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Thanos was right (Wrong reasons)

I'm done. Something I haven't said to too many people is I have seen a mental health professional a few times. For a couple things. The truth is sometimes talking to someone helps, a lot. I have this blog and I rant a lot. Quite often on meaningless shit. This time however I am just going to be honest on the shit that is really bugging me. No solutions, not much editing just the honest truth HOPING I will feel a bit better.

First I am over Covid. Well honestly I am over 2020, there are a million memes about this year but Covid is what really was a kick in the teeth for me. See right now I SHOULD have a bag half packed. Real soon I should be on a plane to Heathrow airport. I won't say all my life but since high school, so a good 20 years I have wanted to go to Europe. I was supposed to this month. In fact my birthday was supposed to be in Venice. This is all gone, I wonder when transAtlantic travel will even be allowed back? I can see USA and Canada opening up way before cross ocean travel happens. Then that other voice in my head says, just be grateful! You have continued to work while many have lost jobs,your lockdown has been productive! You have a sibling waiting on an organ transplant who has been in TOTAL lockdown since early March. It tells me you have had it pretty light and pretty good. Usually I would agree and carry on BUT if I could go see someone I know they would say you are allowed to feel how you feel. Don't pretend not to have emotions, it makes you look like a sociopath. So I will say it, while I am grateful I have things much better than a lot, I am still upset my trip is gone, my hockey season cancelled and the lifestyle I have come to enjoy are all gone....... And we will get to it soon enough but I was super pissed a couple days ago when I saw a rally in Rome. NO social distancing, I guess that pandemic that was destroying Italy knows better than to show up at rallies. Cause that's what sicknesses do......

Next in this fucked up world was the Nova Scotia shootings. I am not going to get to deep into it since I have ranted on it before but the Liberal gun grab because of this is a fucking joke. I honestly can't even wrap my own head around why it bugs me so much. Maybe because in my eyes it is gross that they waited until a tragedy to seize weapons. Never waste a tragedy I guess. On top of that NONE of his weapons were legal. So this grab would not have helped anything anyways. IF any thought had went into it, that might be one thing but none of it even makes sense. Scary looking guns are outlawed. Maybe it is the anti gun advocates, acting like this was some big win. Most seem to have 0 idea about firearms but are the loudest voices. Again I don't know why this bugs me so much but it does, plays on my brain a lot. Getting the letter from the RCMP the other day brought it back into my mind as it was slowly leaving.....

Riots. Fuck you guys. Straight up. You want to say don't paint all protesters as the rioters. Don't paint all police as bad then. I will be 100% honest, not all dealings with police have been great for me. I have felt things have been unfair, not dealt with properly and so on. That hardly means every cop is crook. Some are don't get me wrong, that badge is abused by people. These protests are also being abused by people. Looting and destroying your own neighborhood WILL NOT improve your lives. It is not showing solidarity to ruin what your neighbors spent years building. Fact is I am betting half of you didn't even know his name when you stole that TV. But you had the rage! No you didn't, you had a reason to take what you wanted. On that note......

Defund the police. No. Get a new fucking name, hashtag or something. I understand MOST people using that hashtag aren't so dumb as the want to actually get rid of the police. They want money put into social programs, they want reform in the police and LESS militarization of the police. Those aren't bad ideas. Make cops more accountable. Put cams on them. If everyone else is constantly being watched these days, why not them. Make stricter laws for police found breaking the rules. Don't pair up 2 dude bro's to be partners. Put a minority with a dude bro. You know what I mean. There will always be aggressive white boys who are bullies and want to be a cop to carry on bullying. Pair them with a balance that will hold them accountable. These aren't hard things to understand. Maybe it should be black cops going into black neighborhoods. People who understand that neighborhood better and don't snap & create a worse situation. Same goes for reservations, maybe have native cops work them. I read a few places cops are like pilots, you can't have one bad apple. Statement is totally wrong. Pilots have to train for however long and log how many hours to fly? If they can't hack it they can't fly. Police same shit, difference is they can hide racism. You can have bad cops, the onus falls on the good ones to point it out. If they fuck up a plane won't go down, but lives can be screwed up. So sadly yes you can have a bad apple and no one outside the force will notice. Unlike a plane going down.... It is about changing the whole culture and weeding out the bad. Then some people actually want to get rid of police. If what you really want is to reform the police then say that when you say defund A) you sound dumb as shit B) If that isn't what you actually mean, guys like trump will say that is what you want and he will use it to get a second term. I was about to post this when I read a really good thread by @Designmom. I do have to start with her "Karen" remark was hurtful. Along with statues coming down and shows being banned from television because peoples feeling are hurt I think Karen and Ok Boomer should be removed from our vocabulary. That is a random side bar. The truth is though the thread was great. People, some people do shake like a leaf when pulled over. Why? I do notice it more in law abiding citizens. Not criminals. Honestly the issue is in your head if you scared. Not the cops fault. Then there is a bunch of good reasons to put more money into social programs. Again not a single thing do I disagree with. She is right, if it was a perfect world. It isn't. NO social program is going to stop Bundy, Dahmer, Gacy, Ramirez. Sure Capone, Luciano, El Chapo, Frank Lucas and Whitey Buldger grew up poor, maybe social programs would have put them on the right path. I doubt it. These are the reasons we need a police force. If you have a chance check out her thread. While I am not 100% behind it she has some good points.

