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Environment, Protests and more

Fort Mac, is not in my sales territory. Let me start with that, the fact is I actually would gain very little from Teck going. Well no more than the rest of our entire province and country. However I feel the need to write this open letter to all the fuckheads who protested. To the government with its thumb up its ass and waiting to approve it. GIVE YOUR FUCKING HEADS A SHAKE! So much to say, so little time.....

First have you lived in an oil town? Whether you want to believe it or not trickle down economics works. (Not as good as they would like but it does) These guys making big bucks buy homes, cars, toys. This employs realtors, sales people, mechanics and so on. These people all spend money, so you need gas bars, groceries stores, shopping centres. You need bars and restaurants and these all need employees as well! I know this has nothing to do with the environmental issues with Teck but it is a happy truth. It would bring grow with it. I had read over 7000 employees to develop it and a couple thousand to run it after, now all gone. Just a thought for all you protesters, living in your parents basements. Who have never had a mortgage or family of your own. You just fucked thousands of your fellow Canadians. Keep that in mind, with everything you do.

Next the "issue" at the heart of it all, environment. Canada first is one of the safest and cleanest energy producers in the entire world. BUT we are not the only one. In fact if we don't produce someone else will and guess what, they won't be as safe and as clean. I mean you put on a good show BUT like Greta Thunberg if you ACTUALLY cared then go protest there. I gotta derail for a moment here on her as well. Just shut up. For awhile I was all, she is puppet and we should just ignore her. No, its gone to far. Person of the year? Really? UNTIL the day she protests where there are real issues to me she is a clown. She was groomed as perfect, young, blonde, white girl to spread the message and anyone who said otherwise was just a dick. Who hated children or women or the environment. NONE of that is true. You can have common sense and see she is a sham and still support women, children, environment. So just pipe down kid, when you have lived in the real world like the rest of us and had to go out, make money and be a useful part of society I MIGHT, maybe give you another listen, until then go play with some Barbies or something. Fuck. Anyways got off course there.... But still with the environment, we have an excellent record here. We have human rights here and the biggest thing WE ARE A DROP IN THE BUCKET. If your really worried about emission look into it. Even if the big polluters in the world cut down drastically, Canada would still have an itty bitty tiny carbon footprint. My point is we are very clean and careful but I guess protesters don't see / know that and would rather us import things we already have..... From nations much worse than us.

These groups are maddening. Extinction Rebellion... Beaver Hills Warriors and I am going to throw the Wetsuweten protests in here to. Extinction rebellion here in Edmonton is a joke. I wonder, do they heat their homes? Do they have a car? (Maybe they do bike I dunno) Do they have cells to take pics and post on instagram their cool protests? Wonder where all that comes from. Let's say I am not all bad. I get it, really I do, more than this grumpy old blog sounds like. I was going to change the world at 16-25. The "man" was bad. The world was corrupt. Old people (Okay Boomer. Gawd I still hate that phrase) did not make a lot of sense to me. I grew up though. Here is the truth, they don't have bad points. Until Elon Musk figures out how to colonize Mars we gotta live here. Mentalities need to change. I was about to go off on a long winded angry rant BUT I pumped the brakes. Anyone with common sense knows how dumb these protests have been and bashing them is really just repeating Rebel Media garbage. So let's go this angle, the point isn't bad just the delivery is wrong. So switch a few things up 1) Have a valid reason. Only work on things you fully believe and can explain. IF I am laid off because of something you are doing have a reason that you believe and can defend. Don't just be there for social media likes... 2) Weed out fakes. Paid protesters and people not serious bring you down. You lose all credibility with them there. 3) Do no harm. When you leave a place, it should look better than when you got there. That's what my grandpa said about campsites, make it you rule for protests. AND do not harm Joe & Sally lunchpail. Your protest is blocking traffic making average people late, you won't gain support. You'll push them away or make them angry. You get them laid off and take the all mighty dollar from them..... You'll make an enemy. Wanna know how often I have heard GET A JOB! About protesters? You have made enemies with your dumb actions. 4) Make it valid. Not the cause this time but the actions. You want to create change, then create valid positive change. Keeping oil in the ground isn't one. Small real things are. Recycle programs, more efficient anything, programmable thermostats. There are a million little but legit ways concentrate on them. Ya you'll get some grumbling at first BUT legit things grow. 30 years ago I remember people (In my hometown at least) took in bottles cause they got money for it. But they looked at you crazy if you had various bins for various recycling. Now, no not everyone is a recycle nazi BUT WAY more people do it. I can't even imagine how much less hits the landfills. Push for better tech, that is the future. MY point is do things people can get (Even if its slowly) behind. Things that will make a difference. Don't attack peoples livelyhood!! Maybe just maybe starting with these 4 thoughts you might actually gain some ground, rather than look like jobless nut cases.

I was going to finish with the carbon tax BUT I got one more idea after that, sorry. The tax is a sham. Or the carbon part of it. If you want a new tax, up the gst back to 7%. Or in Alberta put out a provincial tax. Put out a real tax, not a cash grab with a SJW cover. Here the carbon tax is a joke. I have to heat my home, no two ways about it. My job requires hours on the road driving, I need to put gas in the tank. I am not only one in northern Alberta with these 2 issues. On top of that companies don't eat taxes they pass it on. Everything goes up! I see freight bills everyday and guess what, that tax is on them. Well I ain't paying for it. I pass it to the customer and the customer isn't paying for it they are passing it on to their customer the consumer. So your house cost more to build. OR whatever it is that is being built. The funny thing is the cost is being passed down to the government on these big projects. So they are raising their own cost, but I guess the extra money they are taking out of your pocket is covering it.

Okay so another issue came up to add as well.... But let me get to the first one. People lighting fires on tracks! These people are flat out terrorists. There is no nice word to cover it up. Which honest truth is domestic terrorism. Whether it is correct or not, I read the police didn't move as they were afraid of guns as well. That the protesters possessed them. DOES THIS NOT SOUND EXACTLY LIKE TERRORISTS? And would it not be the polices job to get in there and act on that?? The real kicker was the liberal media part stating white, right leaning males would likely make it worse with vigilante justice. REALLY?! That's the take away? You wonder why people are embracing clown shoes media like Rebel? People don't want to be told they are likely going to cause issues when there is real terrorism happening! I think rebel might be one of the biggest shams of all time but at least they are not telling average hard working people they are the issue the police need to watch. This goes back to my whole notes for protesters, don't alienate yourself from the masses like these clowns. You'll drive away the support you want and bring in the worse kind.

Last is a sticker that I guess people saw for the first time yesterday from X-site energy. It depicts "Greta" getting laid doggy style while someone is pulling her pig tails. Want my take away from it? You likely don't cause your not gonna like it but WHO CARES! The honest fact is I have seen way worse memes about her on Facebook. A place that is supposed to have community standards. Also people are crying it is a depiction of her getting raped. How? Because pigtails are being held? Have you ever watched porn? Sure the sticker was tasteless. Probably not something I would produce for a jobsite but is it as bad as everyone is making it out to be? No. Hell people tried to go to the RCMP and even they said, no while being very trashy it is legal. So please put down your super sensitive feels and deal with the fact there are douche bags in the world who are going to offend you.....


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