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Random thoughts!

 Gonna say this is a mixed bag some poli and some pop culture. You were warned

Bad women, the ripper retold I briefly brought up in my podcast blog but I want to touch on it and society a bit more here. First off, ALL theories on Jack the Ripper are valid. NO wait that isn't 100% true, some are so out there they aren't HOWEVER researched ones are. Hallie Rubenhold doesn't believe that though and it does make me a bit sad. Honestly her pod is great, she does something that I personally never heard before. Telling us where these victims of Jack came from, humanizing them. That is good work and I applaud her. The issue I take is with her stubbornness as much as "ripperoligists" she doesn't agree with. She has a fresh new look on the Ripper murders and that is great but it does not disprove any old theories.  The murders are over 100 years old. I highly doubt anyone will ever solve them now. The fact is these ladies could have been "sleeping" in dark alleys as Hallie suggests. There is also just as good a chance they were in the dark to sell sex. Both have merit. Neither side really has a smoking gun. So I repeat she has a decent podcast, it is a fresh new look but I would say it is tainted a bit by this new "woke" world. The truth is these women could have been hookers. The world is a cold and cruel place. Whitechapel then was as well and it is the worlds oldest profession. I guess it is just the smugness when you are working on unprovable theories just as much as others that annoys me. The second thing is feminazis and this case. People protest the tours and stuff now? WTF. There is a MILLION things wrong in this world right now. People making a buck of histories most notorious murders is your issue? Get a fucking life. I get it is not classy. It in no way is affecting you. It isn't hurting you. It is maybe feeding someones kids. They have tours for guys like Dahmer, why not Jack? If  I ever get to London and can do the Jack tour fucking rights I will be doing it. Instead of boo hooing do something useful. They protested and got 50% off at a fish and chip franchise? Why not pay full price but ask that a donation be made to a womens charity? There are actual useful things people could be doing rather than crying over 100 year old crimes. I am going to end with something really cold. These women, they were humans and deserve to be treated decently however their fame ONLY exists because of Jack. That's the sad truth. THOUSANDS, possibly millions over the years just as bad and just as hard a life as these ladies. Is anyone protesting over that? Nope, take your fake woke and fuck off. 

