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Messed up world!

 The UCP is buying your vote! With your own money! (This is probably old news by the time I publish this) Just like any other political party. All over Abpoli threads, that all I am seeing. Umm FYI the NDP would do the same if they were in power. I didn't see this outrage when ya'll got your carbon tax rebates. That is literally the same thing, tax $ going back into your pockets. LIKE EVERY FUCKING REBATE IN HISTORY, YOU MORONS. So yes, Danni girl is trying to buy your vote, that's politics. I keep seeing people saying they will donate it to the NDP, good for you according to you it's your money so do what you want with it. Do I tell you when I buy toilet paper? Or some are donating to charities, I can get behind that. It just blows my mind the people offended by this are the same people that were happy to get a carbon rebate, same thing dumbasses. These same people were mocking people who bitched about the carbon tax but were happy to get a cheque from the feds. Now your not happy to get $$ for the UCP, but realize it is buying votes? I am not upset but not overly happy I don't get any $$$ back. Not because I make over $180,000 but because I don't have kids. I choose not to reproduce, so I don't get money back? People who shouldn't have had kids and couldn't afford them before inflation get cash back though? Inflation doesn't affect my grocery bills? My spending? I won't bitch too loud because the reality is I have been doing pretty good, my wife and I are stable but it really isn't fair overall. Did see people on the news who could use and extra $600 but aren't getting it for some reason. So sure I will continue to pay taxes that can go into others peoples pockets who made choices they couldn't afford.

It is supposed to get down to -28 tonight, feels like -34. News said we are drawing to much on the power grid. That it might even lead to rolling black outs. I don't ever remember having this come up before, but maybe my memory is bad.... Either way the only comment I want to make is they want to get us all in electric cars?? When it is that cold most people will drive and then we are to plug into a grid that is struggling as is???

I am grateful I live in Alberta. I can have something new and dumb to blog about in Abpoli almost weekly now. So our new leader Dani Smith is pushing her sovreignty act. The day after it dropped social media exploded. It was giving her dictator powers and on and on. First I will say yes I would like to learn more about it, as we really don't need that. HOWEVER most of this is coming from people who are purposefully spreading disinformation. The Alberta NDP is scary, they are either dumb or liars. Neither is really something you want in power, and their supporters are chirping the same thing. That big Danni is giving herself dictator powers when she was voted in as premier with less than 1% of the vote. A quick lesson for NDP supporters or people unfamiliar with how Alberta works. None of us vote for a Premier. We vote for a candidate in our riding who likely is part of a party. The party with the most seats becomes the government and the leader of that party, well that's the premier. Easy to understand, even for JR high students. So no Danni wasn't voted in with less than 1% of Albertans. The UCP got 55% of the vote in the last election. 68% of Albertans showed up for that. SO that's roughly 37% of Albertans. Not less than 1% but sure keep lying. To compare NDP got 33% of the vote. Roughly 22% of Albertans. I am just gonna rant, these people are useless liars. Rachel Notley is like a bitter ex that Alberta really needs a restraining order against. Going all over social media spreading lies or misinformation. SO either way dumb or liars..... DO I support this act? Not sure, I think Danni is power hungry. I first blogged that YEARS ago if you scroll back. Is it an overreach, probably but I need to actually read it rather than listen to social media chicken little. ALSO the people screaming about this are also the people who supported JT using the war measures act (Wow is it still so easy to get people going calling it that) I am confused by this, either you want the government to have the power to do shit like that or you don't. I am assuming cause its the scary Cons that could have that power that people are upset. 

Please just stop with the fear mongering. For 2 years every day we saw the Covid numbers & now we get to see flu numbers? We have had the flu for hundreds of years and didn't need daily counts, so why do we now? I don't want to put a tinfoil hat on, but it is becoming like someone wants to keep people scared. Who? IDK that's why I say tinfoil hat but damn it is working. I go online and keep seeing people living in fear of flu and covid and and and. I say this as someone who "believes in the science" I have both shots and my booster and chances are will get the next one as I want to go to Italy next year and if I need it I will get it. My issue is 100% with the fear mongering. Stop showing us numbers, in reality it has no bearing on our day to day lives. On top of this, I can't say I am surprised people are getting sicker. We spent 2 plus years drenched in sani, masked up and staying away from people. While some good did come from this, there is bad as well. You can't build immunity without exposure. No one has been exposed for a couple years people are going to get hit, hard. I will say no I am not a doctor, so this is just a theory. It is based on the fact that A) Vaccines are made injecting people with a small amount of the virus to let the body build up immunity B) We were told all my life up until this point is was good to get some exposure..... The whole point is stop with the fear mongering. Covid is real. People are extra sick this year. Daily telling people how scary it is, is not helping anything. Also I have said it repeatedly and I don't want to sound heartless BUT these numbers also NEVER include facts. Not once have people said, hey of the "random number" deaths yesterday 8 had pre existing health issues. 2 were over 80. No they just say be afraid! We are dying! The news is super quick to mention if someone is "Young and Healthy!" If you want to give that information believing it is relative then old and sick is also relative.

