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2012 started out exactly how 2011 ended. Even what I did weekly was pretty much the same. It was early on though something big happened, not even to me but I was happy for it. Frenchman asked Amazing to be his wife! Typical guy fashion though. He did it on a Sunday morning I believe, then a few hours later he comes over and we go play shinny. Him and Bud have a drink after at my place then go home. No mention of anything. Next day at work one of the ladies comes over to me all excited and says aren't you happy for Frenchman. I asked why? She said well he is your friend you would think you would know he is getting married. WTF! SO I go looking for him and asked if the lady was crazy. The Frenchman he laughs and say oh ya that's true I did ask her yesterday. But he forgot to tell me! Anyways that was cool. I think it was pretty quick after that we all got our invites. They were gettin hitched in Mexico the next year. Of course the answer is hellz ya I am coming. All our friends in Mexico!!! Not just a half dozen like the earlier trips, this time a ton of people were going. But that is getting way ahead. As I had said my days were almost the exact same. I cannot think of anything that really happened early that winter.

Except my truck. That was a mess. It was by now barely road worthy, the tires were bald it was scary! At Christmas my parents had given me some money and said use this as a down payment a new one. I spent like 2 months looking every weekend. It was a pushy City Ford rep that hooked me. I was looking at a bit older trucks he had last years model. Almost new. I wasn't even going to test drive it but he said those two powerful words.... Come on. Of course I loved it, then they did one better. They let me "test" it for the whole weekend. I was hooked and signed the papers Monday. I am not a fan of City Ford. I went to them because they will finance anyone. My credit was shit but they could put me in a new big fancy truck. I mean customer service after is crap but they hooked me in and I drove away in my new truck. I took pictures and wrote how bad my old truck was and put it on Kijiji. I was happy if I got $500 for it. But I posted it as $1000. A guy called and offered $900 I said sure. He brought $800 but hell I was still happy with that.

Bugalow and I took our first trip. I wanted to try out the new truck, so we went to Jasper. The truck was amazing. Never had 4x4 in last one or a V8, but it was a gas pig so now I had bigger payments than I should and a truck that would cost an arm and a leg to fill. But that will be last comments on the truck. I introduced Bugalow to Evil Daves. If you head to Jasper try it out! The place is awesome. We did a couple hikes. It as only an over night trip so we walked downtown. Stopped at the candy store and the bakery, like you should if you stay in Jasper but then had to get home. I went to Banff for the first time this current spring. I love it there. For actual touristy things I think Banff wins. But for just an overnight OR if you are skiing I would say Jasper. It is the same distance. Still has the same shops selling the same crap. But is less busy...... SO I would have to end the age Jasper Vs Banff debate with they are equally good just at different things.

So the day came I was gonna meet Bugalows parents. The fact was they had given in. They might not have been happy but they accepted we were together. So we met them at the same Moxies her and I first went out. I had my whiskey, they had coffee and she had pop. I had gotten her on to wine but she wouldn't drink in front of them. It wasn't terrible, just one of those awkward meetings in life. She did show them my new truck. It was our joke after they woulda said no again if they would have seen my old truck.

I will be honest right now I don't know how El Queero Diablo came into the picture. (This is gonna go into a side tangent, just a heads up) I know KT was saying she might need me to get a room mate. I didn't want to but I understood it. We had two gay guys working in the warehouse. One of them was looking for a place to live come mid summer. The good one I mean. Side tangent - Some homosexual people give a bad name to the whole group (Same as some whites, some blacks blah blah blah) Anyways one was a great worker.  Got shit done, was well liked.  The other not so much. Things were set up wrong for him. Heavy boxes were too high. (Even though a tiny 50+ lady could get them) everything was complained or whined about. And anytime he was in shit for screwing up, we were discriminating against him for being gay. Just imagine the shit show when he got let go. For being a terrible worker! See that's the side tangent, just do your fucking job! I admit it, I don't wanna see two dudes making out in public. BUT I DON'T WANNA SEE ANYONE doing that! I could give 2 shits what people do behind closed doors. Long as is it legal (Legal being a broad term. I mean anal is illegal technically some places and that is a stupid law but this is getting long winded), safe and consensual have at it. It doesn't need to be like two stupid teenagers all over each other in public, gay or straight. And don't use it as a crutch! MAYBE people aren't against you. Maybe your just miserable or terrible at your job. I hate, hate, when people use something like that to say the worlds against them. I am fucking small, I get it. When I worked in our warehouse some months I pulled more than anyone because I worked harder because of that. I didn't say oh its too hard and you guys are mean making me do heavy work. Same with hockey. I know there are much better guys on every team I played on. Every team I played on I was also told wow you do play hard. Have heart..... So no don't give me that crap the world is against you, you are against you......