I had a health scare in the last few weeks (Maybe month who knows when I will post this) Monday at work I go to take a leak and notice blood in it. So I freak and call my doc. First 3 weeks to actually get in or 2 weeks for a phone appt. WTF is wrong with this shit? I explain I need someone now so an on call doc calls me a few hours later and I get forms for a pee test. So I rush to the lab and get it. Here is the thing, they hand me the cup and say I can go home do it and return it whenever OR I can wait in line with all the people waiting on blood work and such up to 2 hours. I say well there is an empty bathroom right there can I not use that? No to do that I need to wait in line. WHY? Seriously I could just pee right there. Instead I drive home pee and come back in 45 minutes. How does that make sense? I get line cutting for blood work would be wrong but just to take a leak?? Anyways I wait 2 days and hear nothing so I call in and yup they found blood. No shit.... The on call doc lines me up for more pee and blood tests. This worked out fine and I found out Alberta health has an app where you can look up results. I downloaded it, looked it up and freaked. Read something wrong went on line looked it up and found out I was dying. Went back reread it more carefully and realized I read it all wrong and I am fine. Then I had an ultrasound. First off drinking and holding that much water is HARD! Second for a day after that I was worried. I got back my results and I have a kidney stone. I am not dying! I haven't shown the other signs of kidney stones so I was worried it was something else, something worse. It did make me look at my life though. I dunno how people that have real issues do it. I was just worried not even proven to have anything and I did the bargaining phase. When you swear to change something or do something if some higher power will just let it be nothing. There are things I need to change. Things I need to do. I do need to change my diet and that is the hardest one. Somethings I really like that are actually good for me like berries are not good for stones. Plus all the junk like twinkies and chocolate that I snack at night have made diabetes worse. PLUS I have been blaming covid and shit but I have got lazy and that needs to change. Yes I will be back at hockey soon but once a week isn't enough I need to be more active.  Plus water lots and lots of water and less and less coffee. Which maybe is good, I mean less timmies gives me less anger when they fuck up coffees. Thats just lifestyle changes. There is a lot I want to do. I want to write. I have 20 projects started. I write then I move on without ever finishing. I have 2 complete works. I am going to edit them. I am going to submit them. Even if rejected at least I put myself out there. All these people I admire, Stan Lee, Walt Disney hell JK Rowling or JRR Tolkien put themselves out. Maybe I am shit and nothing comes up if but keep plugging I guess. I need to bank better. I have had a great year income wise but I don't have the bank to show it. I mean yes I have more than I ever did before in my life but I was told many years ago I needed a million in my bank to live comfortably when I retire. Currently I know I wouldn't have that & the way things went I am guessing that number is low now. I guess fear makes you think deeper. So how do I get there. Well 1) Maybe less blogging. At least until I am fully satisficed I have something to submit. Not stopping but having to the point no rambling blogs. 2) Lifestyle changes and that's the hardest. I have been slightly better about the water and coffee but EVERYTHING else I need to work on. The shittiest thing is this is the worse month. For work I am literally taking people out almost daily for Xmas. However I have to make it work, start by eating the "Best" I can when dining out. 3) Budget, for real. I mean I have a budget monthly to make sure my bills are always paid and I am not going hungry lol BUT I man a real one. Putting more away. Not only that I want to do better. It has been a good year for me and I have donated a bunch of money. Couple reasons 1) It does help at tax time 2) I gave to things I truly believe in because it feels good. However I want to think of a way to do more. Not sure what but something.... Anyways this is rambling again but it is how I feel, what fear can do to someone..... A quote I really liked is "Be the person your dog thinks you are." The way my pup looks at me I am the best ever and maybe I should try and live up to that. Actually I ended up with a free night in a hotel, work plans fell through so I will do most of this entry now and after this for really real a lot less entries will be up until I actually have something worth submitting to someone....

We are in a golden age of comics. Or at least we have some great talent right now & it seems like there are so many titles out there now a days. First X Men are great. It was like a reboot with Powers of X and now having all the characters from decades of writing to use is amazing. I did start with every title in my file but whittled it down to Xmen. (I mean that's the flagship title and I dig the new team.) Hellions, how could you not love Kitty and a band of pirates. Marauders, I think my fav title. Everyone in it is awesome. Sinister has always been a fav villain. Scalphunter (Yes still using that name) has been developed so well. I have always liked Psylocke. Plus thy are the bad asses of the mutant world. (I am legit sad. After writing this I went downstairs for a bite to eat and opened up social media. Hellions is done?! WTF Marvel?? This is by FAR your best mutant title. Sure cancel it but think about it. Relaunch it or something. Actually don't I hate the fact Xmen came out, had a run and then started at 1 again. Stop with this trend & just keep Hellions going!)  I will say not dying is kind of cheesy but overall giving life to so many old and great characters is cool. It did take awhile to get rolling but now there are some very interesting stories. I do feel Marvel is milking the amount of titles to get top dollar.... Also I wonder how much this has to do with MCU. Is marvel planning to launch the Xmen and want them to be a hot seller first. Either way right now is a great time to be into mutants. Batman has been amazing! I have to say Tynion is one of my favs. recently Fear State was one of my fav arcs in a long time. Joker has been a great series. The fact is one thing I liked about Batman is it is usually gritty. These runs have been very down to earth. I cannot wait for Shadow of the Bat. The thing that annoys me though.... Crossovers. I get it the Bat family is huge now. Like way more than I even know but every time it shouldn't need to run through multiple titles. I spend enough just on Batman and Detective so to get the whole story I shouldn't need to buy 10 titles I don't really care about... I am not going to get into to many more but Thor is currently amazing. Cates is the man, everything he does is great. Thor is no longer a one trick pony and this title is amazing. 

