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September Potpourri

I am getting old, or at least my brothers are. I left home in 2000, and my brothers would have been 4 and 5. That is how I remember them, in my mind they have seemed stuck there. Yes I watched them grow up and they became teenage boys. They did all the stuff associated with that, dick, fart and gay jokes..... One went to school, the other went to work. And at some point along the way they became men. Or at least young adult males. On a long drive to Saskatchewan with my littlest brother (lil beast if you read older blogs) we sat and chatted about a million things. History, politics, food, health, religion. I have always considered myself smart, fairly knowledgeable but when my brother started speaking I was amazed. He brought up shit I had never heard of. He wasn’t arrogant or combative just made good cases for his ideas. (Something you don’t see on twitter…) I knew he wasn’t that little boy I remembered, the teenage boy addicted to video games and there was more than just a kid who loved to work out, but a man. Then the other one that I don’t get to see as often, I sat down with him for dinner. He started working in the family business a few years ago. At first I think he kind of fell into the very typical owners kids stereotype. Then he left and worked with other companies and came back. Again I realized he wasn’t the little boy, he wasn’t the hockey player or gamer or even party guy. He knew his shit. How to do the job, the right way. He had mechanical skills I wouldn’t dream and randomly popped out business ideas that even had my mom impressed. Something  she said other guys in the company should have already thought about. So no, they were no longer little boys but young men. When the hell did that happen? I mean when we are together, its back to siblings. Tasteless jokes, competing at things but I realized it wouldn't simply be me the adult anymore, but all three of us are now.

My current heroes are as follows.... FYI I really don't know why this idea popped into my brain BUT Stan Lee for starters. While the MCU is not just his creation he is a MAJOR part of it. And his life ended but he got to see what he created become pretty much the biggest entertainment franchise in history. So take that Shakespeare! Walt Disney, not because his works were overly original. Yes he did have some, but he re-imagined things. Retold tales, let's be honest without his work people would know way less classic fairy tales. ON top of that, he started the house of Mouse. The part of me that likes business, has to sit back and be blown away by that. On the topic of writing Stephen King and J.K Rowling! To create something a 1/10 of what they each did would be amazing. Although I sometime think, wow Mr. King must be el fucko in the head! Johnny Depp, not just cause he is my man crush but because his too is an insane body of work. He mastered the quirky character but has been in all the genres. NO his last few years haven't been great. Personal or film wise but he is the actor of his generation and maybe the generation before and after. I hate to say it but that whiny bitch Leo DiCaprio would be second. He may be a dumbass but he doesn't make bad movies. RDJ well he gets a nod but maybe not the win, the MCU I doubt would be what it is without him but I doubt he would be the golden boy again without the MCU. The sports world is going nuts with the Raptors winning or Bianca Andreescu for me it will always be Ovi. He started young and cocky but funny as hell. He went through a pretty lame period and came out a Stanley Cup winner and true Captain. He is always exciting to watch on the ice. I am smart enough to believe sadly no he won't break Gretzky goal record but if anyone stood a chance it was him. Eminem and Dr. Dre. Both came from fuck all. One with a group pretty much birthed rap music. The other is the biggest star ever. I love rap with metaphors, word play. Everything he is good at, not today's mumble rap shit. And Tupac, he is the GOAT. Before his death row thug shit no one could touch him and he is an icon. Too bad that movie about him was soooo bad........Honorable mentions for heroes / icons. Kevin Smith, Todd McFarlane, Garth Ennis, Robert Kirkman. Great creators, story tellers. George Lucas, Steven Spielberg. Those two are pretty self-explanatory. Kurt Sutter, look at the TV he has made. I just don’t know, how many other people helped him with it. Years ago Kurt Cobain would have been on here. Still love his music, as for the man not as sure as I once was. Stevie Y could be up in the main list. Besides being my Fav Wing, he built a great team in Tampa. Let’s hope he can do the same in Detroit.
There is something peaceful to me about the country. Right now I am sitting on my parents deck, a few miles out of Grande Prairie looking at the yard that looks like a golf course. Surrounded by trees and a massive garden, a couple ponds and no sounds of the city. I could get used to living like that. It isn't just some hokey line, but the air is fresher. I feel peaceful. If I could sit and blog or work on a book here I might actually get it done. But would it last??? I am a strange duck. I could do this, or small town. I love Grande Cache. However I also feel the need for the city. Part of me would love L.A. Let's be clear, nice L.A. A skyscraper with a view. Maybe sipping scotch like a super villain (Or republican.) Knowing just below me was nightlife and anything I could ever want to do and see. SO I am stuck, do I want to be a city boy…. Do I want to live the quiet life in the country…. What I will do is go check my Lotto Max. Maybe I can do both.