Anyways wow sorry side rant over. Either way the gay dude I liked needed a place to live and somehow I want to say Amazing came up with the idea he should move in with me. I can't even remember how they knew each other or if I am right at all about it but somehow that all got pitched to KT. She said she would meet him when she got home for summer break.

Then came our first major speed bump in the relationship. See I had said I was going to Mexico for the Wedding next year. As a sub teacher looking for a full-time contract she said she couldn't make it. So I would be going alone. Which sucks, I mean when that came we would be together "officially" over a year and have been dating for closer to two. And I would be going on a trip by myself. Then KT says she wants someone to come down to L.A and drive home with her. I couldn't say no. I have always had this fantasy about about L.A. (If I was a girl who knows maybe I woulda ended up on a casting couch....) But I have always wanted to see it. It is the city of dreams. Like I said I like either towns like Grande Cache or want to see cities like L.A. I have always been obsessed with the movies, the music. So many films are set with L.A as the back drop, so I said I would do it. Again Bugalow couldn't come so I was to fly by myself.

Here is another side rant, Fucking Alberta Education. To me it is stupid to have sooooo many colleges and universities graduating teachers. Your pumping out thousands of graduates per year and are you retiring as many? No.... So what your doing is creating thousands of people ready to work but no jobs to go to. Well at least they can sub right? Some.... however retired teachers are allowed to sub too. So these kids have to compete with people working teachers may already know or be friends with? Gosh I wonder who will get the sub calls? And your a union so these retirees are collecting a pension but still able to come back and double dip? Wonder why people shit on unions so much..... My solution, do grad so many teachers. I can already see people twisting that as oh he hates education. NO I hate seeing what I saw with my Bugalow trying very hard to work but the system shitting all over these grads. Many of which end up doing other jobs, not ending up in the Ed. system.

So early June came and El Diablo gave me a ride to the airport. Bugalow was going to but ended up working that morning. He ended up charging me as much as a cab..... :( A couple things happened that AM. It was when I set up twitter. @Tavis_P if you don't follow me. Also that was when I found out 50 shades was three books. What can I say I was looking for something to read on the flight. I had never flown by myself. So before I even fly it starts off interesting. I meet these two guys. They are already drunk. They are going to so concert on the beach in L.A. When hit security it is all going great until on guy drunk jokes about his buddies warrant. They both laugh, but a few minutes later 1 is arrested. So one grumpy drunk passes out on the plane while the other is taken in..... Good start!

I survived flying alone and landed in L.A.X. I get all my shit and head out to the waiting area. Now my friend KT, she isn't the most prompt person. So I am sitting waiting, no KT. I start to worry that I am in the wrong place. I mean L.A.X is big. So I turn the phone on to call her. I didn't need to though cause right quick her little SUV pulled up. YA! I made it to my destination all by myself. First thing we did was Venice Beach. It lived up to what I thought. Just like the movies. Strange people, happy people, neat boardwalk and within 10 minutes people are trying to sell me "legal" weed. We saw the freak show but did end up leaving early-ish. I guess the option is leave and miss traffic or we would have to have stayed late. I remember that night we went for sushi on conveyor belt. It was amazing. Now I would have to check with KT if that was in K-town or just an Asian neighborhood. I think we went shopping for some food and booze and I met her neighbor and our tour guide L. That was about all we did that day I think. Some of this may be jumbled in order but here goes.

