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 So I am going to do a random thoughts post again. I have half a dozen mostly done entries BUT I am not quite ready to post them, wanna know why? I am having twitter issues....

Years ago, literally I think a decade ago I made my twitter. At first I used it just to rant and not much else. Post stupid pics and memes. Then I started in on Alberta politics and such, then discovered it can actually be used to promote my blog. When I started I was getting MAYBE 20/50  reads a post. So I started posting links to blog and the fact is reads shot way up. Like 100 / 200. If it was something "big" 400 hundred plus. SO that became my focus. I admit I did say some rude things and a couple times got a day or a week suspension. The fact is I accept that, a few times I didn't think it was suspension worthy but I lived with it. I mean if you use twitter I am sure you have seen out and out lies or hate spread with no problems but I got booted a few times. A couple months back now I posted on Kanyes mental health, I dunno if you all saw but he has been acting a bit crazy........ And I got another suspension. Why? I wasn't even rude but anyways this time it stuck. I appealed and as of right now, months later still no response. So after a few weeks I set up another account (This does violate twitter rules) In my defense had I got ANY response even a hey your banned for life, I would have left it alone. Slowly grew that account but a loss of a few thousand followers takes time. So my readership went down again to maybe a 100 reads. Twitter wised up at some point and locked that account as well. So now I really don't have anyway to promote so I haven't been posting..... Is it worth it if no one is reading? So ya right now mad at twitter and trying to figure out a new way to promote. Part of me is tempted to just keep making new twitter accounts, slowly building them and getting banned again but I would rather just have my old one back. For instance I posted a new blog yesterday, 4 hits. That's all, usually I can count on 20-30 first night....

First off lets start with old news. WB decided to part ways with Johnny Depp on the Wizarding World movies, full disclosure I have a mad man crush on Johnny. I will go as far as to say he may be the greatest actor of all time. Keep in mind film and TV isn't that old. You look at his career since the 80s and it has been great. Even with a few flops name a person who has played as many different roles well. Yup Pacino and DeNiro they are gangsters. Farley, Candy amazing comedy. Arnie, Stallone action heroes. Thing is all the greats way back to the first movies ended up type cast Johnny has done it all. Admit his more recent works haven't been the best....But let me shit on 2 things here. First WB your clearly failing at making movies that people want so let me help you out. See the MCU exploded for the last decade. Your DCEU big ole fail. I can tell you one thing, they weren't swapping out actors like RDJ or Chris Evans. You think they would have made billions doing that? How can you think that changing one of the main characters halfway through a series is a good idea?! Like the BIG reveal in the first movie was Johnny Depp. The best part of the second movie was Johnnys scene explaining why he was planning what he was planning. Literally tearing into humanity. You already pissed off your hardcore Wizard World fans introducing a Dumbledore brother no one has heard of and now you do this? I mean I get it, I am just an armchair movie critic and this studio has existed since the 20s but it is like common sense left.... Oh and that is the second thing I am shitting on, the death of common sense and rise of woke-ity woke wokeness. This is over Amber Heard and possible domestic violence. Let me be clear, if he was beating her he deserves to be thrown out of movies. I wouldn't touch these allegations with a 10ft pole. There is a distinct possibility this woman shit in their bed. Depp is a strange dude and I believe he likes to party a bit much, I doubt that ANYONE is ever going to know the truth of what went on but a studio is now willing to drop someone over allegations? I remember when people had spines and didn't cave to EVERYTHING. On top of that why not toss them both? Her from that awful DCEU? You wanna distance yourself from controversy, that would be the way to do that. Its like these internet mutts calling for Gina Carano to be fired from Mandalorian. WHY?! Because she spoke her mind and it isn't some woke bullshit that most of Hollywood spews? Nothing she said can't be backed up by FACTS but I guess peoples feels are more important than that.... Anyways WB you fail. That's the point of this rant.... 

PS deep dark secret, we started watching Gossip Girl, or wife did while I read comics or whatever. Then slowly I started paying attention. This ain't half bad but I am sure like any teen drama it is going to get repetitive and then boring.