BLM, yup they do. I am going to say even though I am ranting and raving about the stupidity in the world right now I can agree BLM should exist. George Floyd is a huge reason why. We should never have a cop murdering a citizen. NO MATTER WHAT THEY DID. You can't ignore and look away at the issue that clearly exists. Had George been a one off, there wouldn't be riots. Hell if George had been the first we wouldn't even have BLM. The truth is like so much of this bullshit, it has been hijacked by others. We actually had a black MLA disinvited to speak at a recent black rally. Then his comments attacked by another black man because he wasn't valid. I ask how can one black person be more valid than another? So I am going to reform a few things for BLM and hope they can get more positive support. First all change comes from within. If you keep doing the same shit, the same shit will happen. The very first thing stop with the N word. You know the one, I as a white male am not supposed to even think it! Yet it is a day to day term among some black people. Its negative, it's bad so don't use it! Don't have kids learn to idolize people using it in their persona. Rap music, I dig it. Am I going to blame pop culture for the way the world is? No, it is a mirror but it isn't helping. Along with the N word rap is full of negative stereotypes or actions. Drug dealing, gang-banging, misogyny. Who remembers Changes by Tupac?

Right there, click that link. Changes by Pac. I am not saying all rap has to be like that BUT couldn't some of it? Why is it the worst is what we get to see? Royce da 5'9 had a great post about a black code, in my opinion it was perfect. Google it if you have a chance. Disavow rioters. You can have rage and anger and a purpose and show it without mayhem. Those people are hurting you movement more than anyone. You are not going to break some peoples stereotypes when it is being displayed that some people are choosing to live up to them. Don't blame everyone else. I have heard tasteless jokes, seen awful memes but I have NEVER actually done anything racially motivated that hurt anyone in anyway. Neither did my parents. Or their parents. Or their parents, parents for a few generations. I know this because I have been working out my family tree. If your holding on to the past, your never going to move forward. This doesn't mean forgetting the past, you need to remember it and I will get to that topic later but playing the blame game and you will never move forward. Mourn the losses,  celebrate the victories and move forward with positivity. With the higher ground, then what can people come at you with? I guess what I am saying is keep your head up, keep positive, keep fighting for equality and fairness. Nothing kills a good movement quicker than bad intent. 

BLM vs ALM. I'm going ALM. First fuck celebrities, or some of them at least. Seth Rogen feel free to suck my tiny dick. Saying people who think all lives matter don't deserve your movies. WE DON'T WANT THEM. You haven't fucking made anything good in what a decade? Oh no please Seth we need you..... BAhhahahaha no we really don't. Keep virtue signalling and being self righteous, pass down your mighty judgement. Maybe in the time off you can actually come up with good material. Next you have Cole Sprouse, who I can actually give credit. He was arrested at a protest, not just firing off tweets. That I can get behind, actually out doing something. I got that off my chest so let me put it this way All Lives do Matter. I am not in the States and I am not black, so the fact is no I can't fully understand what some people go through. Let me ask Canadians if they know what the Highway of Tears is. You should, if you have such social justice blood running in those veins. How many people have died or vanished there? Did hundreds, thousands of white middle class people take to the streets over it? Or is it not as fashionable, you can't get as good of selfies there. Are all you still going to stick to this in a week, a month, a year? Saying All lives matter isn't taking away from from BLM in anyway. What about gay lives? They matter and they are a visible minority. Saying that people can only support one thing because of current moral outrage it idiotic. Sure it might seem dumb or classless to some but what the fuck ever. Who are you to judge others? That high and mighty attitude is how we ended up here in the first place.