Let's go Brandon! I had no idea what that meant but now that I do I love it lol. To me I am not sure if Justin Trudeau is the worst politician in the world or does senile Joe win? Not that Trump was better, just saying in 330 million how did it come down to those 2 clowns. As I write this Joe is about to call out Putin. Give him a stern warning. WHY oh why do you think Vlad would care? Oh no grandpa Joe please dont start yelling and forget who you are yelling at. Don't mistake this I know Putin is a bad bad man BUT he is a leader. He is smart as fuck and dangerous. He is Russia and there is no nation on the earth more dangerous than them IMO. Everyone who goes to war with them loses. So sure Joe put on your big boy pants and yell. Putin does not care.... Why is the West full of shitty leaders....

For video games I am only talking about my current obsession, Mafia 3. The more I play this game the more I confirm in my mind this is what GTA V should have been. Let me be blunt GTA V was so so. I mean I haven't played it in a while and maybe a replay and I would fall in love but I doubt it. GTA had some hits, everyone loved San Andres. I wish I had played it when it came out.... Even playing it seeing how bad the graphics were years later, I still dug it. 4 had a great story with not too much side shit. V was a masterpiece for side shit and for actual game play BUT it was boring. Sure being Trevor is fun the first time and then... Mafia 3 has the exact opposite problem. The story is phenomenal. There are actually some twists from the first heist until the end. The characters, even the minor ones are well developed. You actually feel the family with Ellis and Sammy. Lincoln Clay is in my top all time characters. He is up there with John Marston, Arthur Morgan and Geralt. HOWEVER the game is very repetitive. Attack a district. Kill two racket bosses and then take the district from the boss. Repeat 7 times roughly and you have it in a neat bow. Yes there are a few other things thrown in but overall it does get stale. The DLC is too small. I am glad I didn't pay for it. I mean that will add some to the overall game and more things to do but overall they could have just been put in the main story. I also love the fact it paints an ACCURATE portrayal of a time and place. It shows the racism without trying at all to dumb it down or erase history. Hell there is a body tied to a statue of Andrew Jackson. Honestly this game makes me care more than any BLM riot ever did. I am sad I am almost done. A couple more districts a couple more races and I will move on. I would love to see another one like this......

Omicron! Seriously my Qanon hat is growing. The spanish flu 100 years ago with much worse living conditions and tech lasted 2 years. Well we are going on 2 years now and things don't seem to be getting better. Or the second they do a new variant appears. Remember a year ago when we were not going to have masks forever, the curve would be flatten and we wouldn't need vaccine passports? More than all of this how does any of this make sense? Why can I eat in a food court with a vaccine but not if I don't have one. We actually have created second class citizens. I am not going to say its the lizard people or the illuminate I am simply pointing out how quickly minds changed as the government placed new "rules" in  and I thought we were a team against a bunch of this stuff. I mean I started hearing a LOT of tough talk but then people just gave in. I did to, I am not above it to keep doing my job I had to get the shot. So technically no we don't need the shot. The government isn't forcing it on people. You just can't live your life really with out it. To keep things in perspective we still have mask bylaws and a vaccine passport in Alberta with only 4105 active cases. 0.09% 3268 deaths in  337,420 cases for a 99.14% recovery rate. I am lucky I do not know any of those 3268 people who passed, I do wonder how many had serious underlying health issues? Not only that but we have people screaming trust the science. Ridiculing people who aren't falling in line BUT why are they not trusting this science? We all learned math in school and it is something that can't be faked SO why is this fact being ignored. PLUS is Omnicron not just a cold??? Like we keep hearing it really isn't that bad, just more transmittable. So do we really need another round of restrictions for what we call a cold 2 years ago??

