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World Gone Mad

It is painful for me to see more and more this country of ours divided. I don't know how it got this way, well I do have an unpopular theory. Wanna hear it? I assume since your reading this you do.....

We the majority were assholes. For years minorities were treated like shit. Lets just refer to most of us a old white men. We didn't like "queers", we didn't like different skin colours, we really didn't like other religions. Hell we even held women down, now don't get me wrong women many of you were just like old white men happy to see other minorities held down. And let's say this went on for a long time! Not a few years but a few centuries. People get angry, people start to resent us. Then comes the 60s, the 70s and the 90s! Social justice becomes a thing. And it is a good thing. All people should be equal. But it becomes give an inch, take a mile. NO meeting in the middle. It isn't enough to be equal, it needs shown just how EQUAL you are. No longer will a pride day / parade do. It needs to be a week or a month event. NO longer should a family be shown as a mom and a dad no it should be shown as everything. Hell kids shouldn't even be spanked anymore as that is cruel and abusive. Not all lives matter Black lives Matter, I have been told to say all is wrong. The normal is no longer good enough, everything needs changed! I don't agree with that. There should be limits and bounds. Everyone should be equal but people shouldn't be force fed others beliefs. Somehow though that became the only way to make the world "good" enough. Well for awhile the majority was okay giving some. Then it became too much. All those old white people started to get mad too. They felt now they were being stripped of rights and that after generations of being the "backbone" of society they were being short changed. Enter the Don. Now I don't blame him, what I do feel is he simply put a face on what was already there. He emboldened the embittered. Hate was always they he just made it brave.

Lets start with one side. I blogged about a local rabble rouser. Filming the police working a few months back I think I posted it. Welp another twitter thread made me mental. I guess now journalists are bad. A local man was murdered. They reported he had a long an violent criminal history. This made the rabble rouser angry. It wasn't fair. In fact they only did it because he was black. Incorrect! They did it because it was true. None of those claims were false. Here is the thing it would be a legit issue if none of the claims were true but if they are true it is simply reporting. A white person with a record will be reported as such too. But some people aren't happy unless they are playing chicken little. Some people want to try and get everyone fired up over fires that aren't there.

Speaking of which, Faith Goldy! A Rebel alumni loves chicken little reporting. Remember a few weeks back when an "incel" mowed down people in T.O and she had to run to the street to find the terrorist? Ya, good job...So I dunno if you watched but what a week or two ago she went to Quebec to do some "reporting" What she did was run into a group of Antifa thugs and shit went down hill fast. They spit on her, threatened her. Slapped her camera phone away. At this point I do feel bad for Faith. Before I continue I want to say she is dumb as shit for doing this. She is putting herself in danger on purpose to drum up sympathy. Look at how awful these people are....

In this case it worked. Antifa are a bunch of stupid thugs. They showed their true colours. The colours of fascist. Antifa wont accept any other view point, their goal is to silence anyone they disagree with. UMM that is exactly what the fascist brown shirts did in the the 30s, but no your against Nazism.... I can't handle these guys, they literally are thugs, cowards and criminals. More than anyone it appears they have the goal to divide us.

It pains me to say this but I don't want Rebel Media silenced. We need opposing views, even nutty ones. And when people in the media are silenced it is a slippery slope.

Back to my dear friend Faith Goldy. It has been a few weeks now but I am sure we all remember the van incident in Toronto. An "incel" took a van and mowed down a bunch of innocent people. I only mention Faith because it fits the whole theme of this rant. She actually went down looking / hoping to find a terrorist. WHO DOES THAT?!?! I called Antifa a bunch of clowns but this act by her puts her in the clown shoes category for sure! But that isn't the point I was after, what the fuck is an incel! Seriously! I am not a big strapping young man. I don't think I am overly handsome. Ya I can talk a good game but that is about it. I moved to Edmonton at 19, it might have been a year I went without getting laid. Did I get all sad? (Does masturbating and crying in the shower count?) Did I blame other men and women, no! So what the fuck guys?? This is seriously a thing? Don't blame others cause you are Raj from big bang. I thought I could string together a few coherent thoughts on this movement but I can't. To me with all that is wrong and crazy in this world and now we have to watch out for men angry they have a hard time with women!! WTF YO!

Last is Roseanne. I won't lie I laughed my ass off when she got fired. Couldn't happen to a nicer woman. Start from the start, she is protected by free speech. That's why she can tweet her hate. The flip side of that is ABC can also fire her as is their right. Will I admit it is pretty far considering what some other people say and do. A bit. Can she hide behind comedy, no. Seth Myers almost daily makes fun of Trump and the White House, does he resort to simple name calling no. His writers for the most part find witty things to say. I am unsure if because she was given a phone call about her show by Trump that she thought she was untouchable or what. Do I feel bad about the other actors, ya. Not of them went out of their way to say stupid shit and get the show cancelled. It is just sad for them they hitched the wagon to a lame horse.


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