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More Random Thoughts!

Cold enough for you? I cannot handle this phrase anymore! I know it is cold in Edmonton but can we stop with this?? Like really what do you want me to reply? No I wish it was colder. Like so cold we would just die when we went outside.  Fuck what do you think???!! It is cold enough! Don’t ask again. Like working hard or hardly working GAWD! Also when did we all forget how to drive? As soon as a single skiff of snow hits E-town it is like no one remembers we have been driving here for years in snow. In the last week I have had a few near misses, not my fault either! IN fact if I was a more aggressive driver I would have hit a couple people. So for once my granny driving has paid off. I love this on lazy weekends, being on call and the cold means I get some extra cash. HOWEVER it really suck when you have plans and they get interrupted by the after hours call. That is always when people call to, it’s never when you’re doing nothing but always when you’re out for a nice meal or something. Ya that’s my first world problem rant

Kinda been on a documentary kick recently. The Clinton affair is actually really good. My take away from that. Linda Tripp is a giant untrustable  bitch. I am not sure if it was fame she was chasing. If slick Willy turned her down at some point and she wanted revenge or what, but she’s a hag. I get it, you shouldn’t lie under oath that’s wrong. She went above and beyond this though. She made it her mission to trap her so called “friend”. That Lucianne Goldberg..? Is that the proper name? Anyways she reminds me of the boss lady on Monsters Inc. Kenneth Star is an attack Chihuahua. Literally this was a witch hunt. The fact was they never convicted a Clinton of anything! $70 million and nothing. I feel bad for Paula Jones in the end. She doesn’t come of very bright… The fact is she was played by an actual right wing conspiracy. It is crazy to hear that there was actually a group out to destroy Billy Boy.  And to know one of the conspirators is now sitting in the supreme court…. That’s flat out scary. The whole thing does show a different take on Monica. You do end up feeling bad for her and her naivety. Bill in my mind isn’t a nice man. He used a young intern and then was done with her. But even according to her he was charming. That makes it hard to believe a lot of the accusation against him. Too flirtatious and with the whole MeToo BS, ya he probably crossed a line. An out and out rapist. Not sure I believe that…. Of course prez Chump showed up. He really is the champion of scumsbags. Bringing all Slick Willys "victims" out. Trying psychological warfare against the Clintons. I wonder how he would have acted had Hillary had Stormy sit in the front row? MAybe have her make that dick sucking motion we all know......

Is WWE a legitimate thing now? Like when it shows up on sports pages I get worried.  Sports writers realize it isn’t real right? It’s a script… I just get worried that some people are thinking it might be real. UFC sure I could see that being there but WWE? Also on that watched the UFC this last weekend Anderson Silva sure got boring over time. 

WTF, straight up you so called Oilers fans who would toss a jersey. I am just gonna start with your likely a bandwagon jumper anyways. But why?! I mean jerseys aint cheap. You wanna do something like that, be decent about it. Donate it to someone. Not everyone can afford games, or jerseys and I am sure some people would be super happy to have one! Start a hashtag. Everyone is on social media these days. You wanna show disgust, that’s the place to do it. Also Coffee or Curry?? What do you think goes with hockey? I wanted a Baileys and coffee to warm up, like a hockey parent at an early game would. Think I could find that in Rogers??? NO! Again WTF, I can go to a curry stand but cant get a coffee?? Put a damn timmies in there, I’ll go to the bar and get my own baileys!! Also let me say, I love the new menus there BUT the new rape-y pants pricing not a huge fan……

Riverdale, please get your shit together. The first season was great, neat concept bringing a beloved classic to modern times and making it have real world issues. Of course it was television so it goes past what (hopefully) most teens deal with in life. I mean a murder mystery..... But is was good in the tradition of things like the O.C. Which yes I watched. Screw you Seth was cool! The second season you are starting to lose me. First the serpents, kinda cool. But what are they really? Are they an M.C. because making a highschool student the head of an M.C is a little much for me. We are going from teen drama into Sons territory here. Mr. Lodge having some criminal ties, sure I get it maybe. But now we have the five families moving in. Sopranos??? WTF we are getting to far gone. The black hood was a great story, so this show is hit and miss. But now we have multiply gangs and in a town / city that is supposed to be how big? Veronica is a crime boss of sorts?? Come on. Now Juggie mom is back and making some sort of "Play". She looks like a dime store Gemma Teller. Let's just end the crazy story lines and get to this "farm" Maybe it can bring this show back from the brink of disaster. Also lose the silence of the lambs. They are actually using direct quotes now.... I get it the target audience never watched it but that too is way to hokey!

I have another issue with Social Justice and going way overboard. This time it is a grocery survey. I took the time to do an online survey for my grocery store, I thought I could win a prize. But no, it was just a waste of time….Anyways…. At the end they ask about you. Which makes sense they wanna know the customers they have. But then we get to the gender question. Male, Female, prefer not to say. Sure that’s all good, but then they have an I don’t identify option. Fucking Seriously??? You can’t just prefer not to say, you have to actually say I don’t identify?? And this is just shopping for groceries!! Its like a vegan telling you every 10 minutes they are a vegan. You can’t even grocery shop now without telling people you have no gender???!!! PS science says you have a gender. Hate to burst your bubble.