I have been reading some Disney Twisted Tales. Slow down it isn't totally kids books! In fact they really aren't at all. The first one I just finished Belles mom was the one who cursed Beast. She is now trapped in a mental institution being tortured for 15 years. They do show classic scenes from the movies, like "Be our guest" but with a twist. For example they find Mrs. Potts husband buried with a knife in him, in the barn. There are clearly changes from the Disney stories. I started one where Aladdin doesn't get the lamp. Instead Jafar stole it and Al fell back into the cave. That's where I am so not sure how he is getting out..... These are good books and if you enjoy things like the What if? series and Disney movies you will like these.

So I have never been a climate change denier. I know it is happening. I am not 100% on the world is ending. I also don't think it is accurate to say we are the issue. The planet has been around for millions of years, we can have theories it hasn't warmed up before but we will never PROVE that. Also I know me paying more taxes sure as fuck won't stop it from heating up. What I am getting on about it for those saying it isn't happening. LOOK AROUND! In my life I have never seen a year like this. That hot snap in June / July is the hottest one since we kept records. (Again only 100 years or so but still...) There was no snow on Halloween! 15 years ago maybe even less, kids had to buy costumes big enough to put snow gear under!! The first actual snow we had was the last week in November and it was a big one but it was what 2 months late? December 7th and we are still hitting plus 3?

I don't have much to say about movies. We finally made it to a theatre again and it felt great. We watched the new Halloween, which honestly wasn't that great. After the last one which was amazing and back to good horror this one was a let down. Watched Shang Chi, it was decent. It was predictable but it was fun to watch a hero I didn't know much about. Black Widow was decent but really came out at the wrong time. Seriously her death would have had so much more impact in Endgame if this happened before. Not sure why they write a good back story AFTER they killed someone off. Also not sure if I like the post credit scene where TV and movies mix. I get they are the same "universe" but honestly unless it is something the scope of Endgame IMO at least they should try and keep them separate. 

I am all for equality. My mother had me young and for a long time was pretty well a single mom. This doesn't make me some woke girl power feminazi but it does make me cheer you ladies on. I am also going to say gender roles are dated. Your boy wants to play with a barbie sure whatever. Your daughter wants to be a tom boy thats fine to. As women you want to get into trades which are typically male dominated, again good. As long as you can do it, do it! My rant though is not all masculinity is toxic... First things that happened 100 years ago where not right but carrying on about them will get you nowhere. The other day I heard a lady ranting men should be ashamed of what society was like 100 years ago. Honestly why? My GREAT GREAT grandfather was barely born, why should I be mad at what his world was like? I shouldn't try and live it because somethings were wrong, true but why should I be ashamed? Men and women are different, lets be honest. I am stronger than a lot of women. Most women are better at being nurturing than I am. There is a reason kids cry for their mom. Please just accept that! Also not all masculinity is toxic and not all feminity is bad. I am not sure why we are pushing that... See I know even the strongest most independent woman likes to hear from her man that she looks good. On top of that I believe women want to feel protected. That her man has her back. NOT that he is going to fight every guy in the bar looking at her but if she needs him he will be there. That she has a provider as well. NOT saying even he is the bread winner, hell maybe she is but that he is willing to get out there and work his ass off. Yet we have people screeching this wrong? Or that a male believing this is toxic? Should men cry or talk abut their feelings. Yes. Will they also be aggressive, probably. Boys rough house, that's what we do. I don't think that should be pushed out. The fact is it falls on the parents to keep it in check. It's okay to be competitive, aggressive BUT the parents should be showing the line of what is okay and what isn't. Not society shaming boys for being boys.  This whole thing made a lot more sense in my head.... To me toxic masculinity is taking male norms too far. Men and women are different and will act different. A dude should at least know how to change a tire, hell girls should to. The point is there are male characteristics, don't try and erase them. It is who we are, to a point...