                                                    Our roof top view of L.A

The first full day there I tried coffee and breakfast from Urth Cafe. If your in L.A and they are still open stop by. Good breakfast! I believe that was our site seeing day. KT and I went and saw her school. It was tiny but amazing. People would stay the night working, your pets were allowed there. If I had been in a school like that maybe I woulda been a bit better? Likely not but here is to dreaming.  We hit Hollywood, which really is neat but not amazing. Of course I took pics of some of the stars and the theater. We saw the Chinese Theater and Ripley's and The Wax Museum but didn't go in. We went Echo Park and drove around the city did some shopping. We went up into the hills. Went to an open house. Pretended to have that big Alberta Oil money and looked at a million dollar home. NOT WORTH IT!!!  I think that night we had Umanmi Burger. So good, medium rare burger, it was in downtown L.A. which was eerily empty. Saw KTs local dog park, couple crazy things. First lotsa big dogs, husky's which I did not think you would see in L.A. Second the dog parks are terrible! All concrete not like the ones here in Edmonton. I am not sure but I think it was that night we wandered around the neighborhood and went for a drink with L. She agreed that night I think to tour us the next day.

Back home Bugalow wasn't happy. She missed me. We were communicating through Facebook chat in the AM. However her dad came through on trying to make her feel better. They went fishing off the coast of BC. For Salmon and halibut. Turns out they had a great haul that time.

So again it started with Urth. this time L was the driver.We went to the historic downtown train station. It is big and neat. Went to the tar pits which are a huge letdown. BUT to be fair not sure what I expected there. We drove by some other older buildings, the ones you always see in movies about L.A. She explained the history. She took us out to Malibu. Nice place, I was jealous of hipsters. They had some cool books in cafes there but I couldn't bring myself to buy one.... I want to say something. I called Quick being an All star before he was. I know it is easy to say that now but I did!! When he was the back up for L.A. Anyways if you know hockey you know the Kings won there first Stanley Cup in June of 2012. After L toured us through L.A she had a family thing. And we had to get home too. A bus was picking us up. KTs dad had tickets to a Stanley Cup final game.

I had nothing fancy to wear. I wasn't expecting anything like this so I wore the nicest pants and Tee shirt I had. We were going with her dad and some lawyers I think to a Skybox. The cup was in the house, cause an L.A win meant it would be handed out that night. The fact was by the end of the first it was clear the cup was coming out that night! Sadly I was on my best behavior. Had it been a skybox with other people. It likely woulda been messy but I think I had two beer all night. After the second period we went down to seats. About 10 rows up from centre ice. Staples went nuts when the Kings won! Quick was given the MVP trophy. We were supposed to go to some fancy bar after the game but I guess the Kings booked it out. Now that woulda been sweet drinking with the Kings that night! Instead we went home and then headed out for a drink to the local "Dive" bar. I was carrying a drink to the bar but then a comment about LAPD made me toss it. Funny thing we were telling people we won and most people were saying oh didn't know the Lakers played tonight. Like WTF not like if the Oil had won it here. The night is kinda blurry. They let us bring the dog in, so we stayed till close and then carried on for awhile.

I don't regret drinking too much but the next day was bad. I don't think we managed anything useful. Except going to some sketchy taco truck were no one spoke English and ordering some of the most amazing Mexican I have ever had. Oh and that night was Netflix. I had never heard of it but watching TV was about all we did. Far as I remember.

I believe the next day was leaving day. We ran errands, visited L again. Ate at the dive bar again and got on the road just before the nightly rush hour. There was a small debate, KT wanted to go PCH up to B.C. and stop to visit Tats. While I thought that would be awesome, I had to get back to work. So we left on the other interstate WOW they make big highways in Cali. I think that night was pretty much just driving. They have way better rest stops in the States too. But I think we made it to a city called Tracy for the night. Think it was a super 8 we stayed in, which was nice.

The next day we got to San Fran. of course we saw the Pier and that area but we didn't really stay all that long. We kept going and went through wine country. In some small town called Geyserville? we stopped for wine. They cut me off as I had to drive. I laughed and said nope she is driving (Sorry KT) so I had another. Brought back a bottle which was actually not very good. Still have the empty though. Then we hit the Redwoods. Of course we went through the tree you can drive through. We stayed in Eureka that night. Was a dive.... Sorry to the whole city but you are. I tried my first Applebys but the only hotel was skeezy looking. At first the neighbours asked if we had drugs and then tried later to sell us some. Glad we had locking doors and the dog.

The next day I took over driving in Portland. KT had done all the driving until then. Not my most manly admission but I was nervous driving in Cali. However Oregon  was a bit smaller. If I ever move to the states I think I could do Oregon. What a nice looking state.  By this time though it was all about driving. We kept straight on until that night. I think we were in Idaho I honestly am not sure or Washington. Maybe Washington. Stayed in a nicer hotel lol. The last day again was solid driving. I was amazed  by the border crossing. They didn't seem to care at all. We stopped at duty free of course and Timmies as soon as we found one. It was late that night we got home. I knew I wasn't going to work the next day. So we had a couple drinks and then my Cali trip was over. But summer was just starting.

