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Canada Wildfires

 If you think global warming is causing all these fires and paying more taxes, maybe eating bugs instead of meat will help, you're fucking stupid. ALSO if you really think space lasers or paid arsonists are behind it same thing, STUPID.... Saying that there have been people arrested and charged with arson but I don't think it was paid with a conspiracy behind it, just really stupid people. NOW if you don't think global warming is real or possibly a part of all this, give your head a shake. It is real and it isn't good. 

We have had forest fires for probably longer than man has been around. Wildfires have started from nature for freaking ever! Me paying more taxes won't change that. Along with that we as society are not helping. I still see people flick cigarette butts out the window. How, why, like what is wrong with those people? All the fires this year and we still have people doing that. We have people on ATVs riding around and causing sparks. We are being dumb, when people should be taught to be careful. On top of that I have the pleasure of travelling all over the north and what I hear is sad. First YES I have heard people say its arson, even say they know someone, who knows someone, who saw it done on purpose. I try my best to ignore that and really hope it is untrue. However in numerous places I have also heard of people being told they can't help fight the fires. Farmers, other country, folks with equipment trying to clear fire breaks. To do whatever they can to say their own things and other people in the community but they are forced to leave. This is true and I can't understand why. If someone wants to try and save their place and hopefully slow down a fire why are they being forced out??? They know the risks and they are willing to take them but we force them out? How many homes could have been saved.... Bottom line climate change is real, global warming is real. A tax will not stop that, we can and should be working towards a greener future but it should be in a meaningful way. This is another time we are just putting a bandaid on a bullet hole and hoping that it will fix it. It won't Online bickering about a tax that won't help, isn't helpful either.

The thing that sickens me and I have tried to not comment on most things, is social media. Peoples homes are burning to the ground and they are losing everything and people want to make it about carbon tax. Oh the Cons want to roll it back while the country burns! Or my take.... that tax sure has helped! All of us unaffected are babbling over shit while thousands are forced from homes and even worse, lose everything. I was lucky or maybe unlucky enough to go meet a guy earlier this year that drove me around seeing all the damage done in the Entwhistle area. It was insane and heartbreaking to see the destruction. The fact seacans were melted twisted wrecks blew my mind. I was on my way to Jasper for work, to breath in that sweet mountain air, so to see and smell the destruction truly made it more than just TV new shots. Personally I find it gross when a tragedy is used during or immediately after as a political prop. A shooting and we have to talk gun laws, the country burns, lets talk carbon plans! Nah man deal with the tragic issues and then step back and look at the root causes. Don't try and gain cheap political points. Or at least that how I feel.... Now I know this is pretty much me on social media and I get the hypocrisy. I just wanna get my rant out here and try to ignore the online threads. As stated in earlier blogs I am starting to see social media as a cancer and I think I wanna move away from the pointlessness of it. That leads to the last part of my rant.....

FUCK JUSTIN TRUDEAU. This clown is literally the surprised Pikachu meme. His government passes a bill & Facebook warned them what would happen to news on Facebook, they did it anyways and act surprised when Facebook does what they said they would.... Actions have consequences you clown! Let's be honest, if ole FB wasn't a shit show they could help out Canadians during these fires and show news but they don't have to and I guess they chose the route of douchebaggery. Blaming them though, come on. First they only did exactly what they said they would do. Second there are so many other outlets like Reddit where news seems to move even faster. Third on FB there are already groups dedicated to this stuff that have been helping people. Fourth WTF did we do before social media, we had crisis's and we handled it. Just because this government is inept doesn't mean lashing out at a social media company is helpful. Honestly I am guessing he is just angry that during the trucker convoy FB showed live videos of peaceful protests that went against the whole "occupation" narrative. This is just another sign of how useless this party and its leader is. I mean they are great at not wasting a tragedy and trying to get people behind their virtual signaling tax but in general another time Castreau looks like a clown.....

Thats it, thats all. I know its rambling and I know I said whining on social media isn't helpful but I had to get it off my chest so I can try to not call people stupid online... 


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