Donald Trump is human garbage. There is no 2 ways about it. He is a sexual predator, he was given a gold spoon and NEVER would have the wealth he does without his father. In fact I would go as far as to say he would be selling used cars in a cheap suit in some shithole in NY without daddy. He isn't some business genius. He has failed over and over. I will admit though at least he was willing to try, with a safety net of course. He is a chronic liar and I wouldn't be surprised if he is a pedo with disgusting comments about his own daughter. Four years ago I said don't vote him in. 3 and a half years I have complained how stupid he is. Then came the election and I sat down and looked at what I think the world needs. It isn't Joe Biden. Joe SEEMS like a good guy (For a politician, they are all crooked) he believes it seems in general in the right social shit BUT I am jumping on the senile train. They can say he has passed whatever tests and sure maybe once and awhile a person says something wrong. I do it but not as bad and as often as he does. So it struck me why would the Democrats run him. Put on your tinfoil hat now but he isn't going to be there long. They needed a male to win. I will be honest, the world is changing and ya some places have voted in female leaders. While USA is a progressive nation I truly believe Murica isn't ready. Killary was proof of that. Maybe if they changed the electoral college but current system I still think the "man" will win. So they ran Joe a likable guy and I say within 2 years he is gone. Kamala is prez, they learned from the last election. Real tinfoil hat time A) Joe is deemed not healthy enough and removed or B) A "Trumptard" kills him and then assassin is killed very quick after. That leads to harder lockdowns and rights removed for our protection. B is a whammy I know but I did say tinfoil hat time. So anyways two terrible candidates, I looked at parties. The GOP are old rich white people. And the middle American. The ones not in the major cities, with progressive ideas. If you are honest also they are the hillbillies and racists. The homphobes and islamaphobes. So I can and can't agree with them. I am white and pretty average, I am not super progressive though I do think some things need to change. They are the party of economy, which I can get behind. The democrats well they are good on the social side of things. Or were good on social things. Then they went way fucking overboard. BLM and Antifa have pretty much become the base and well those are terror organizations. BLM maybe not as much but they have hardcore followers that are and antifa always has been. Notice that everyone boarded up building worried Trump would win and there would be violence? Notice he lost and there wasn't, so then who would be doing the violence? That's right democrats. A few years back I would not have ever thought of voting anything but democrat but I look at what they have become and it is scary. Also the dems are not going to be good for the economy. They want things closed down and they want to kill pipelines. BOTH are terrible ideas. All the things I liked about old dems have either vanished or gone to far. I never thought I would say this but it should have been the GOP winning. As a side bar I am starting to understand the hate the GOP and supporters have for Hollywood. You keep hearing GOP is rich old men that don't have your best interests at heart. Umm what is Hollywood? You think millionaire have your best ideas in mind? That for some reason they actually care about you?

Trying to think of nice shit to write about. Like I laid this entry out and it was ALL negative so I will put some sunshine in it... Dutch Van Der Linde is dead. If you played Red Dead you understand that. I think I am almost finished the original Red Dead Redemption. In a way I got lucky, played the new "prequel" first and then did the original so I got the whole story in chronological order. The downfall is playing the older game second is hard. The graphics and in game stuff like hunting and side quests really aren't as good. I mean yes they really hold up considering how old it is but still always hard to go backward. I tried with the Witcher series and failed. I might try it one more time though doing Witcher 2 again. I guess Cyberpunk is delayed again.... Part of me is okay with that. I can wrap up red dead and maybe Witcher 3 again. Also I would rather them put out an amazing game by taking time than rushing out a glitchy POS. Same as the new systems. I will NOT be getting A PS5 or Xbox for likely a year. I am happy I can still do my Witcher, cyberpunk maybe new hockey 2021 (Be a pro looks amazing) and let the few last bugs get worked out. PLUS I cannot afford that kinda dough right now! So ya I guess gaming is still good. In a world gone stupid I can always turn on fake worlds and escape. Since starting this I purchased NHL2021 last night. It took half the night to download, so I didn't get to play any except the training. Doesn't look like game play has changed much but tonight maybe I will find out if it is living up to the hype. The opening video for my man Ovi is awesome. (So since starting this a couple things happened. I finished Red Dead. John dies?! WTF. I love and hate the final mission Remember my Family. It is nice to kill agent Ross as Jack HOWEVER would be great set up for Red Dead Revenge if he was still alive after that game. Also started be a pro hockey, wow. I knew there would be interviews and I figured like keeping track of money but the amount of detail in it is insane. I won't go too much into it but if you do it be prepared for very detailed shit!)

