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Harsh Times

The federal election has started, longest campaign ever or some shit. Another Harper conspiracy. Just putting out there the left has nothing but conspiracies. So I am gonna quickly break down each party or at least the parties that matter! But before that lets have a quick look at the problems with our system over all. It is becoming more and more this is about people and not the parties or platforms. How can we fix that and make the federal government about the country and not the parties.

I get it, I understand why we have parties but now it is becoming detrimental to our country. Do the people in my riding even know who is running? No matter who gets in now they aren't repping me. They ALL are playing hail to the chief. Wanna know who would get my vote no matter what party they were for? The person who says okay this is what MY riding wants. Not what Harper, JT, or captain Commie wants. The system is broken! All I have seen is attack ads on party leaders not on what people are actually offering. So here is my thought in Parliament abolish the party system! I want an MP who is actually out there for me.

You want the party system?? Fine it has merit. move it into the senate. I thought we should abolish the rubber stamp but maybe not. Lets make the senate a party represented body. And not by riding, by popular vote. Vote in a local MP and THEN vote on a party. First off then the senate is actually voted in. Second by popular vote it is a real representation. Parties wont get a majority because of divisions of the left or right parties will actually get the voice they deserve in Canada. Yes that does back fire a bit for a person like me. I mean I would NEVER want the Green party to have much of a say but they should at least get the voice they deserve.

So there is my idea just on the system. People will have the chance to vote for what they actually believe NOT the Devil they know or the Lesser of Two evils. Which many people do and are throwing away their votes. I have heard it so many times I didn't vote cause my vote wont count or I voted for them cause they actually have a chance. Lets get rid of voter apathy and maybe make politics matter again! Anyways that's my 2 cents on the system now lets look at parties.

Greens. Liz May. Cray freakin Cray. I refer to you as Lovey in a brit voice. Cause Lovey you have great ideas.  And in a world were there is zero economy and magical unicorns run free you would get my vote. BUT I live in Alberta a real place that needs the oil money. Remember that province that has been spreading money all over this country yes we don't get to live in a world of fantasy and un like much of the east we don't get to judge were the money comes from or the people who pump life into the country. We are busy working 16 hour days so no the Green party and the drunken Wacko Liz May will not get the vote.

The bloc shouldn't even be consider a federal party. Go fuck yourself.

Then you get the big 3. Lets start with the current Con. government. Harper has become Hitler in some circles. I kinda laugh at this, the hipsters making these claim have 0 idea what Nazi Germany was like. The rest of the world is not going to war with Canada AND even if he is not your cup of tea comparing him to one of the greatest monsters of all time is pretty stupid. In Nazi Germany I am pretty sure you didn't have the option to make stupid memes while you sipped your starbucks and listen to Austrian Tuba music. These bills "stripping" human rights in Canada are also way over blown. The sad fact is you don't need to worry about laws if you aren't breaking them! BUT has he been selling out Canada yes. Is he past his prime yes I would say power has done his number on him. They can say he is all about the middle class, I am finding that hard to believe. However he does want a strong economy and as I am trying to start out in life (LATE BLOOMER) I do want a PM who is going to stand up for the Oil and the West just don't tell me it is the middle he is standing up for. It is his pals in big business and for now I need those guys to be making money so I see some money. And his head isn't in the sand on the new way of war. Call me an Islamaphobe whatever. NO Saddam didn't have WMDs he still needed taken out. The violence of the middle east is spillin over. Terror will come here and at least PC isn't burying the head n the sand about it. Right now face coverings are a huge issue. Some of our way of life does need defended and PC will actually say it not cave into everyones demands.

Liberals, they are like Cons of the East. Don't be fooled into thinking they are much different. The don't go to the same extremes. They wont be as open and honest but they are con lite. Like the bastard baby of the Cons and NDP. The will give EVERYONE everything they want. But you really cant do this. As soon as you give on side something you take from someone else. Make us safe from terror BUT don't encroach on our rights. Cant be done. I mean in actuality I don't mind them so much. They seem like a happy medium I just don't see how it will work. And I do feel bad for JT. The attack ads and shit on him are pretty weak. Ya he is a good looking kid with little experience HOWEVER that doesn't mean he cant lead. He very well could be a great leader but until he gets a chance no one will know. The attack ads on him by PC are just weak. And the whole Lib party is pretty dumb using him as a poster boy. Yes he has a name that is famous in Canada here is the thing. His dad really wasn't all that great. He was a show man and a common man so people loved him like King Ralph in Alberta. He had to run the country during a crazy time so he became famous. Even if he was a great leader genetics isn't proof of leadership ability but the Libs are hedging bets on a name. And a name that is STILL hated by many in the west. Which will A hurt the chance and B divide the country.

Last little bit is the NDP. Why anyone would vote for them is beyond me. They are dreamers, not that they have bad dreams but they don't live in reality. Your time to shine is done. In the past with labour laws unions and such you did work for the common good. Now they are more about trying to tax people who have worked for what they have to pay for others who don't want to work. You cant enrich some at the cost of others. Plus TM is a greasy bugger. Ya ever look at someone and just know it. Alberta had a reactionary vote this very and let the MOST anti Alberta party become our government. Now the province is in full regret mood and I hope Canada is a bit smarter than to do that. For people with head in the clouds figuring that someone will pay for them to live and everyone should be the same I get it you will vote NDP. Here in the West were people are away from their families (Yes by choice) to make good money to provide for them this doesn't fly. Sorry starbucks your employees are not worth the same wage as a person working 14 hour day away from home. And raising taxes and minimum wage on those peoples backs isn't right. Yes they chose that life because they know it can provide so they don't whine but why should a part timer have the same life if they don't want to work for it.

So that's it. That's all. That's how I would fix the whole system and my take on the parties running. No mater what this will be a huge election and will shape Canada for a long time....


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