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Residential Schools

I have to say this article started June 26th. A lot of things came up and I didn't get it printed until now so some is dated BUT that doesn't change how I feel on this topic.

So let's start off with my position on religion. I don't mind it, it isn't for me, but people seem to find strength and solace in it. SO all the power to them. Now my biggest issues comes with organized religion. It is just like people. A person is smart, a group is dumb. Same concept applies. A person can worship god whenever, wherever. Or that is what I have been told, it doesn't have to be in a church. So a person by themselves can be smart, church.... Now you have god involved and devotion to that will make people do AWFUL things. I am not saying that just for Catholics but ALL religions. So that's how I feel about that.

Next lets talk about residential schools. These are in my opinion at least the WORST thing in Canadian history. I in no way support them. I think if they could find and prosecute these people they should. These sadly are shoved under the rug OVER and OVER. We are failing. This should have been dealt with YEARS ago. In school I didn't learn about this and I feel I should have. Ignoring it has not made it go away. In fact it is the "woke" flavour of the summer. Sorry that is not an insult to the victims of these "schools" but to the people who now care. You realize Grandin has been a name of schools and even subdivisions for DECADES. No one cared, I bet 85% of people didn't realize what he had done. Or simply thought him a priest or whatever. On top of that I want to speak about parts of a whole. Not just for Father Grandin but for the church itself. Everyone wants things change and removed because of what was done. Is that all he did? You wouldn't know from wikipedia, it clearly has been "woke" recently as the entire article on him is about the residential schools. I encourage you actually look into him, was he an evil man. Or did he do a bad thing or two. What if people only judge you by the worst thing you ever did? Think about it, right now. Something you regret, maybe something you haven't ever told anyone. Imagine if that was all anyone judged you on, would that be right? The answer is no, but we want to judge him on that. Don Iveson jumped all over changing Grandins named LRT, how many years has he been mayor? IF at any point he actually cared, he could have done something about it. He didn't not until it was the "thing" to do. So glad this guy will be gone. That is getting off the point though. Residential school at least IMO opinion are the worst thing in our history. I think those responsible should be held responsible if they can be found and prosecuted. SO don't get it twisted I am not supporting the schools, the churches or any of it. However.......

Burning down churches won't fix anything. It is still a crime and I will go as far as to say it is a hate crime. ANY other church, Muslim, Jewish for example gets spray painted and everyone is up in arms. Hate crime! We need a better city! However with a historic church burning to the ground we are told, maybe we should cancel Canada day. First I have to ask why that church? I don't think they were at all involved in this. (I mean the Morinville church) It was a historic landmark.  I posted that thought on Facebook and did get some comments back. A good point was, maybe it was not purposely set. I am assuming that it is arson. True, but give the half a dozen other fires. I think it is a "safe" assumption, also the police are calling it suspicions. So lets just say it was burnt down. That is a hate crime. The Catholic church might currently be on your "woke" hitlist but burning it is a crime, a hate crime. Just like any other hate crime. If you can't acknowledge that, then all this "justice" seeking you want isn't justice. It is revenge. I get it, I do. If I had lost family or something like that I would want revenge. I am not saying it isn't warranted but it is a hate crime and should be punished same as any. Same as the crimes committed in those "schools" The other thing and this will be harder to hear is, its only upping the anger. I am not religious as I stated. However I can imagine the parishioners that went to that church in Morinville are angry. I am guessing that some sympathy was driven away by these actions. On top of that it is more fodder for racists. What I am saying is two wrongs wont make a right. Even if it feels amazing. If people actually want justice and equality now is the chance. However if this is just woke people and others looking for revenge we will continue to see this play out for more and more generations. I wasn't wrong, I am adding this note as I am about to publish this but I guess a Totem pole was burnt on Vancouver Island as retaliation. More will come, I hear a Church in Peace River had Molotov cocktails tossed into it. Mark my words, this will go back and forth. 

My last part of this is the Cancel Canada crowd. Fuck you and everything that looks like you. I have tried to make general decent comments so far. Logical arguments but when it comes to this I don't. I have no time or patience for people who take issue with our nation. The simple fact is this, the residential schools were a crime. They are the worst thing in our history, our 150 plus year history. That is not the only thing that has ever happened in our history. In fact we have fought in various world wars on the right side. We have free and democratic elections. We have health care & some of the best education in the world. People leave their nations to come here, to have our life and we should be damn proud of that. The simple fact that you can protest our government freely speaks volumes about our country. "Cancel" Canada day is a joke. You wanna have protests, go ahead as a CANADIAN that's your right. I support your right but sure as fuck am not about to agree with you. Oh and again I am free to disagree with you because of where I live. As I have said many times before feel free to leave. Don't use colonizer or whatever word you want and say you were here first. (This is only for the Native people who were here. You can say that.) Not that it isn't true, however a nation has sprung up that has stood for over  150 years. SO if Canada is so bad leave, I almost guarantee you will want to come back. I literally have no patience for people on this topic. 


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