Alberta is fucked. Fucked by the media and fools thinking the world is ending. It is almost to the point I am an antimasker. AS of this moment there is 8305 active cases in Alberta. 0.001 % of the population. Do you know how easy it was to find active cases on the AB government website? SUPER easy. Trying to find total or recovered cases is much harder, why is that? I mean active cases is in big numbers recovered is a graph. Cause they want the big scary number easy to see. Yes 8000 looks bad but in a big picture again, less than a percent. ALSO the average death age is 82 from covid, a FUN fact the average lifespan in Alberta is 80. So this super flu is "killing" on average people who are already above the average life expectancy in Alberta. Why isn't this in the news? I am bringing this up because we are going into a 2 week "circuit breaker" So my hockey is cancelled. I am not supposed to really go see people. They are encouraging people to work from home and threatening more actions if people don't comply. Then they wonder why domestic violence and mental illness is up? You are sucking the joy out of peoples lives. Killing their livelihoods over something that is affecting less that 1% of us. The media is trying to scare you. It is working, it is making people shame others. I mean I am writing this here but not ranting on Facebook because I know doing it there would lead to fights with friends. Never in my life have I found something so dividing. At first I thought the right thing was 100% following the masks and such as the media showed death and destruction from this. Now cold hard numbers are saying otherwise but we are doing a "lockdown" again. Groceries stores have line ups again. FEAR is running the world and it is the media feeding it to us all. SO I have to change topics, I am getting mad an losing my point..... This Covid is BS, since mask laws cases have only went up. I don't want to put on my tinfoil hat but it seems like it is time. People are giving up their rights, willingly, happily because they are being told to. Oh last thing this REALLY, REALLY chaps my ass. All summer we saw people attending mass "protests" we saw our leaders like Mayor of Edmonton Donnie or the Douche Justin T attending them as well. Supporting them even BUT on Remembrance day, we were asked to do nothing. WITHOUT these men and women these fucks would not be in the streets protesting. Had the Nazis won the war do you think people would be free to cry in the streets? I am not saying there wasn't reasons what I am saying is this is a massive slap in the face and disrespect to real heroes. We are literally breaking down our society with the media and no one seems to care, or if you do you are told you are wrong, evil or crazy..... (Also Edmonton has extended the mask bylaw now for another YEAR! WHY? First off cases have went up since this dumbass law and second why a year? Unless you already know you are planing to milk this for year)

Comics are cool. I mean the titles I buy are really good right now. Batman and Detective are great after the Joker war. Punchline is an awesome new villain. With an insane purpose, what Harley could have been had she not become so pop culture. The X of Swords has been REALLY good. Honestly I was so worried for it but it has been great, so far.... I mean last week left off with Wolive attacking and that was awesome BUT then they kind of just wrote that out. In a weak way IMO. Oh here is what would have happened but it didn't. Everyone would have died but back to the main story.... Kinda boring. This weeks three were strange. (By this week I mean Nov 9th week) The tourny is strange and I didn't overly enjoy what has come out so far. Like the wedding? Or Cpt Britain shattering? WTF was all that about. BUT I am hoping it gets back to amazing. Also I still cannot say enough good about AWA comics. I have enjoyed EVERY title. Old haunts wasn't amazing if I am honest but it was alright. Good enough I finished the series. I mean going back I wouldn't have picked it up but it did hook me enough to finish it. Comic day, usually Wednesday is becoming my favorite day of the week. 

I recently had a long drive to sit and listen to podcasts. I found a new series, solely on conspiracy theories. They break down the truth, or what is the known facts on any given thing. I have done, the Free Masons, Spear of Destiny, Bohemian Grove and Knights Templar to name a few. They were all very good, they start of with the "Facts" or things that are at least provable about the topic then get onto the crazy. One struck me though, the illuminati. I mean I had heard the "facts" before. Then they got on to how the illuminati were going to take over the world. This was first aired in 2018, keep that in mind. Then they described EXACTLY what has gone on with this pandemic. Putting out fear through the media, dividing the nations, civil unrest ALL so they can impose a military state. Like scary to a tee they described how this year has gone, 2 years ago. How careful they would have to be so people wouldn't revolt at giving up rights and freedoms. Scapegoats, maytrs. Now 2 years ago I would have laughed but having seen it this year it as scary. Of course then it goes overboard into 13 bloodlines and such which I won't get into BUT how accurate it was years ago about using a pandemic as a power grab was crazy. OH ya also I forgot I guess everyone from Eminem to Jay-Z is involved somehow. I could do a whole blog just on that, what bugs me is someone sitting at home thinking could come up with this plan. What could people "if they existed" with time and money do? I will not go as far as to say I believe it even though that is exactly what they would want! Don't believe it until its too late! I will though look a little closer at all the things the government or health science proposes....

I have inventory next weekend, when I was an hourly employee this was my favorite week. The over time was divided on 2 cheques and usually I would get all my Xmas shopping done on off the second cheque. Hell took a day off mid week to get it done even, had a nice day at WEM. Things change, I am salary now and like being there the least I can. Plus now that is my Mexican anniversary. What a great week that was! I am not going to get all nostalgic but I really did enjoy it. Maybe I am doubling missing it because we couldn't do anything this year, but that's off track. Plus in years gone by USUALLY the weekend after was the staff Xmas party, clearly not this year. I mean they went downhill. I remember when I was young (lol) 18 years ago starting at the company and it took a banquet hall and tons of people came with their other halves and drinks and fights and dancing and carrying on. Over the last few years it got much smaller, either way I do miss those old days. Rambling now but that just reminded me I got IDed buying wine the other day. I laughed I guess masks do one good thing, I don't look 40 like that. But what underage guy is buying wine I have to ask. Isn't it CHEAP whiskey or beer?

Anyway that's it. My random thoughts for the month of November. I think I will likely release a blog a week now for a bit and HOPE they get some hits. Hope this Covid BS gets under control or at least people get less stupid. I have a lot of hopes but not a lot of hope hey will happen.....


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