Not sure what to say about music. Nothing in a long time has blown my mind & recently I have just been going backwards in time. I have been on this Mafia 3 kick so I Spotify'd that and found out there is an amazing 4 hour play list of music from that time. Also I been on a blues kick and I really dig it. I cannot believe how much pop music or rap comes from the blues. Like so many riffs I never knew were 40 years old. They are just sampled and rereleased and become hits again. Music was so much better in the past. So that isn't 100% true I did start listening to Mickey Avalon a bit. At first I thought OMG another gimmicky white rapper. I do drugs, I have sex blah blah blah. Then I started listening to more and more of his stuff and he has some really good songs. If you can get around the bravado there is talent here. Also did you know the guy who plays the white rapper in scary movie, is actually a white rapper? That is something I will have to dig into. Oh and Johnny Cash. I downloaded an album called Legend and it is awesome. I was looking for a Johnny Cash "hits" album that would actually have all of them and I couldn't find one until this one. If you like JC go download it. Also Tom McDonald please just stop. Or someone just give him a hug and say its okay. We see you and you matter, then maybe he will stop.

So I scroll through a lot of social media. I see posts, usually from rightwing leaning people that we shouldn't be blamed for history. So why should we pay for slavery years ago? They aren't wrong! BUT then they make me laugh when hey post how bad the democrats were historically. That it was republicans who ended slavery and democrats wanted it. You can't have both, sorry. Either we say yes the dems were bad and we should hate on them for past actions. Hating on them for past actions then we should be paying reparation's, pulling down statues and feeling bad about ourselves OR the past is the past and no we shouldn't be apologizing for it but then we also cant point the finger saying see they are bad! I am not often going to defend the democrats but its one or the other, choose wisely.

I have to ramble on hockey some. First off Ovi is a beast. 4th overall in all time goals and will over take at least 3rd this season. This is with him missing a season and a half of his career. At 36 he is currently 3rd in the league in points and 2nd in goals. 4 more years and I really hope he can take the all time title. Second the only 2 players better in points are Oilers. McJesus and Dr Dri. WOW. These two are beasts. I am a bandwagon Oiler fan. I cheer when they are doing well because the whole city is more fun. Lets hope these 2 can keep it up. The big thing though is the Wings. My wings have some young studs. Honestly right now Raymond is the calder winner. Seider is in the running as well. They are starting to look like a team again. If their rebuild wins a cup before the Leafs or the Oil I will laugh my ass off. PS that wasn't saying they are in the next couple years. I realize they are a long way from that just saying I will laugh.