First Diablo came over to meet KT. They seemed to hit it off good. I think after a couple drinks it was Bud who drafted up or read the lease and said ya sign looks good. We had my 31st birthday. That was a big party. People came to visit KT cause she was back from L.A and for my Bday too. Then after that we moved Diablo in. I do hope this is offensive to overly sensitive LGBTQ people. Hazmat suits were worn as a joke to not catch the gay. Diablo laughed because, people can tease and not mean shit by it. Diablo would become a very good friend to me. He is a proud gay male but he lives in reality. I know there are a couple things that offend him. SO I try my best not to do them, other than that I treat him like any other guy friend. Which is the way the world should be. End of that side rant.

I met most of Bugalows family that summer. There was a wedding, so we went. Now here was the funny part. These two big welders come over and wanna meet me. As I am pretty much Bugalows first real boyfriend. They said piss off we are taking junior drinking. I freely admit I couldn't keep up to my friends Chad or Cook. My dad and his buddies either and now a days a couple drinks seem to kill me. But at that point I was well pickled. Hell my brand of whiskey had my name written on it at SGS lounge still. Their plan to teach me how to drink back fired. On the other hand Bugalow well that is the one time I held her hair for her. KT thought we were fighting that night, but no she was sobbing from getting sick...

That was the summer of fish. Bugalow had brought back soooo much from the coastal trip I was googling ways to cook it. I mean mostly Salmon got the bbq with lemon, dill, garlic and onion treatment but halibut I was trying everything. Did find a good one with lotsa soya sauce. That went on the bucket list, going ocean fishing.

Now let me tell you the truth. Bugalows family is a huge Airmiles family. They had been to Europe on them plus a few other places. She was bummed that she wouldn't be coming to Mexico for the wedding next year. So she booked a trip for us. A mostly paid for by airmiles trip. A week in Victoria. Staying at the Delta on the harbor and getting a car rental. It worked out good. Bugalows best friend got married on a Saturday in a hotel downtown. We stayed there that night and then I believe the next day we flew to Vic. Now this was a different trip for me. I did way less drinking. Still had enough but actually got out and did things. Saw the Museum, I think the only other museum I had been in was GP so this was kinda a bit better. Went on a wine tour, sort of. We drove around to a few wineries. Ended up buying a couple bottles even though the guy at the winery was kind of a douche. Still have one unopened from there, to drink someday. Went to Bouchart gardens, which is actually pretty cool for a place of mostly flowers and of course the castle again. Went on a ghostly walks tour, Victoria has some pretty interesting ghost stories. I showed her some of the things I liked. Like the Garricks head pub and strolling the harbor. We had a horse drawn carriage ride. Fucking PETA protesters yelled at us. I think that mighta been the first time Bugalow ever saw me mad. I yelled right back. I just have to say it. Go to Irish Times in Vic, if it is still open. It was amazing, service, food and drinks. We had our fanciest dinner to that point one night. In the Delta overlooking the harbor at sundown. One glitch that week. I still at that point had collection agencies calling me. Bugalow didn't know that about me. She was upset when she found that truth. I shoulda just ignored the call but I am a dumbass. But all in all it was an amazing trip. But when we got back summer was over.... Which was kinda good for one thing. KT and I spent a more than a few nights drinking wine. That meant I often went to work kinda smelly, and I was always late which didn't look great.

                                          Nice hotel and great grounds for a nightly stroll

KT drove back to L.A. Diablo was in the basement. He might as well have been living in an apartment. We went to work together. He had gotten a promotion and was on the sales desk with me so we worked together all day but then didn't really see each other at night. Unless Amazing and the Frenchman came over. Amazing is good at being social and making us all social. To be honest I don't recall anything overly interesting that fall.

Then came winter and Xmas. Of course KT came back for break. We had friends Xmas, I think that was the year we started building gingerbread houses as a contest. I had my first Christmas with Bugalows family and I think I had time off until the new Year. I think it was about then that Bugalow decided to say screw it. She last minute booked for the Mexico wedding.

So that is a wrap for 2012. More big things coming down the pipe but that's next year.....


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