Don't apologize for being a white male, middle class, upper class whatever. I have a podcast I love listening to but they have a habit that makes me mental. Anytime they have an episode that has female or minority issue they apologize. "Hey we are 5 white guys talking about a minority issue" SO? You are allowed to have your own opinion, no matter who you are. Its one of the great things about living in the free world. Everyone and their dog is allowed to have an opinion on white people. White males in particular. You are allowed to speak on any issue, you don't have to be a dick and having an opinion doesn't mean you are a dick. I mean of course you can be but that's not the point. What I am getting at is there is no reason to apologize or believe your thoughts aren't just as legit because of who you are. 

Stop ruining Christmas!!I don't want another article about how bad carols are. How Baby its cold outside is a date rape anthem. It was a nice song back in the day, when written it had nothing to do with date rape. Why is it so hard for people to take things in the context they were meant in? Also the age old battle "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" Let me be blunt, I am going to say Merry Christmas. Why? Cause that's my belief. Just the same as if you said happy Hannauk. I say Merry Christmas to you because I respect you. I legit don't speak to you if I don't like you. So honestly me saying merry xmas is a sign of respect. I have hit that point where I am not going to change that. Merry Xmas is a sign of respect, it isn't taking away anything from anyone. Anymore than whoever saying whatever to me, I lose nothing by your beliefs and you lose nothing by mine. Willing to bet if we each just set the words aside we would both be happy just enjoy good company. Bottom line, what's your holiday about? Family, friends, good will to men?? Mine to. So Imma show you respect the way I know how and I am happy if you return that. Also not everything needs updated. We went to A Christmas Carol a couple weeks ago at the citadel. It was decent. It was updated though, set in the 1920s. Okay I can live with that. Bob Cratchet though is dead and gone in WWI and is replaced by a single mom?? Scrooge now also hates people from other countries? Really?? Does everything have to be "woke" now? Like can the fact a douchebag learns to be a good person not be enough??

I would not let the USA make trades for me. They traded Viktor Bout for Brittney Griner? That's a big loss. Either we have all been lied to an Vik isn't really that dangerous OR they made the worst trade ever. So they are at "war" with Russia and they gave them back one of the worlds worse arms dealers? How does that make any sense? For a "celebrity"? Anyways just like leaving mountains of weapons in Afghanistan this makes no sense. People are also very upset they left a "marine" in Russia. I am getting conflicting info on that. He was dishonorably discharged? He was a spy? I dunno what to make of all that but I would say a marine who has been there a lot longer you would think might be a priority, but it has become very clear like big Trudy here crazy ole Joe is more concerned about virtue signaling than actually doing anything.

Also I want to make a comment about the "war" in Ukraine. As a history lesson, the Jews really hate Nazis. The Nazis killed over 6,000,000 Jewish people in WWII. Over 24,000,000 Russian died fighting the Nazis. 4 times as many dead. If anyone hates the Nazis its Russia. Russia believed if not friends that at least the Nazis wouldn't be enemies but boy were they wrong. The Russians had more death than any other nation in WWII.  Before this "war" broke out most major news outlets were saying how bad the Ukraine was getting with far right Nazis. If you choose to believe Putin he invaded to "fix" this. Honestly you can see Russia wanting to kill a few more Nazis. I think we all know that's not why he is there. Or probably not the real main reason. I am just interested in why this never comes up anymore? Now don't take it as I support the invasion. I don't support it but the longer this drags on the stranger things are. Putin is by no means a dumb man, he had to know the backlash he would face but still invaded. I do think there is more there than we know about. Is it some conspiracy only Qanon was smart enough to figure out, lol no. Is there more than we are being told, yes.

MAiD is some messed up shit. Oh the surface it sounds great. I agree with medical assisted death, if you are suffering and have no way back. No hope, no cure. Up until I watched a news article on it. People who don't actually want to die are signing up now. They don't see any hope with the current system, so they are choosing death. That is not alright in Canada. We may be led by a clown but we are IMO still one of the best nations on earth and we cant even take care of our own people? How can we take in thousands of refuges per year but cant provide a life above poverty for sick Canadians? How can we give millions to other nations to develop but let our own people suffer? I know the system is fucked. Medical waits have gotten out of hand for everything from basic shit to life saving procedures. Why are we not working on that? Why are bike lanes and plastic straws major issues, why is it not more social programs? I am just gonna be blunt, woke virtue signaling is apparently more important than people who need help. No this isn't a defund the police either... I think they need work. Sure training in certain areas would help. I know they aren't perfect but I am happy they are around. Instead of saying take money from them and put it into social programs lets put social programs into policing & put money where it should be. More social programs, not given to other nations for whatever bullshit the government dreams SO my rant isn't against MAid per say, it is against Canadians feeling it is better to die than to keep living. I don't think anyone should have a free ride but I do believe in Canada we should be able to at least provide a standard of living that people don't want to die.

I am sure there is so much more I could rant on. I don't want to. I want to do a couple happy blogs, I want to enjoy the Christmas spirit and the more I think of stuff like this the madder I get. SO I am ending this entry right here and maybe have more "fun" ones to come.... maybe


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