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Okay, here it is my review. If you haven't watched and don't want spoilers click away right now! (I wanted this up earlier, bet since it is the biggest film of all time you all have seen it now!) If you have watched or don't give a crap have a read. My take on easily the greatest superhero movie ever and a movie up there with overall just the best movies of any kind anywhere.

Ironman and Nebula is a funny scene. Just because both characters are so well played. Nebula's aggression and Tony just playing a game resigned to his fate. Of course Captain Marvel showed up. I think from the trailers alone we all knew Tony was trapped in space and who better to bring him back but her. PAUSE BREAK in review right there. We did not see nearly the Captain Marvel I thought we would. Ya'll know MCU needs a new leader and supposedly it will be her, so I would have thought she would have had more a role.....

Either way the surviving Avengers get a lead on Thanos and head off to find him. Get it, head off.... Oh whatever. Anyways that scene shocked me. With all the theories and junk I figured time travel would be involved but I didn't think we would see the Mad Titan bite it then and there. I guess Thor did promise he would kill him and he did go for the head. I mean no they weren't going to spend much time on it but I was surprised how quick and easy Thanos died.

Time jump to the cheesiest part of the movie. A rat actually saved the MCU. A random rat should be made an Avenger as he is the true hero. Not my fav, it is corny but hey at least Antman is alive again.

The scene with Cap and the support group was graet and the chat between Cap and the widow. 3 hours long and they didn't talk much about what the world was like. In fact this scene makes it brutal. Were as Antman looking for Cassy doesn't look half bad and Hulk selfies make it look like the world has carried on, not bad actually. Maybe Thanos was right....

My friend pointed a very basic but true fact out to me. The MCU works so well because it has so many different style of movies. Drama, action, comedy, that all cross over to tell amazing stories. So Scott shows up at the Avengers base and brings comedy into a dramatic scene. My friend is right, Marvel has mastered mixing it all together. Right away we get another glance at Tony and he looks good. They have a family, finally. Are living beside a lake and seem happy. Again this little scene is amazing. They have the comedy of mentioning time travel rules are Back to the Future and Morgan mentioning she was sent out to rescue her dad. What a little kid would say. You have the drama, I guess of Tony being a great father. Which is never said but I would say hinted at through all the movies. The picture of him and Peter awesome. His deepest hurt gets him back in the game. Then of course you have the super hero aspect when he masters time travel. Another pause here with a thought.... I would have preferred to see this machine destroyed at the end of the movie, like the monitoring system was in The Dark Knight. A machine that controls time travel seems like a bad idea.... I don't know which direction the MCU is headed in now but with Cap and Ironman gone I am assuming a lot more space and now we have a time machine????

We meet the Hulk / Bruce again would have been cool to see how that came about since it was a big part of Infinity War that hulk wouldn't come out. I read a million theories over the year in between and a lot of people seemed to think we would see world breaker Hulk. I am not a huge fan of Hulk but it would have been great to actually see him at least smash some in this movie. No he didn't NEED a rematch against Thanos but he is the other character that could have got some more time or story. What might have been a good rematch Hulk and Black Dwarf. (I know it was 3 hours already. What more can I ask?) Again Antman gives us laughs but Tony shows up to fix time travel. So we have to go get Lebowski Thor as my friend dubbed him. I don't mind this at all. Sorry ladies he doesn't look like what you were hoping. The Big Bang Theory made me laugh when Bernadette says she wants to see Endgame in 3D just for his abs. I like the twist that he isn't this super badass Thor we have seen for the last 2 movies we saw with him. Again the whole Asgard scene is Marvel throwing in comedy. Also it was nice to see Thors two buddies survived the snap. Ronin was cool, maybe not necessary for the movie. But I mean that scene wen he loses his family was crazy. A great job of taking the most "human" Avenger and showing the tragedy. I hope if anything they build from Ronin or it was kind of a wasted scene.