I haven’t had any politics up in a while. Or I don’t think I have so I will put a sprinkling in here. Ed the Sock has fallen. He is literally a liberal Justin shill… That’s the best I can say for him. I get it though, I mean when I was 18ish maybe younger maybe a bit older I would have taken him as a good source of info. So maybe he is actually a great voice for the liberals on young impressionable voters. (Keep in mind he is a sock puppet) I think JT needs that, as it is easy to see many people are losing faith in his party. I never liked him, but how many ethics violations does it take for people to open their eyes, he isn’t some SJW savior just another crooked politician. Even if that is what they want to paint him as. Is Andy Scheer any better? I dunno. He doesn’t creep me out as much as Jason Kenney does / did but I think like the USA it is sad these are two of the best we can find. I am not about to bring the NDP into it, let’s be honest I don’t see them as a threat. The Greens same deal and Maxime and the PPC or whatever they are, are just scary. I can see the upcoming election is simply going to become mud slinging and I am not sure in the end if Canada actually wins or we just get to watch what High School is like as played out be high paid elected officials. Ole GM Butts didn’t stay gone long eh? But how could the liberal party exist without it’s brains.

I am in the minors again lol. Well not really but it feels like it. I kind of assumed mens league (Beer league) ball hockey was the higher end and the co-ed league was the lower end. Competition wise. Without being a jerk I think I am right. Even though I literally realize how douche-y that sounds. My mens team is gone so I am back in co-ed. No slap shots, not real rules, spirit points. But the fact is it is still fairly fun and really my old ass just needs the work out! I only scored 2 points in roughly 15 games in mens league, I want a lot more than that if I am gonna talk smack about co-ed... I'll keep ya updated.

In provincial politics I need to get off twitter and actually read. Weekly I see the UCP has committed some outrage BUT I never see the mainstream media covering it. SO are these things happening or is it social media crying wolf. So far I haven’t seen Alberta turn into Nazi Germany, like I was told it would if Kenney won. The left / liberals are way better at social media. Don’t ask me why, maybe they have a younger base? Maybe it is because right wing comes off a dickbags like Rebel media but I give the libs they do social media right. I still would have preferred a UCP minority, maybe they would have had to work with NDP for all of Alberta rather than simply being going around undoing everything that was done in the past 4 years. Either way my life has yet to get worse….

I hate adulting. There I said it. The truth is for the first time in my life I am feeling good about where I am. I actually seem to be making a few bucks. I am married, have a new truck, nice clothes, nice home and a decent job. I mean I still get up on weekends and game but I think I am doing this adulting thing... BUT somethings are not what I like. I have a sense of dread. An unknown fear. Like I don't have full blown panic attacks yet, but something like them. I haven't had that since I was the exact opposite of now. When I had no money, was borrowing it. Made minimum wage and lived in a dumpy rental. With no car and no future I could see. I would freak out then, so why when I have got most of what I wanted am I feeling the same way?? If this is adulting I don't want it

SO television has been slow, cause it was summer. BUT now Mayans is back! Loved the opening episode. Well done, laying story lines all over the place. Will it be Sons, I don’t know, don’t think so. It has a different feel than Sons. Jax and family drew you in right away. Mayans seems less family and more crime but we will see. Either way this season looks good. Fear the Walking Dead has kinda been a big stinker for weeks. It started so strong, then it went way down. Finally it has a big twist. Sadly at the cost of Matt Frewer. I love that guy. He should be a staple in any TV series. With only a couple episodes left I imagine this is something that carries over into next season. OR I would hope so. Not like the biker gang that got a few episodes then just disappeared. I am also digging Suits. Well I was, still like it however it gets very repetitive. A last second fix that saves the day with some loop hole OR some random curve ball not mentioned until the last second. Over and over… I mean lots of shows are repetitive but suits might take the cake. Mike and Harvey of course are awesome BUT the show really needs Louis and Donna. They bring it together very nicely. 

Door knockers just popped by. A man and his little daughter. I didn't actually find out what church they were from. Just said no politely a few times an shook his hand. Do they ever convert people like that?? I don't want to chat but I feel compelled not to be rude and say beat it when you are standing with your child. Ironic that my last blog was about spirituality and now I seem to be ignoring it. Maybe though I need to talk to someone studying it or something not just someone pressing their views.

I thought this entry was done, until I spent the day driving. I sat and listened to some podcasts for a bit. I just gotta say fuck me, there is a lot out there and a bunch of it is garbage. I settled on danger cats, for the most part they are fairly entertaining. I ahve to agree with most of what they say, I mean somethings they take a bit far but I can't say I haven't heard what they are saying on a million lips in Alberta. I have to say the take on Eminem was out to lunch. Good as the cats are they have nothing on his creative talent. But even they just seem like guys rambling.... Like I wish I could just find a few of my friends from 15 years ago, toss a couple 40 pounders of whiskey on the table and get the podcast started. In fact I think I might, well at least see how hard making a podcast would be. Maybe I am totally wrong..... Oh and if you know any good ones MESSAGE ME please! Oh hey also if you need a guest, let me know! I got tons to say!!

So there is some September potpourri. This was written on three or four different days at different locations. That's kinda all I know right now. I really need to stop blogging and do some real writing, which I have struggled with for the last few months. But for really real now I am taking a blog break and doing real writing..... 


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