George Floyd was murdered and it was taped. Honestly that is a snuff film, I believe the first one the police have found. That wasn't a joke that's what it is. One the whole world has seen. For the life of me I don't know why Chauvin wasn't arrested then and there. The second people saw that tape. I am not sure if it would have stopped the riots or prevented them, as there was real anger but I think doing it sooner would have went a long way. To you looters who didn't give a fuck about George I hope you can live with yourselves. Using a mans death to justify a crime. I want to know more about this guy who is now an icon in police brutality. This is why media makes me so mad. He was high on illegal drugs and used a counterfeit bill at the time of his death? No that doesn't justify AT ALL what happened what I am saying is can I get that confirmed? I have found if you don't commit a crime the police can't do anything. (I know some are howling, yes they can look at all the black people doing nothing that have been murdered. This is why I can agree with the BLM movement, something does need to be done because anyone not committing a crime shouldn't be worried about cops) I read an article and he was a saint. The next one he was a career criminal. Can we just get the truth? The only thing I 100% believe in this is he was murdered. I don't even think second degree is a fair charge. I understand under legal mumbo jumbo second degree is about all they can get as this wasn't premeditated. HOWEVER when you do what he did that in my mind becomes premeditation, you can't choke someone for over 8 minutes and not know what is going to happen. I am not even sure what this paragraph is about except the media nowadays is awful. They spread fear and ALWAYS have an agenda. Second anytime some one dies unjustly they become some hero. It always happens that the person was just changing there life around or they were misunderstood. Why can't we call a spade a spade? Not saying George wasn't it just strikes me as funny that everyone who dies was a great person!

Donald Trump is literally the worst thing that ever has happened in the states. He failed to deal with the Corona Virus properly. His attitudes gave gun toting thugs confidence to storm a government building. Keep in mind they were all white and nothing happened to them. How was that not an act of terrorism? Honestly imagine a group of armed black men doing the same.... He hid is his bunker as his country burnt and used force to move peaceful protesters for a photo op. The man is human garbage, but still trumptards support him, why I will never understand..... I will give him 1 positive, he didn't kneel. Justin Trudeau, well he is a moron. I don't see him as human garbage though. Just an unfit fool of a prime minister. Easter he told us peasants not to see our families while he did. Then he doesn't want mass gatherings but is willing to go to one & on top of it kneel. NOPE. You know who kneels? Henchmen to villains in action movies. Peasants to royalty centuries ago. You know who doesn't kneel, a leader (Unless he has some CRAZY Machiavellian plan). Or equals, do you greet your coworkers by kneeling? Or do you give them a hand shake, maybe a hug. Guess what if you can gather in mass groups, you can shake hands. If you want people to kneel your not looking for equality, your looking for superiority. Have a look below.... Snoop your washed up. Chump might want a race war but pretty sure grandpa snoop wants one to. 

I cannot handle Antifa or the clowns supporting them. Again not sure why it made my blood boil but a week ago there was all the memes floating around from the D day landing saying the original antifa boys. NO! Good gawd your dumb. First those men left home, went half way around the world to fight an actual dictator and mass murderer. "Antifa" today have their mom pack them a sandwich (That's an assumption, maybe some soy product) and go to mass demonstrations hiding their faces and acting like assholes. Pretty sure not one of them has come under fire storming a beach against a real fascist regime. Don't dishonor those men trying to compare them. They had actual bravery and fought for these clowns to have the right to do what they do.... I mean I guess that's what they wanted, to fight and die so people can riot with masks. I wonder how many of them are rolling over in there grave ashamed of what society has become. Hell these antifa clowns would likely call my great grandfather who actually fought the Germans a fascist & racist. Why? Because he didn't like Germans. Flat out disliked people based solely on their race. He didn't want to hold hands and be friends. He out and out said he disliked them. 

