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MCU 2!

Time for the second half of the MCU review............

The hidden gem, or Age of Ultron. Hear me out here. My first watch through I thought what a load of crap this one is. THEN a couple years later as the MCU expanded I had a new found respect for it. Ultron isn’t really the big thing, it is all the other things going on. Lets start with the lame. Like how or why does Hydra have the staff / infinity stone? And when did everyone, the Avengers I mean just hook up and start looking for that? The whole thing just doesn’t seem to get any traction. I mean I can’t put my finger on it BUT it just seems boring. HOWEVER this is the good… First we get a peek that Wakanda is coming. Then we Get Vision, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Did you know she is the Olsen twins little sister?? Crazy Eh? And sadly Quicksilver dies, super lame. But we also get another infinity stone, building the MCU even more. On top of all that the fallout from Tonys murderbot will carry the next how many movies with the Sokovia accords? It will break the avengers! So really not the best movie, has huge impacts! Also we lose the Hulk. I can see hardcore fans annoyed that Ultron is not created by Hank Pym but whatever, that is a small issue I can overlook. Plus Thor is starting to understand something is up with the infinity stones. For people who are not real Marvel fans from this even they can see something is actually coming. So what is maybe not the greatest movie is one of the more important ones…

Budget - $ 250,000,000     Gross - $ 1,405,413,868                  My Rank - 7

Antman is pure Marvel filler. In no way does it really move the MCU forward BUT it is fun filler! Also I am stating again Howard Stark appears in the film and ties it to the rest. Howie is a big part of the MCU! Paul Rudd was perfectly cast though, no doubt about it. Also I am heavily in favor of Michael Pena (Luis) giving  a recap of all the events in the MCU leading up to End Game. I mean come on, if you are going to kill off someone in End Game and hit us in the feels start it off with a laugh. If you know what I mean you can here Luis' voice right now describing the MCU at some point. Yellowjacket is a decent villain, I mean he is dislikable but I don’t think he could have done more than 1 movie. Also I think I spoke too soon, Ant Man does move some of the MCU forward. The “tryout” with Falcon does tie into Civil War and that looks like he will tie into End Game. Also full disclosure Evangeline Lily makes the “list”. You know that freebie list…. I always forget her when people ask me the list but…..

Budget - $130,000,000             Gross - $ 519,445,163         My Rank - 14

I was scrolling through a social media timeline and saw a headline. Civil War was overrated. I seriously wanted to reply with YOUR DUMB! There is nothing else you can say. It might not be the best MCU movie but I have no doubt it is in the top 3. Just set the MCU aside and look at the themes in it. Power and the use of it. Like when you really think about it what would you do in Zemos shoes. Yes the Avengers saved the world, that’s great BUT the family still died. So did that boy over there working. So do the people that the bomb kills because of the witch. Again my running theme that Howard Stark is crazy important in the MCU plays out. This introduces Black Panther and Wakanda which is big for the MCU moving forward. Plus it might not seem like it but it is big for the infinity war as well. Had the Avengers not broken up could the children of Thanos actually have taken the stone from Strange? Hell if they were all together would Thanos have won at all?? To me this movie is the launch pad for the next part of the MCU. Plus you get the biggest scrap in MCU history…. Where you team Cap or team Ironman? Better yet where do you think Hulk or Thor would land? Personally I think Thor for sure would have helped Cap. Bruce I see as a toss up, but I would also bet him helping Cap. This movie actually hits it all, it has real world morals, it moves the MCU forward introducing new characters and story arcs. It has a hand in the Infinity war. Honestly it could have been Avengers Civil War not Cpt America. But I guess since Bucky is a big deal in it and it is the relationships between Cpt & Iron Man and Cpt & Bucky that’s why it is his 3rd film and not the 3rd Avengers. OH and you thought I was gonna miss it. Likely the single most popular character in Marvel FINALLY shows ups! (Arguably) Spiderman! Tom Holland is awesome BUT I am not about to get into him too much. His cameo is great and then homecoming is on the way…. Have a feeling he will be a HUGE part of the MCU as some of the other characters slowly fade from the spotlight….