Finally we have the Avengers ready to avenge! They all time jump and I will follow each story separate, even though that isn't exactly how they played out on screen. Hulk again wasn't that great. The throw back to the first Avengers movie was cool, him "warming" up if you will cool. The actual scene with the ancient one... Anticlimactic. If you want a single truth about the Hulk, people like to see him smash! Yes it was cool to see the ancient one. Yes it was pretty interesting that she gives the stone over the second Bruce reveals that Dr. Strange gave it up willingly because he is the Harry Potter, chosen one of the MCU I guess, but again we want SMASH!! Next you have Thor, he and "rabbit" have a short story. Getting the Aether from Jane is all fine and quick but it is good to see Freya again. She knows Thor is different and doesn't want to even know her own fate. Like a few scenes it is touching. It brings Thor back, at least his mind and spirit. Sorry ladies them abs are gone.... So Cap and Tony are back together. Putting in the scenes from the first Avengers is awesome. Cap stealing the stone with a simple hail hydra was an awesome ploy / call back to winter solider. Antman dropping Tony also pretty funny. Loki escaping with a stone.... interesting. So is an alternate Loki alive? Then I had a pee break and missed Stans last cameo. That sucks! But we get the boys back at a shield base. This was another scene aimed at the feels. Tony finally gets some time with Howard. Howard was such a big part of the MCU without really being there. Cap sees Peggy and we all know how that will end.... Plus the Jarvis reveal is pretty awesome. I dunno, at this point I started to worry for both of them. My bet was one wasn't going to make it out...... The widow and hawkeye, rough. Natasha dying really, really, surprised me. It shouldn't have, I knew she would save Clint if she could but I didn't think the MCU would write her out. Specially with her own movie coming. I guess it pretty well has to be a prequel now. I mean I have read maybe there is some way to get her back since the soul stone is back, but that is total fanboy thoughts so who knows. I mean no she wouldn't be Cap or Ironman BUT she could be the centre piece for the Avengers at least. The Nebula War Machine quest is slow. If you want the truth. BUT I guess that is okay since it is the set up for an amazing ending. Quill gets conked out, War Machine grabs a stone and heads home. Nebula gets caught, which has to happen and Thanos becomes aware that he won and then that he died and then of course people were out to undo his work. I thought the link of the two Nebulas was lame but hey, it was needed to move the plot. Then "old" Nebula comes to the future and we are all set for the biggest show down in MCU history.....

Hulk saves the world! No time to rejoice cause Nebula brings Thanos to our time. The three on Thanos fight would have been enough for most movies. The big three Ironman, Cap and Thor take on Thanos and seem to lose. The fight was cool but makes not a ton of sense. Thor almost killed Thanos by himself when Thanos had the gauntlet. The three of them however aren't a match for a much weaker Thanos?? That aside Cap lifting the Mjolnir BOOM! Pretty sure again by itself thats a movie! Marvel saved up all the tricks for this one...... Then the big one, my new favorite scene in the MCU. Falcons voice, on your left. I dunno my theater was quiet, but I  heard people screamed and stuff when that happened. I am not sure what to do at that point, scream with excitement, weep with joy. Unlike Infinity War that we all knew they were going to lose, Falcon voice means Thanos is fucked. In another decent twist we get Gamora back. It is going to throw a monkey wrench into Guardians but the cast will be full again. Also everyone knew she would help good Nebula, since she hated Thanos. He did not see that betrayal coming. Even when he brings the big guns, welp Captain Marvel shows up. She takes out entire ships, maybe she is the strongest Avenger.... Again I get annoyed that she is that powerful but struggles with Thanos. MCU does need to work on keeping power levels some what the same..... Also total girl power moment but the MCU women come together and kick some ass. Then the big moment, I think we all knew what would happen. Tony made the sacrifice play Cap said he never would. Strange making sure Tony lived in Infinity War pretty much guaranteed he need to be alive for that 1 in 14 million win. I think deep down we all knew that the big show of the MCU would save the universe at any cost. Thanos and all his evil are snapped away..... And Tonys life is the cost.

I was sad, more sad than I thought. See in Civil War I was team Cap. Tony to me while awesome, was always arrogant. Of the two, Cap always seemed right to me. So I didn't think I would care if Tony died. But I did, a lot. I guess really he is the heart of the MCU. The first 20 movies, the Infinity Saga. Without that first Ironman would the rest even really exist? Not only that Tony grew, from the cocky weapons merchant, past the arrogant Ultron designer, even past the man who signed the accords and destroyed the Avengers. He found his happy life after the snap and in the end did what Cap said he wouldn't. So I was sad, it hit the feels. I didn't cry, but it was one of those moments I mighta been choked up. Tony and RDJ will be very missed.......

Cap was another death?! Or was he? Yes he grew old, yes he gave up his shield but he is not actually dead. I am assuming he has left the MCU but who knows. I will flat out say losing Ironman and Cap is a MASSIVE blow to the MCU. Yes the other titles are good, they aren't those 2 though. Dr. Strange, Black Panther even Guardians or Thor will not support the MCU the way those 2 titles did. Honestly I don't think Spidey can either. Rumors are Cap Marvel will be the centre piece, I say maybe. But then I also assume that means MCU gets a lot more into space. This is all hard to predict without any idea who the next big bad will be. Or if the story will play out over 20 movies again. I would be almost 50 if they take another 10 years to complete an arc. (And still seeing comic movies) Also keep in mind the MCU now has the mutants and the Fantastic 4. Literally the possibilities are now endless. On top of that they will have to work the time jump into the stories. Will that happen with the small screen tie ins like Daredevil, if they come back?

So thats it, my take on the current MCU. On the Endgame. What a movie it was and what a ride it has been to get here. We lost some big heroes and yes a chapter is all finished up. Part of me thinks the future looks grim with the loses. But then part of me also never thought I would like Antman, Dr. Strange or Black Panther.... So who knows. But let's hope the next 10 years are as good!


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