Just stop with the whitewashing history and cancelling anything that could have been thought of as offensive. You want to knock down statues, why? Will it change history? NO. Deal with the fact MANY nations were build by people who weren't always good. People in general are insanely complex. I doubt throughout history you can find a single person who is all good. People want to cancel the Dukes of Hazzard because of the General Lee? Its a fucking program about a couple good ole boys, never doin no harm! If tat is literally what offends people holy fuck, we are fucked. And the companies willing to bend to that, what is wrong with you? Gone with the wind is gone now? I can't, like I just have to stop writing on this now. I have a copy of Songs of the South. It is a Disney movie, you can't buy it cause its racist. DISNEY made it fucktards, do you think that was that companies intent? If that is the road we are going down soon we will not have anything. Because someone can be offended by anything. On top of this, things like GTA are still good to go. Sure create a sim world where murder is how you solve problems but remove movies and TV. I think the rule should be, you can knock down a statue as soon as you do something in your life worth having a statue put up for. 

Have heard the name J.K Rowling? Why? What do you know about her? I am going to make a small generalization. I am 39, I know a lot of people my age who have read her works or watched her movies. I know a lot who haven't. Move down say 10 years I say the number explodes. Kids that grew up as Harry Potter grew up know who she is! Also a whole new generation was / is being introduced to her works. I am guessing children without SJW parents will be brought up with it for a long time. And why is that? Oh ya talent. You don't sell 500 million copies of your works without talent. Hollywood doesn't bank on you unless you can tell a decent story. I guess she made some trans people mad. The honest fact is I don't care. I am done with the virtue signalling these days. I am so done with the current climate where you have to agree with everything & every minority right now. If you don't your a bad person! No your really not and while people are expressing how happy they are currently guys like Trump are polling poorly, this attitude will reverse. Your galvanizing the trumptards out there and pushing others away. Keep that in mind next election. That however isn't even the point, Rowling is talented. Numbers don't lie. Hate her politics, but don't pretend you haven't heard of her or read her works. Don't pretend a few weeks ago you didn't have what Hogwarts house you were in on your twitter bio. If your really that mad don't buy her shit, at this point I think she can dry her tears on hundred $ bills. Her stuff will still come out, cause its good. 

Atlanta..... See this is why this blog has taken me weeks to finish. Every time I think I am done something stupid happens. So I am just simply going to touch on this. Again an over zealous cop killed  a man. Keep in mind all the facts. Dude was passed out in his car. The "takedown" actually looked fairly normal. Then he steals a taser and bolts. Why? Why would you do that? Did he think because BLM is huge right now he could do that and get away with it? 99.9% sure had he not done that, it would have been sleep it off in the drunk tank and deal with your actions the next day. Which it should be! There is consequences to actions! This whole thing looked like it was going fine. (Maybe I am wrong) but the footage I have seen looked fine until the man acted out. Don't think he needed to be shot, also know stealing a cops weapon is a bad idea. It has gotten to the point I feel bad for these cops. They are trying to do a job most of us (If we are honest) couldn't / wouldn't do. Putting themselves in harms way to make sure we are all safer. Even at our local BLM march a week ago I heard people were spitting on cops and left alone! Honestly I would have 0 problem watching a cop pepper spray someone who spat on him. If you spit on a person usually you can expect something back but police are supposed to let it go. No there is 0 reason for police brutality but if you can't see why they become frustrated your short sited. 

2020 fuck you. Wow. I started just mad about Covid and saw how much other shit is going on in the world and Thanos was right. We need like a massive clean up. I just don't know if you can snap your fingers and say stupid begone.... I wish we could. I dunno why it is all bugging me so much. I mean I talked about our trip. My income has taken a deep hit BUT I still have a good income. I really miss hockey. I wasn't even that good and we rarely won. I would get grouchy and think fuck it I am not playing anymore. Now I would trade a lot to be back out playing. I liked going to movies, chilling out during happy hours. Hell I liked walking the mall on a Sunday like an old person. I can't do any of that and I miss it but I cross my fingers soon enough it will all come back. Like in general my life really isn't that bad. But it does all seem overwhelming, watching society fall apart. Missing my friends! I mean yes as of Friday more things were lifted! Things are starting to look better again but I hate the phrase the new norm. No there isn't a new norm. Or shouldn't be, we will get past sickness. Look at mass gatherings and it appears we already have...Then my mind goes stupid, like what if now we have a massive second wave and we are locked down even worse! I wonder did things get so bad because of the lockdown? All this is it a reaction to being locked in? I am rambling, I know it. Usually I write better than I talk but I just want the normal world again. Can te second half of 2020 just be normal!


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