Budget - $ 250,000,000      Gross - $ 1,153,304,495 (Finally! The #'s Cap deserves!)   My Rank - 2

I have to start out with I am / was not a Doc Strange fan. Just not my cup of tea. I mean maybe I should give it a try, I do like magic and stuff in novels but in comics it never caught my eye. This movie however the visuals catch the eye. The first time I watched it I honestly thought it was only made to have wicked awesome filmography. The special effects are great! So that’s good for the movie. Paid way more attention to the plot the second time. So the biggest thing in this movie is the infinity stone. It kinda seals the whole infinity war. It is now good to go. BUT lets stick to the actual movie. First I love Benedict Cumberbatch and Mads Mikkelsen. Always great casting choices. So the visuals and actors are great, an infinity stone shows up. Overall not my fav though. Not a crazy good story but I guess it is really just to introduce Dr. Strange. Also Dormammu really didn’t do it for me as a villain. In fact he reminded me of that AWFUL Galacutus in the original fantastic 4. I mean maybe it is great for Dr. Strange fans but as a causal observer I wasn’t impressed. However with the visual, the actors and humor it was a fun ride!

Budget - $ 165,000,000           Gross- $ 677,718,395           My Rank - $ 19

Guardians 2 is a more mature hero movie, or I think so at least. They gave up on looking for extra laughs and made a super hero movie BUT they still sneak in some good laughs there. Drax annoys me, it seems they are making him too stupid. Like he is dumb in 1 but getting dumber in 2 and even worse by Infinity War. This movie it actually aims for the feels, the whole Quill, Yondu and Ego father storyline. I’m Mary Poppins is a great line! Plus you have the sister story with Nebula and Gomora, again aiming for those feels… Ego is kind of a boring villain but Yondu killing the mutiny ravagers is a decent scene. Also not sure why they even have the Rocket as an asshole story line. It doesn’t really further anything. Rocket is an ass, as much as Cpt America is the good guy. SO how is that really even a story? The movie doesn’t have a big impact on the overall MCU but it does introduce Mantis who ALMOST helps beat Thanos. Except for stupid Starlord! Also the end scene teasing Warlock is a big deal. It teases possibly the next phase for the MCU with a much larger and more important space story lines. I do think a few people were let down though, hoping Warlock would be around for the Infinity War but oh well. And I have to say the soundtrack is great. As long as Marvel makes movies can Guardians always have great music?

Budget - $ 200,000,000          Gross - $ 863,756,051         My Rank - 13

His debut it civil war was long overdue!! Honestly is there a bigger standalone character? This is the third version of him! So he finally showed up and was awesome in Civil War. Tom Holland is IMO the best spiderman. So far I mean, who knows will we see yet another? But whatever we finally have a Peter Freakin Parker! He nails it, exactly what I wanted in Pete. Aunt May, questionable. I mean we all are used to a lil old lady. Although I don’t think she is as young as she looks and I guess if he is in his teen years she should only be 30s maybe 40s. But lets put that aside. No uncle Ben and no back story is a very strange way to approach this. I wonder if MCU will explain it? Yes everyone knows the story BUT like any Batman you wanna see the start. The reason he is who he is. I mean both Ben dying and him getting his powers. Kind of a twist that Stark industries is doing so much for spidey…. Karen / Suit Lady is awesome addition to the spidey verse. Micheal Keaton does a great job as vulture and I love how they tie the Battle of New York in and keep the MCU all as one big universe. MJ is different, maybe its cause some gingers are cute but I gotta ask why isn’t she a redhead. The flipside is I do like all these changes, it is a fresh take on a story that has been told 3 times. They could bring Gwen Stacey in, she is a pretty important in the spider verse. To summerize this is a fun movie that brings a huge character into the MCU. Your not getting into the infinity war story, your not gonna get a bunch of morals. Your gonna get a fun ride and hopefully the opening to a movie series that will be around for awhile.

