter for the first time this year. It has happened a couple times in the 6 / 7 years I have been there and it always amazes me. I can say IMO I am very calm from what I would like to say to some people. Honestly unless someone is flat out lying or try very hard to twist the truth like say Rebel "Media" I try and have a civil chat. Yes before she blocked me I did comment Faith Goldy had dick sucker lips. That might have crossed a line, for some reason I wasn't banned for that though....? Like I really don't understand the rules there. Anything goes until someones feelings are hurt? And maybe not even the person you're tweeting to but one of their followers?? Another twitter tragedy, I lost a decent follower. See I had a follower whose tweets I often liked about pop culture, we would tweet back and forth. Politics as well, now yes she was way more "Social Justice" than me but I valued her thoughts. Then I noticed I hadn't seen any posts in awhile from her and looked into it. I was blocked....I have to go an assume it is over my Trudeau bashing as she was a big fan of his. I can't do it, I can't pretend to like him and I can't stop commenting on his chronic bullshit. So it was sad to me to lose a decent follower that had great ideas. But here we are, adults, blocking each other over differing views. Can you imagine if we told the guys who fought WWII this is the world that was coming??

I was about to post this blog when 2 more things popped into my head. First let's talk writing. I finished my first manuscript (Second actually) and edited it myself. Now I am giving it to a friend for them to edit. So what do I do now? Do I carry on and work on the next one in that series? Do I finish another one close to being done? Or start one of like 3 more bouncing around in my brain? Do I work on more blogs? Or work on the comic idea I had?? I am at a loss honestly. Like which way do I go? Also I had an idea, that I will be working on. But it is background noise and won't eat up too much time, plus it will take awhile so that can't be a main project..... I know these are first world problems but what do I do???

Then Jason Kenney made my head spin with the dumbest shit I have heard in along time. Cutting minors wages if they don't work more than 23 hours?! First off, maybe the NDP got out of hand raising the wage as much as they did. I don't know the honest answer to that but it doesn't matter cause they did. So let's deal with now. Equal work should be equal pay. At 16 I worked with lots of adults and I worked harder and better than a lot of them. So why would I have deserved less pay??? On top of that, I keep hearing "The young generation doesn't want to work!" Maybe that is true, maybe not BUT you pay me less I am working less. Thats the way it goes, cause it's bullshit to expect more. So now you really are creating lazy people and hell with that I can agree with bad attitude, cause I would have it too. And you know these 14 - 18 year olds now are going to vote in the next election right? The ones your giving a pay cut to. It might not be "mature" but if I was one of them I would sure as fuck be voting against the person who did this the second I had a chance. This whole thing is fucking stupid Mr. Kenney, just an FYI. And when stuff like this happens I start to believe all those people who said before the election if Kenney won it would be shit.... NO I am not throwing the towel in yet on UCP. I gave NDP an open view for year, so I will give UCP the same chance but with this first act I am starting to worry...


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