Not even sure what to say about TV. This is literally the best and worst time of the year. SO much good TV. Thats great! But it is a time kill & I literally just said I don't want to waste time! Yellowstone is back, as of this writing we know who order the hits on the Duttons (That was easy to call) and I keep hoping Jamie won't be a shit weasel. I want him to be the one to save the Duttons but it seems less and less likely. Also while Rip tossing the snake at that guy was an awesome death, this he had nothing to do with the hits, wouldn't that just make that a random murder we all kind of just ignore? Also for the first time ever I think Beth is in over her head. I am predicting she ends up fucking something up. As for boy I am not sure what is going on with him. Rips story all over... but I think it will go wrong or different. Not sure if it will end good or very badly. Also what is the whole Lloyd and Walker story even about? Seems like a waste.... Making 1883 a prequel may be really cool but I hope it doesn't turn into The Walking Dead where it is being milked. Speaking of that the FINAL SEASON of The World Beyond is almost done I think. It was two terrible seasons long so I dunno why they advertised like it will be a loss for TV. Fear hasn't hooked me either. I hate to say it AMC but might be time to kill this franchise. Dexter is back! First off the series finale was garbage so hopefully this makes up for it. So far it is fairly slow BUT I love how it is building. So many stories, I think this will be a great mini series. Hawkeye is hmmm. I really thought I wanted to see a broody dark Hawkeye but I kind of dig the mentor role. I am not 100% sure I like how they are handling the Ronin, this makes him look a lot less bad ass then Endgame did though. I need to watch the second half of Masters of the Universe, I will get there someday. (So I got there. Its actually pretty quick, like maybe an hour and a half to finish. Gotta say very MEH by the end. Part one I had a coworker say was lame all grll power rah rah! It was, but I disagree. I enjoyed the first part. Teela and Evillynn working together. Ya could have used more HeMan but hey part two is coming right, right? No not really. I mean we see a version of Hulk meets HeMan. Now we do get him for half an episode. WTF! Then the phrase We have the power? I a sorry Kev but that second half was kinda lame. I mean as a half assed fan boy I dig HeMan was back and yes in the second half we get a ton of Cameos but overall I am not giving it high marks...)   Tiger King 2 is very blah. I think this is another example of milking. Like it is still great white trash TV but more of the same. Carole killed her husband, he is tiger shit that probably long disappeared. Although he was going down south to have sex with minors so is it really a loss? I don't think the gardener or handy man or whatever helped. He barely seems smart enough to tie his shoes. The lawyer trying to help now he seems like he makes greasy car sales men look good. Tim Stark? Is that his name. He needs 5 rampart cops with no bodycams on to give him a 10 minute visit. That Jeff guys look like J-rock. I swear he is a guy playing a parody of a gangsta... And what is with his wife in the back ground on the couch? I dunno if she is trying to  look hot but she kinda looks strung out. Witcher 2 is coming and I can't wait. The first season did a great job showing background and some of the short stories. If this season follows we will see a lot of cool shit! Also The Wheel of Time is starting out great. For years a couple people told me to read that series now I wish I had. Although it is kind of nice not knowing much and learning as the show goes. It is easy to tell this is going to be massive and sprawling. I hope the Lord of the Rings show they do is on the same level. 

Finally scored in mens league. It was supposedly very sweet. Thats not me even tooting my own horn, my team was impressed. I guess I beat a D man and shelved it over the goalies shoulder. I gotta say that really helps. All of a sudden the pressure that is fucking me up is gone and I played way better. Well I guess that is tooting my own horn I scored lol. Anyways the point is the JHL in Edmonton is fairly new and good. However we keep getting screwed with rink time. Like this season was supposed to be done by now and I think we have 6 more games? A week ago they scheduled like 6 games in 10 days then cancelled half and moved them into new year. What I want to say is I like this league. It is actually divided well. our div is actually our skill level. The reffing has been good & the other teams are great. no douches. Sadly they wont have a winter league BUT supposedly a spring one. This is a plug for them. If you want a great mens ball hockey league, sign up. I am assuming the more people in, the more money the more pull they get and can get the league up and running better!

I have to end with just a rant. First off no matter how much money someone else has that doesn't impact your life. You can be mad millionaire exist and billionaires even more. Do I like Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk NOPE! Does that negate what the have done? Do they lose a second of sleep over my thoughts? Nope so I will move on and you probably should to. There is another option as well, invent amazon yourself or don't hate the fact someone was smarter than you and carry on with life. Also Communism killed as more people than facism. That doesn't approve facism, what it does say is you can cry about capitalism and want communism but does that make any sense? Capitalism and freedom is what makes all your bitching possible. It still boggles my mind people rag on the system that lets them exist. Again I don't know of anyone who came from a communist regime and says hey we should do that again! Also I was listening to people cry and try and remove the mayor of Portland because they don't like him. Is that where we are at? I didn't get my way in the last election so I should demand a revote?? This goes both ways, Trumptards storming the capital and angry antifa in Portland. There is reverse racism, it exists. Why is yelp highlighting "black" businesses? Does the white guy starting his business not deserve support?  I mean you are allowed to say black power, now say the same but white instead... RACIST! I have a lot of ranting I was about to do there but I am going to cut it off. Before I dig myself to deep a hole... Anyways last rando blog for awhile....


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