Budget - $ 175,000,000               Gross - $ 880,166,924                  My Rank - 10

So Black Panther was amazing. It had a huge hype, did insane at the box office and for good reason. It is a super hero movie, that you forget is a super hero movie. Or at least that is what I think. NO gods, no monsters unless you just mean human monsters. It deals with war, discrimination, morality and poverty. To be Frank it is an African version of Captain America. Or at very least the lessons and underlying plots are. Introducing Wakanda is and isn’t a huge deal for the MCU. Up until the battle with Thanos it really doesn’t play much of a role and likely after it wont BUT for that one shining moment it is a big deal. Also I guess Bucky is hidden there so that’s kinda big. Michael B Jordan, huge fan! Not sure how but I hope the rumors he is in the next one are true. Huge plot hole though, why would Killmonger burn all the plants. Wouldn’t he leave at least 1 for his son? Also are they going to regrow them somehow? I am staying away from politics but I am going to say this. It was a good movie because it was a good movie. People made such a hype about the skin colour, not everything in the world is about that.

Budget - $200,000,000           Gross - $ 1,347,071,259                My Rank - 11

Let me start with anything with Walton Goggins I am going to like. (Not just cause its fun to say) He is easily one of the most likable / hatable guys around depending on his role. Kind of hoping he shows up again, hell he could show up in the MCU junior Netflix shows and I would be happy. Then I also need to ask how many geniuses are there in the MCU? Now we meet Dr. Bill Foster? The MCU is full of rich people and geniuses. I do like the Ghost though. She is a good villain and hopefully we will see more of her. Finding mama wasp was kind of neat. I keep hearing people’s theories that, that will have some sort of impact on the End Game. Leads to time travel or something. I dunno…. The giant ant wearing his anklet is pretty funny. Just like Guardians this sequel seems to be a bit more serious and less hero-com. It will be interesting to see how he gets out of the miniverse since Thanos kinda trapped him there. I don't know what to say really. It was the last thing Marvel did before Captain Marvel and End Game. Did they rush it out just to have some filler between major movies? 

Budget - $ 162,00,000              Gross - $ 617,260,330              My Rank - 18

Hela is hot, deal with it. Had all the Thor movies been made like this one, it would have been a more popular movie series. I “enjoyed” 1&2 but they weren’t great movies. The other trilogies like Iron Man and Cpt America seemed to have their stride right away. Thor grew into his. But it was awesome to see it happen. They found the right mix of story and humor. There is laughs, lots but it doesn’t seem like that is all they are going for like in some of the other movies. It is good to see where the Hulk ended up and again the MCU is expanding. I assume the next phase will involve a lot more space with Guardians, Captain Marvel and so on. Dr. Strange is a good cameo, him and Loki could be a great mix. Although Thor's merry band pretty much seems useless and where was Lady Sif? The death of Odin doesn’t really hit me in the feels BUT his line “Oh you’re the god of hammers” to Thor is awesome, then of course BOOM! Most powerful Avenger. The movie doesn’t REALLY tie into the Infinity War, I mean yes Loki does take the stone and YES the after scene is the opening of infinity war but this one doesn't really tie in that much. I have to comment on the music. Even the music in this one is good. The destruction of Asgard in this and the slaughter in Infinity War does worry me about Thor's future in the MCU. I would hope it is a long and bright one as this movie finally seems to have caught traction. And of course we see the hammer destroyed, that was sad. Until Storm Breaker....... 