Red Dead has grown on me, a lot. I will be honest at first I found it slow. It is, to be 100 honest. You need to be able to sit down and play for a few hours if you really wanna get into it. It is hard at the start to play quit and get back into it. Further on that gets easier but it does start slow. So a small review of the game. It has a massive sprawling story, so if you want a quick linear game don't play it. You need to do the side stuff. Well you don't but it will make it much easier. You need to hunt, fish, and do the bounties, treasures and so on. It is GTA of the wild west but you can't just go buy a rocket launcher and body armor so you do need to keep your character healthy and well armed. Some of the challenges are super easy others crazy hard but they are worth doing. I would like to know, do the old Red Deads give you a bit more background on this one?? I never played them but now would like to. There in my opinion, are to many controls and options. Sometimes keeping it simple is better. I mean I save someone but push the wrong button and all of a sudden I end up killing them? And the clothing options and stuff almost overboard. I want a wild west game, not a dress up show. That worries me that like GTA V too much was put into that and not enough into the actual story. As a side rant GTA V I was so pumped for. Prebought months in advance and it didn't live up to the hype. In my mind. You can do anything but it seems like that was made and the actual game wasn't made as good. See GTA San Andres and 4 were awesome because of the story. 5 was way more advanced but not up to snuff. Rockstar I think needs to keep this all in mind for GTA 6. Also it is fun to do missions with other outlaws but not to be the other characters. Have 1 lead character. I will admit I haven't finished Red Dead and likely won't for a long time. So in reality this is a weak review, I know. What I can say, it is a slow game but it is good. If you are willing to put the time in. BUT you should do the boring stuff to, it does add to the game. Which some people I know won't want.

I love some of the TV out there now and in the last decade. Look at Game of Thrones. The Walking Dead. Sons of Anarchy. The whole superhero genre has made me happy with the big screen. However music really hasn’t made me happy. Yes I am a big Yelawolf fan. I love the James Barker Band. NOTHING though has blown my mind. You listen to radio and there are classics. You have Led Zepplin, CCR, Skynrd, hell Elvis and the Beatles. The man in black or if you want a bit more modern GnR or Metallica.  But will any current music be played in 20 years and remembered as classic. Is the Beiber gonna be a thing? Will we remember Pa pa pa Poker face as a classic?? I hope not. Then I worry this is me becoming an old man. I hate listening to old hippies who say shit like music was better back in my day…. And we walked 10 miles up hill in a snow storm to school. Please, Please tell me I am not becoming that old man. But I might be, we hired two new office girls that are 20. Sometimes when they talk I have NO idea what they mean and I get scared….

Another documentary I watched half of was Surviving R. Kelly. That was an eye opener, wtf! Seriously wtf?? Way back at the child porn charges this guy should have been done and over YET he is still around. The fact people are still his fans and support him….Jebus. I feel bad for his victims but the ones who after 2002 and the sex tape came out I have to ask what in the fuck were you thinking? You wanted to be with him after these awful charges? Or worse you let you children around him? He has to have help, has anyone looked into that? His staff, whatever / whoever are just as guilty, know how you take something down? Kick out the legs, the support staff whatever and it should all come crumbling down, has anyone tried that? We try and get gangster to roll so why not get his help to roll…. I get it, people should be free to do what they want behind closed doors. IF it is SAFE and LEGAL. R Kelly crosses the line and makes me wish the Punisher was real. Also I gotta quickly make a point to these fools angry about the recent Ted Bundy things. They aren’t glorifying anything, they are telling the truth. Bundy was a charming, decent looking guy. That’s why he was so successful at what he did. In fact that’s the whole thing with serial Killers. They might not be the strange guy up the road, they could be the charmer you talk to everyday.

I think it is time for a hot shave. I have debated it for a while but too many gangster movies made me leary. Oh and I hear they are crazy $$$ but I think I am gonna go get a haircut and a shave. I hear they are heaven. I wonder if for an upcharge they do manscaping? Even if they do, no one is using a straight razor there! Part of me wishes I grew hair like I did at 20 when I only needed to shave once a freaking month! Razors are way too much money! Plus if I am lazy and don’t do it for two weeks, it hurts to do! When I win the lotto and move to the country I am getting a duck dynasty beard. Well probably not cause I couldn’t deal with it BUT I hate shaving!

Conversation is a lost art. I realize this more and more. NOT that I am not as bad as anyone but it is crazy. I remember back in the day when we went on break and actually sat and talked to each other. We used to know about each other and be friends! Ah the good old days. Now you walk into the break room and it is like zombies glued to a screen. The only time they talk is maybe to show each other a cool meme or a cat video on facebook. It has gotten to the point people will text across the same room rather than talk. Some are even watching movies on the Netflix app. And I get it cause like I said I am terrible to. I play jeopardy, post tweets, cruise facebook and jot down notes for my blog. Today I am going for blood work. I am sure sitting in the lab will be the same. Although there and the doctors office I get it. I mean you might not wanna talk about why your there. Even in grocery store lines and shit though you see people on the phone now. The days of smiling and small talking in public are gone.... 


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