Budget - $ 180,000,000                     Gross - $ 853,997,126            My Rank - 8
Is there a better superhero movie than Infinity War? That’s not a joke or a rhetorical question. Do you think there is? If you think so your wrong, there I said it! This is a MASSIVE crossover and surprisingly it seems like every character gets some screen time. Of course the big guys get the most but no one is left out…. So I repeat do you think there is a better super hero movie? I don’t. The Dark Knight was amazing and overall it comes in second in my books but the Infinity War is the winner. If the cinematic MCU was to end after End Game, I could be happy with that. Right from the get go it is amazing. Though I would like to have seen Thanos take the stone from Zandar or how they defeated the Asgardians I am still happy with the beginning. Two huge deaths, Loki I really hope is back. I will be so sad if he is gone from the MCU. Also why Hulk turned into a bitch I am hoping is explained in end game. Is Pepper pregnant? She said no, but I am not sure I believe her. The banter between Strange and Tony the entire movie is awesome. As is the relationship between Tony and Peter. Just sticking to space the Guardians is actually interesting in Knowhere and when they meet part of the Avengers on Titan is another great scene. My money in that fight, totally the Avengers. Drax is getting too dumb though… The reality stone and taking Drax and Mantis apart though was awesome. Nidavellir gives some of the best moments of the movie. Thor proves he is the strongest and most bad ass Avenger. Anytime Peter Dinklage shows up is awesome and good ole Groot aims for the feels when he saves Thor. Titan provides us with 2 good fights, first Guardians vs Avengers is short and sweet. I would have liked a few more minutes of this one. Thanos Vs everyone is awesome. He destroys a moon, how often is Iron Man hit with a moon? Doc Strange is actually awesome, this may be MCU’s best fight. Strange saw only one way to win and he gave the stone up to save Tony… That has got to be foreshadowing right? Like he said he wouldn’t. So pumped to see Red Skull. Of course in the theatre I went to the washroom when they first got to Vormir but coming back and seeing him as a stone guardian was awesome. Now that his role is done, will we see him again? Back on earth I screamed out Cpt America! A little too loud when they show up at the train station. He isn’t a god or a monster but he will throw down with anyone, even when he was tiny Steve. And you know someone is getting an asskicking when the Avengers theme comes on then. It was so satisifying to see Ross get told off and to finally see the Avengers back together. Too bad Tony and Pete decided to be in space! But before that lets ask, did Tony break the accords by fighting in NY? I am hoping they do address that after Thanos gets beat. Will the Avengers be free again? I mean after they save half the universe. Wakanda was an awesome battle, just for the scope of it. Thor, Rocket and Groot showing up perfect! Everyone looks screwed then we see Storm Breaker and an angry Thor screaming for Thanos. Even Banner laughs and says they are screwed to the bad guy half dog / half whatevers. Then we get to the end. Thor should have aimed for the head, that part was awesome! Then half the universe died. It was sad, Peter was sad. Why he felt it coming and managed to stay a bit longer is cheesy but it still aimed for the feels and got them!  It feels like an ending over. It isn’t a secret the big 3 Thor, Cap and Iron man all are at the end of their acting contracts. Will they keep them around? They have been the heart of the MCU but they are introducing so many new characters and it isn’t a secret Captain Marvel I supposed to be the new centre. So will End game finish the infinity war and 18 movies up? After it will we be looking at a new major story? Are the secret wars coming? Either way this is a crowning achievement on a helluva decade of movies.

Budget - $ 321,000,000        Gross - $ 2,048,709,719             Number 1!

That’s all folks, the MCU in a nutshell. After Cpt Marvel 21 movies, a decade of work. (PS I will be reviewing that one shortly, but with the warning it has spoilers.) I recently read as of now they have grossed over a total of $18 Billion. They could start their own small country… It IMO is a cinematic masterpiece. Leaps and bounds ahead of its competition. I feel that End Game is going to wrap up a big part of the MCU and it will be a sad good bye. Here is to hoping the next phase is just as good. I think I will have a Netflix MCU review up in the next or two. Also when or if Disney ever actually gets the rights to the rest of Marvel maybe one day we will see some truly awesome crossovers like the X Men and Avengers or the fantastic 4! I guess thank you, to everyone involved in it for making a helluva series! And hey Marvel if you give me $160,000,000 I will make money for you!


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